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6040 last won the day on September 21 2015

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  1. How about a classified section? I second the chat room....
  2. The old reliable Bird43 whole lot cheaper than that fancy pants Telwave. Snatch one up on eBay or scour the hamfest for less than a 100bucks.
  3. i have, thank you.
  4. Ok, maybe it was a spin off site or something but it brought me here. Oh well, here was your chance to get my cash and you blew it PG! LOL 73 Ryan
  5. Looking to do my part in helping the best GMRS site continue to thrive. Anybody know where to purchase the subscription? I'm sure its on here somewhere just havent found it... Thanks Ryan-wqvy669
  6. After some unsuccsessfull attempts on an RF link, I have been giving some thought on this as well. There are a few repeaters in my area using Zello. i think its a great idea if you can link local repeaters together to gain more coverage. Myself, I'm not into the phone app stuff, I'm into radio's, if i have to use my smart phone to make a contact, why dont i just call you on the cell.....just my thought
  7. 6040

    RF linking

    The shotgun method is proving to be a challenge. I have 20' of vertical separation, link radio power is 2 watts on a beam, and still getting desense on the repeater when the link radio keys up. I'm using a CAT 250 controller, I even tried moving the yagi beam 20' away (horizontal seperation) and still not working. Do I need more seperation? I refuse to give up!
  8. 6040

    CDM repeater

    Figured it out. Forgot i had a R.I.C.K manual laying around and low and behold it was set for crossband bi-directional. Reconfigured the dip switches and works just fine now in full duplex... thanks guys for your time to reply and help me out! Ryan....
  9. 6040

    CDM repeater

    Hub is disabled, RICK is the HLN3333B, TX radio is programmed on 462.xxx on the transmit and 467.xxx on the rec, RX radio is exactly the same. that's what I heard others were programming to. I remember my GR300 repeater would let you "Blank" out the TX or RX, but the CDM's you cant...
  10. Looking to see if anyone in the group has a CDR repeater or perhaps just two CDMs in duplex operation? I have the two mobiles with a rick controller and having a problem with the TX radio transmitting. Seams like both radio's are in RX mode. I get COR on the R.I.C.K indicating lite, but nothing coming out of the radio. i then plugged up a speaker mic and keyed up, and then i get power going to a watt meter. I do have the R.I.C.K acknowledge on both radio's accordingly in the cps. maybe its my pinout configuration, maybe the rick is in a different set up(bi-directional) or something. I have ordered a service and programming manual for the CDR repeaters but has not come in yet. Hoping maybe someone out there would care to set me right with my set up? thanks Ryan..73
  11. 6040

    RF linking

    email sent.... thanks,,
  12. 6040

    RF linking

    ok Zap, I got this! why would you not want to go over the 5watts on the link radio?
  13. 6040

    RF linking

    I have, I've been researching and reading the different ways members on here talk about their methods discussed here. All the talk with Linux this, Asterisk that, Pi those, URIx these, I believe may be a little over my head. I'm just starting out I have two repeaters and just trying to figure what will be the best way for "ME" to link them. I'm all for an internet link, I wish I could find someone with a plug and play set-up for GMRS, if there is PM me and lets talk. But for now I think an RF link might be a lot less painless, for me anyways...only one way to find out! thanks...Ryan
  14. 6040

    RF linking

    thanks Zap.. I'm thinking the shot gun link may work for us. going this way, let me see if I have this right: 1 repeater is on its own frequency pair , and the other is set on its own frequency pair DIFFERENT from the other? ex: RPT1 input 467.550, output 462.550.. and the other lets say input 467.575 out 462.575. link radio set to the other repeaters pair? Can the link Yagi be on the same tower within close proximity to the repeater antenna? say 10' vertical separation? of course with the repeater antenna on top..without having any desense or any other interference to the repeater antenna? The repeater that will have the link controller just has a basic Motorola RICK that has a accessory 16 pin port on it, not sure if it best to use that port on the RICK and wire in the link controller to it or remove the RICK and just use the link controller. We are researching a few link controllers now, any recommendations that you may, or others may have used with good results? Sorry for all the questions, and appreciate any help
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