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Posts posted by PastorGary

  1. I was going to mention that while our MyGMRS database and software  does it's job - the server and database updating at the 'commission' doesn't seem to be as 'speedy'. Our software makes the inquiry, but if the data isn't posted in an expedient manner at the source, we have to wait until the next cycle... or the next cycle after that.

  2. I am in Northern Maine, where the logging trucks all use the MURS frequencies. Each road maintained by the Maine North Woods has signage which directs you which MURS channel to use. "4 wheelers" or road users such as myself are required to announce their location as a matter of safety. I was seeking a good quality MURS handheld for this purpose; I've ordered the Ritron PT 150M which operates exclusively on the MURS channels. It looks like a good solid unit and I like that it is American made. I am waiting for it to arrive, does anyone have experience with this model?


    I'm sure that the Riton users will get to your question soon.


    In the mean time, Joseph, welcome to the forum.

  3. Looking for an INEXPENSIVE or DONATED Kenwood TKR820  -  20 watt desktop repeater and internal duplexer ALREADY set up for any GMRS frequency pair.  This will be used while on field responses for our GMRS licensed volunteers in Gulf Coast state storm devastation areas to extend the range of 4 watt portables on-scene.


    Thank you ahead of time...





  4. You may have a corrupted cookie in your registry.  I have logged on here each day from three different computers (Win 8, Win 7 and Win XP) and have seen no issues.


    What operating system are you using and what browser/version? 

  5. From personal experience in my primary area, once a piece of Motorola equipment no longer has factory support, the local dealers will not even do programming.  Sounds like Motorola is taking a lesson from Microsoft with planned obsolescence to sell new products where profits are substantial, while thumbing their nose at customers who won't play their games.  :angry:    The local Kenwood dealer's business expands every year because they add old Motorola customers to their client list.


  6. Thanks, John... Info is much appreciated.


    Next Question.....


    Does anyone here know of any active regional multi-repeater TRUNKING on GMRS?   I did some brief internet research and only found info on a couple Part 93   440 MHz systems and of course, in Part 90, this is common.  Again, under Part 95, it seems as if this is disallowed as well...



  7. Hypothetical situation:  A company that provides maintenance services to two large shopping malls approximately 25 miles apart has a radio system that uses 4 watt portables and two suitcase repeaters - one in each mall so the portables can all be heard in the separate malls without simplex drop out. The portables and suitcase repeaters also have REVERSE programmed as a "channel 2"  so the two mall location supervisors can speak to each other directly by having the suitcase repeaters in reverse activate a conventional repeater centrally located between the two malls. 


    Since this may not be allowed on GMRS under Section 95.29b,  I was wondering if anyone has used this setup personally in a non-GMRS venue and if so, was it effective to expand the two local systems into one communications network?



    Any thoughts ? - Thank You.

  8. John... Just a word about trying to use solar to any great extent and relying upon it in areas north of 40 degrees latitude...


    A few years ago, I was asked to participate in a local power company seminar regarding the future of solar energy.  The meeting was scheduled for a full 8 hours but was terminated after only 90 minutes because several engineers and heating/air conditioning company owners spoke up unanimously discounting solar due to the shallow sun angle most of the year north of 40 degrees latitude, the short sunlight time periods available to hit the panels roughly 8 months of the year and snow cover obstructing the panels.  While technology of solar panels may be a bit more efficient these days, the physics of sun availability in the northern climates is still a primary factor in unreliable system operation.  Do your own study on the average number of cloudy days in your area as well as the number of hours of good sun angle that would actually hit the panels properly and yearly snow fall, and you may see that solar is not what it is pronounced to be in the north by 'green' lobyists.


    Jumping in to this technology in northern areas may be disappointing, so please do your homework before you get financially involved.


    As an example... several communities in my area have TRIED to use solar to power flashing LED traffic advisory signs through the night time hours. All of them have been replaced by hard wired signs because there is insufficient solar generation up this way to keep the batteries charged for operation through the night.  I can travel around my area for several hours and try to find solar panels without success, and even when a framework is spotted, the panels are covered with snow and are not operational.


    These systems may work in more southern climates, but from the personal experiencese I have seen myself and heard about from others, it is a waste of money in the north. Best of luck to you in your research.

  9. Hi, Andrew and welcome to the Forum.


    That has been discussed here in the past and there doesn't seem to be a defined answer as yet. The rules seem to be very vague and this situation does not seem to have been specifically addressed in any great detail by the Commission.


    You may wish to go over data in the following thread:




    Also, you can refer to Part 95.29 - There are no mandatory stipulations there regarding the use of ONLY split frequency repeaters. Again, the rules for GMRS in general are all but clear as compared to Part 90 wording.


    Other members - please weigh in regarding the question.

  10. Bill, that happens a lot in cold northern states weather. There are a number of causes, but one common cause is a higher than normal system SWR which introduces some harmonic radiation back into the duplexer as the noise that you are hearing.  This MAY or MAY NOT be what your issue is, but since you are in New York State, the weather lately has been affecting many systems with ice.  Others may have opinions here as well, but see what happens after things 'thaw out' a little.

  11. Hello, Charles and welcome to our radio amily here at MyGMRS...


    An Amateur radio service license is issued under Part 97 of the rules. Those rules apply ONLY to Amateur operations on strictly Amateur designated frequencies.


    GMRS licenses are issued under Part 95 of the rules. Those rules apply ONLY to the services covered by Part 95, which includes GMRS and allows operation ONLY on GMRS frequencies specified in the GMRS section rules.  Call signs from each service are used strictly in it's respective service.


    If you are operating on Amature frequencies, use your 'Ham' licence call sign.  If you are using GMRS frequencies with Part 95 type accepted radio equipment, use ONLY your GMRS call sign.  (Ham equipment for 440 Mhz band can NOT be used on GMRS frequencies UNLESS the equipment carries a Part 95 type acceptance.)


    Again, welcome to the Forum and thanks for posting.

  12. The owner of the Forum and main data website may not be checking in here as often as he would like to - so if you have suggestions, please go to the main site - log in - and send Rich D. your info through his contact button. That's probably the best and fastest way to get things like this on the table with the administrator.


    Thank you.

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