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    Jim H

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  1. It seems to be sporadic for me. Sometimes it plays and sometimes it doesn't. Haven't figured out why.
  2. How does one go about correcting an error in the licensee name. FCC has somehow inserted part of the address into the last name. (FRN has it correct.) I know the address can be changed, but what about the name?
  3. Welcome, Subject to topography, you should be well within the range of the Johnstown repeaters. WRDB702 - Jim
  4. Fox Hunt! You will need a black SUV to do it properly though. (That's in the rules somewhere, I believe.) ?
  5. All the discussion about wattage is humorous when the op most likely simply confused the power supply's output of 30A with 30W. Now I'm craving some A&W root beer. (That's the truth.) ?
  6. Assuming you have the owner's permission to access the repeater or it is an Open repeater... Channel 15 "should" be the corresponding "radio to radio" channel. If your radios are able to talk to each other on channel 15 then make sure the "code" is set to none or off and listen for a while. You can switch back to repeater channel 1 once you know the radios are working fine on channel 15, just make sure the receive code on repeater channel 1 is set to none or off as well. If you still hear no activity then either the repeater is inactive at the moment or you are out of range. Range is affected by more than just the owner's estimated radius. Buildings, hills, trees, and other things can interfere with radio signals. Try moving close to the repeater and (with transmit code set to match the repeater's input code) transmit your FCC GMRS ID . Listen for a "kerchunk" or short burst of static as a confirmation that you have "connected to the repeater". Keep moving closer to the repeater and trying again until you get a reply (either a burst of static or another person). If you still can't connect to the repeater you may need to contact the owner to see if the repeater is even online. But if you do connect... Once you have a confirmation you are reaching the repeater, start moving further from the repeater until you get back to your original location. Note if and/or where you lose connection. You could try a better antenna and/or try different locations. (I have a sweet spot at home where I can reach a repeater 20 miles away, but if I move a couple inches I loose the repeater completely.) The process is a lot easier if you have two people working together on this with one of you staying within connection range of the repeater while the other moves around. (Create your own traffic.) Unfortunately it is possible the repeater is simply not reachable and there is absolutely nothing wrong with your setup. Keep checking from time to time and from different locations of you're sure the repeater is online. Jim
  7. On a slightly humorous matter.. If I choose not to use the belt clip, where am I supposed to attach the supplied wrist-strap to the BTECH GMRS-V2? ??
  8. What website are you referring to? MyGMRS's instructions don't include any fee amount here: https://mygmrs.com/help/get-gmrs-license Try reloading the page? (Since you didn't identify the website in question, it is only a guess as to what you are referring to.)
  9. Have you tried switching to Wide band? ("Channel Spacing" on your screen.) You didn't mention how well you are receiving. Location also makes a difference (as previously mentioned.)
  10. That's not what I've heard from repeater owners. i believe you are way under estimating the cost. (Of course, a repeater owner could tell you better than I. )
  11. If you change your address it will appear as an administrative update and the original address is still viewable. It just won't show up on the FCC's first screen or MyGMRS. If you are truly concerned about your address bring associated with your ID, maybe a new ID with a PO or mail service address is in order? Not sure about the process or rules for a new ID, though. It might be a simple solution (other than contacts learning a new ID). 2¢
  12. It is reassuring to find out the CHIRP dev's are so responsive. I hope their servers can handle us all downloading the update at the same time now... ? ?
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