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  1. Thanks for taking time to read and respond, I'm just looking for a solution to increase my overall connectivity in my semi truck as I travel randomly all over the lower 48. I do think the proper term is Radio to VOIP, or Roip, not completely sure. I do believe I inadvertently misused the term "Simplex Repeater" and probably confused the issue in so doing. There are some rasberry Pi based solutions to accomplish what I'm trying to do. But apparently the are some political issues with those solutions here on this network so this may well be a lost cause for the time being. I believe there are other solutions that would accomplish the goal also, it will be a learning curve for me and there are still the political problems that are completely beyond my control. I won't say its impossible, but probably unfeasible for now.
  2. Thanks for the reply, there is an option for trunking abilities, didn't appear to change the price, otherwise yes the aes upgrade added some, and my thinking, was if I ever wanted to sell it, the aes would be an add I could use to justify a price. The cable is not cheap, and the impress charger and or battery was the most expensive upgrade. I haven't talked to anyone there, but I haven't seen any availability of the cps software at their place, I almost feel like I should wait to buy radios until after I source the software. Have a Great Day
  3. How many people are actually using the XTS5000?? Besides the PRICE, is there any downside to the XTS5000? Is there any reason to NOT get the available options when buying the radio? I have to assume if its even possible, it would cost more to upgrade the radio after the purchase? Thanks
  4. Thank you that looks like exactly what I was thinking of!!
  5. Sshannon yes I am trying to bridge the radio to the internet, and vice versa, but I am also trying to avoid the Pi due to it's unavailability I would also like to avoid the Baufang radios also, I have seen mobile radios that have some sort of access port (Motorola) I have to believe that would be the best case scenario Thanks
  6. Thanks, After reading your description of operation, perhaps I'm using the term "simplex repeater" wrong! I don't think what I'm trying to build is a "cross band repeater" either. I actually see it, based on past computer network terminology as a "Bridge" in so much as it is bridging two disparate systems, ie.. radio system bridged to internet and vice versa. The plot thickens
  7. There are probably radios better suited for this type of project too, but I'm well above my pay grade at the moment
  8. Ps I'm not married to the kg905 yet, I just don't really want to use a bowfang, yeah yeah I have no idea how that's really spelled Thanks
  9. So does anybody have any information resources about using a KG905 radio and something that is not raspberry Pi based to build a simplex repeater, I'm trying to figure out a way to improve my radio connectivity in my semi without just loading an app on a smart phone, where's the fun in that. While it's not shtf reliable, it should be a learning experience that might develop some skills / knowledge that might be useful for another project someday. Thanks
  10. I think I misunderstood this setup, I thought you were adding an additional radio, rather than replacing the existing one! My bad!!
  11. Yes it's been where most / all of my contacts have come from, but my situation is as squirrelly as it is unique in that I'm never in a single geographic area for very long. I literally just scan channels and if someone is talking enough to hear them, then look up the area on mygmrs or repeater book, and identify the tones, or if it's not listed anywhere, and I can still hear them, it's a matter of time scanning to figure out what they're running. And going from there. I have requested and received repeater access / permission, but it's always days after I've left that area. I've so far programmed about twenty different repeaters across the country and I was able to make it onto the Texas tech net via a repeater in eastern Indiana. So it's possible if you can find the repeater's And yes I have traveled Ny just not often or lately 73
  12. Yes, that was my original first thought. The one time I was actually in the right place at the right time, and was able to get on the Texas Tech net via the national network the linked repeater in the truck came up in the conversation, and started the gears turning in my mind, but I'm to new yet to know the best, or even the worst way to implement the idea.
  13. Of course the one state with an air resource board that doesn't like my truck, Dang it
  14. With any luck, YOU, why do you ask??
  15. I literally just left a comment on your video earlier today about that!! I'd be very interested in your setup
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