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Posts posted by FrostyFruits

  1. 56 minutes ago, Nubbyless said:

    That's good to know it would be worth the membership to me to have the time and weather features on the local side of my repeaterif this adds it

    you shouldn't have to pay for anything, autosky, skywarn plus, supermon, and supermon 2 are all free programs, you have have your node repeat the time and weather with *81. 

  2. 10 hours ago, gortex2 said:

    Spend the money on a good NMO mount. The Larsen HF mount is ideal for a fender bracket. Just slide a piece of heat shrink over the cable to the mount. I have run them on multiple vehicles and they will outlast any basic cheap mount. 



    I have 3 of the Larsen NMO mounts in my roof. 1 of these with the rg58au and 2 with lmr200. They are great mounts and will recommend them over others. There's a little cap on the bottom that covers the center lead solder point. You can put a dab a silicone on that but I don't think it's needed.

  3. 8 hours ago, Newb said:

    wayoverthere, Just now got a dummy load coming for UHF.  Will pickup a 1/4 wave to try.

    FrostyFruits, The feed line is running through the rear cab window which is down far enough to get the PL259 trough. This is a new radio and a new truck. The radio came with a lighter plug so for now that's how it's running. If this radio works for me I will put Anderson Power Poles on it and attach it to the master feed in the cab.  The ground system in GM trucks after 1999 is not good to attach directly to the battery, too much alternator interference because the alternator feed goes to the battery.  Doors closed engine running.  This isn't my first rodeo with antennas, just my first one with UHF.

    Just checking, gotta get all the details when trying to help. It's amazing what a small issue will cause. Do you have anyone close with a radio you can throw the antenna on or use their antenna?

  4. 3 hours ago, Screech said:

    @moonpup are any of those repeaters you plan to use on the same channel with different squelch controls on the repeater input? If so, I would not advise getting the Midlands as you'll have to change those setting when going between those repeaters instead of just changing the channel. Also, if I read another members interactions with Midland concerning the MXT275 wide band update correctly, you can order direct from Midland and request the update be flashed before they ship it so that you don't need to send it back in. You being a Ham operator, if you plan to mount the radio in a visible area I would suggest finding one that you can program with software, assuming you've done this as a HAM with other radios, and setting the repeater names to show when on those. 

    I'm not sure the other radio (Wouxun KG-1000G) I'm familiar with is a good recommendation either, it's got a lot of features and power, but if you already have a Ham radio a lot of those features are likely redundant to a degree, maybe redundant RX is a good thing though, I like that I can monitor HAM/Comm/Gov with my KG-1000G on one side and the other be active with GMRS on the other. The price is right up there with the MXT575 radios, likely more once you add the antenna, but the features completely shadow the MIdland MXTxxx radios.

    I feel like there is a better radio between the MXT275 and the KG-1000G for you, I'm just not familiar enough with other radios to make suggestions in that area. I'd almost say an HT with a mag mount mobile antenna connected to it while in the car/truck, but then you can put the stock antenna on it and be mobile. And you could be in it for under $100. I have really cheap UV-5G HTs ($60 for a pair) that I program using Chirp, these HTs are based very much on the UV-5R amateur radios.

    The KG-UV980P is the same body and software as the KG-1000g just different tx frequencies. You can expand the frequency with software and it's cheaper than the 1000G. This alone makes it a better choice. I can talk cb fm but listen am/fm, ham, and gmrs. I have 3 different antennas going to a triplexer. 

    You can also check out the TYT TH-9800. 

  5. I'm running the current version of hamvoip on my node at the moment. I posted a small write up about how to do it.



    How do you like the hp thin client? Are you running linux on it? I'm getting tired of the issues with the raspberry pi and looking to switch to something better. I was gonna try the Rock Pi when it came out to see how that is.

  6. 10 hours ago, wrci350 said:

    Hmmm.  Either of those entries *should* work.  I'm not sure if I've ever used the / for hour, but I definitely have for minute, and I definitely have listed hour numbers like that.

    If it were me, the first thing I would look for is another entry that is already doing the same thing every hour.

    When you said that the second one didn't work, what do you mean?  Error saving the crontab file, or just no time/weather?

    There was no time/weather. I have another set up to run rc.updatenodelist as */5 * * * * and that runs every 5 mins. I guess I could just add an entry for every time I want it to play. 

  7. I have a new scheduling issue. With the new hamvoip image, it come with *81 to give time and weather. I'd like it to run at 15 past the hour every 2 hours. From what I see online I have it set correctly but it still runs every hour. Is there a different way to do it?

    15 */2 * * *

    I even tried

    15 6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 * * *

    That didn't work at all.  I tried it under scheduler in rpt.conf and crontrab -e with the same issues.

    Sorry for being annoying

  8. I noticed when people were transmitting I would lose part of the transmission every few seconds, sometimes the whole transmission then I would hear my courtesy tone. I noticed this when I had my phone linked in with DVSwitch while monitoring my radio. I did some playing around in the simpleusb.conf setting and found that if I changed it from log to linear my audio would be fine without issues.

    To change the settings log in with putty, on the main menu hit 12 for simpleusb tune menu



    After your in the simpleusb menu hit 5 then number 2


    When your done making changes hit W then 0. Make sure to restart asterisk when done making changes by selecting option 13 from main menu. 

  9. 51 minutes ago, MacJack said:

    As a fellow KG-935G owners and for future owners.... I use the following to program this radio.  I found the free software from MFG does not cut it like cut and paste and host of other features....  You can purchase form the following:



    Just so you know RT System has done other Wouxun radios of which I had software for another Wouxun Ham radio.  So I asked them if they where going to do a 935 software.... they said yes but have not ordered a radio yet... I said I will send my 935 to use so you can make the software which is like the other sister Wouxun radio...  They accepted the offer and returned the 935.  I ordered the software and all works well.  Get it.  

    Hope this helps you.....  I wishing they will do it in Mac OS as I have an old XP pc to run it.  This is for what it is worth.

    Can you copy/paste between the different radio programming software? Or can you just copy/paste in the one file? I have a few wouxuns and having to retype everything for every radio gets old fast. 

  10. 7 hours ago, WRQE264 said:

    Can I ask what you use the sat for? The ocd in me is twitching because it’s not centered lol….

    It's stock for the radio. I didn't install it. I don't even use it. The newer rams they moved it to center the 3rd brake light. 

  11. Setting up Supermon


    Log into your node with putty and change directory.

    cd /var/www/html/supermon


    Once your in that directory your gonna wanna change the admin password

    htpasswd -cB .htpasswd admin


    Now go to Supermon on your ip address



    Click login on the left and login with admin and your password.

    Next we're gonna wanna change some settings. Click Configuration Editor


    Go to allmon.ini and hit edit file. Change it to the following info with your node# to your node, set passwd= as your password you just set up.


    [All Nodes]




    Don't forget to hit WRITE edits at the bottom when done.

    Next go to global.inc and change all the info to your info. Callsign, Name, Location, Zip


    Now go into common.inc and find the section about Allstar Allmon Database, change to the following info

    // AllStar allmon database
    //$ASTDB_TXT = "/var/log/asterisk/astdb.txt";
    $ASTDB_TXT = "/var/lib/asterisk/rpt_extnodes_gmrs";
    // AllStar rpt_extnodes file --- not present in DNS mode.
    $EXTNODES = "/var/lib/asterisk/rpt_extnodes_gmrs";
    // AllStar Echolink database dump
    $ECHO_DB = "/tmp/echolink.db.gz";
    // Private AllStar nodelist
    $PRIVATENODES = "/var/lib/asterisk/rpt_extnodes_gmrs";

    WRITE edits when done.


    You should now see your node and all your stats.

    If you wanna control your node from an external ip address make sure you port forward port 80 to your node's internal ip. 

    Make sure you keep up with your public ip address if you don't have a static ip. Otherwise you won't be able to connect. 

  12. Before doing anything. DO NOT USE the sd card your node is currently running on. Get yourself a blank sd card incase there's any issues, you can just pop your original sd card back in.


    Files to download:

    pi4.zip nodeupdate.zip template.zip


    DON'T FORGET TO PORT FORWARD to the local ip address and port number used.


    First use winSCP to log into your current node that's running. Open up iax.conf to get your node password.




    Head over to hamvoip.org to download the newest image file.



    Make sure you have Win32 Disk Imager installed. Use it to install the new image to the blank sd card. 



    After it's done installing don't remove the sd card yet. Open it up in file explorer and add the 2 files in pi4.zip to it. 



    You can now safely remove sd card and add to your Raspberry Pi 4. Let it boot up with ethernet cable installed for a few mins. Log into your router and look for the newest ip address/name. Mine was labeled as alarmpi

    Use the ip address and SSH into it with winSCP using the default credentials. There's a few things your gonna wanna change.


    Download nodeupdate.zip and copy/paste the files to the correct folders.







    Next download template.zip and install those files in the correct folder.





    You can now log in with putty and go through the node set up process. Change your hostname to node-XXXXX or whatever you'd like. Add your node number and password when prompted. 

    After your done with the node setup you can use the menu to change your wifi. Let your node reboot.

    Use winSCP to log back into your node and navigate to extensions.conf to add your node number where it says NODE = ${NODE}. It doesn't change during the setup process. 





    Go into rpt.conf and look for extnodefile and change it to the following if it isn't already set.



    While in winSCP hit the putty icon



    When the menu pops up hit 9 to enter command line.

    Change your crontab -e to run rc.updatenodelist


    You should be able to connect to other nodes at this point.

    Don't forget to check out the updated tone list I added in rpt.conf




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