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Everything posted by WRQC527

  1. Not sure why Grindr keeps getting recommended so often on this site. Oh well. Happy Friday.
  2. a. 47 CFR § 95.1761(a): “Each GMRS transmitter (a transmitter that operates or is intended to operate in the GMRS) must be certified in accordance with this subpart and part 2 of this chapter.” Johnathan A. Gutierrez operated a noncertified GMRS radio on GMRS frequencies. I found this to be quite interesting. While there are oodles (technical term for "a lot") of folks here who say the FCC doesn't care what equipment we use because they're not interested in fining someone using a UV-5R on GMRS, if it helps them to build a case against someone, then by golly they just might toss it in there.
  3. Personally, I've found Repeaterbook to be one step above useless for GMRS repeaters. Filtering for California, it shows 38 repeaters. Compared to mygmrs, which when filtered for California shows over 100.
  4. In my personal experience, jokes here are a mixed bag. Five people will LOL, one person will write me a dead-serious technical service bulletin explaining the joke and why it's not really a joke. Also, my wife never types to generate text messages, she insists on voice-to-text. So I guess she's ahead of the Ribbit curve.
  5. This is the first time I've seen it, but it does look very interesting. I've tried sending text messages over APRS with varying levels of success, mostly frustrating, bit I'll definitely check this out. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Coincidentally, someone started a topic a couple of days ago for just such a question as yours. Enjoy, and if you have any questions, ask away!
  7. Just thought I'd throw a subject out there that might help new licensees as they venture into GMRS, and maybe folks who want to know what other folks are doing so they can up their game. There's so many mobile radios, antennas, vehicles, mounts, and use cases, Personally, I have a cheap QYT mobile and a Rugged Radios Point5 half wave antenna. It works well enough. Maybe this thread will take off, maybe it will fail to launch. We'll see.
  8. **DISCLAIMER** The following is a joke. It is meant to incite some combination of laughter, giggles, groans, emoticons, other jokes, or assorted other reactions. Or maybe no reaction. A high-gain mobile amateur radio antenna and a high-gain mobile GMRS antenna got married. The ceremony was pretty boring, but the reception was really good.
  9. Every so often someone nails the essence of mygmrs.
  10. That's kind of a losing battle. Your signal gets eaten by the structure of your house. Try it outside where there are few(er) obstructions. If it works better, a better outside antenna mounted higher with decent coax should help. I'm sure others will pontificate further.
  11. I heard two guys one day arguing about how tall a tower was. I told them to lay it down and measure it. They said we don't care how long it is, we want to know how high it is.
  12. Are you trying to access the repeater from inside your house with the HT and just the stock antenna?
  13. "It's easy to become confused by these questions. Before we take action we need to talk about this some more at another time." ~ Ten Bears, Dances with Wolves
  14. Honestly, I think more information is needed. Unless this is a thought experiment, like Schrödinger's Cat.
  15. Dude asks about hearing Morse code on GMRS. 23 hours later an argument breaks out on the same thread about who pulls cable for HP.
  16. Use 50 ohm coax like RG58, RG8X, etc with PL259 connectors. RG7 and RG11 are 75 ohm and have the wrong connectors. As for the radio, nothing wrong with the ones you linked. There's lots of switching power supplies out there. Samlex, Powerwerx, MFJ, etc. Make sure you get one that puts out enough amps to supply the radio on high power. I use a 35 ah AGM battery on a battery maintainer to power my radios, so that's another option that will give you some run time if the power is out.
  17. I did for a while. To be honest with my answer, as you requested, which, by the way, I always am, I had a pair if Midland handhelds, GTX 1000s, I think. I found them to be junk. They went to Goodwill. I have since moved on to better radios.
  18. Lol yes it's a mystery to me why CB keydown contests are a thing. But hey maybe that's what's missing from GMRS.
  19. If you want more range, perhaps an antenna upgrade... Like this. 1
  20. I can assure you that's not me, and there are plenty of people that would love to back me up on that. Although I would be a worthy competitor in a swimsuit if it comes to that.
  21. How will we know? Will there be a bathing suit competition to break the stalemate?
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