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Everything posted by WRQC527

  1. A 4' GMRS antenna cleverly disguised as a 4' CB antenna. I thought part of the shift away from CB for off-roading, along with much better sound quality and range was more compact antennas.
  2. Lol theres a lot if info about him just in that image. We know his name, address, and favorite football team! And he's an amateur extra, but doesn't hold a GMRS license.
  3. Me too. Also, it encourages me to be a more courteous driver because unfortunately a simple internet search will lead anyone to my humble abode. I really need to get a PO box...
  4. I don't do this on VHF/UHF/GMRS because 99% of the time I'm driving or hiking, but it's very common on HF. For me it's more of a curiosity thing to look up a call sign on QRZ dot com just to see where they are, and many times I've had people come back to me with my name, which like you said, I didn't mention. We did have a crotchety old guy on our repeater who would sit there all day and look up call signs for the sole purpose of calling them out if they had "appropriated", shall we say, a call sign. As crotchety as he was, he did keep some of the riff-raff off our repeater.
  5. It's done to get a reaction. Like when a five year old does something to an older sibling to make them mad. It's a common tactic here to get people involved in pointless arguments.
  6. Ebay is not always the most honorable place. My guess is that these folks are saying anything they can to sell radios. If that means claiming UV5Rs are approved for GMRS, then they'll say it. Maybe they are, maybe they're not, depending on how we like to interpret FCC regulations to fit our opinions. I don't care if UV5Rs are approved for GMRS or not, because as has been discussed endlessly here, no one in authority cares what radios we use unless we do something stupid and/or illegal and interfere with other services.
  7. I have one. I highly recommend it.
  8. OK that can be problematic. Radio waves have a hard time getting out of your vehicle. All that metal traps the signal inside. You lose most of your transmit power. I would suggest trying from outside the car. Just make sure you have the right CTCSS set on transmit.
  9. Are you transmitting from inside a vehicle with the stock antenna?
  10. Internet Troll A mythological internet being that lives under an internet bridge. Loves to hunt for innocent netizens. Common tactics: antagonizing other netizens by posting racist or offensive comments, or just plain rants. Weakness: being outwitted or unable to antagonize others The amusing thing is wondering what this pc fella's going to say next. I mean, obviously, we went well beyond a normal thread into the septic tank of the internet on about page three, and here we are on page five with no end in sight. We could all just ignore him, but my God this just keeps getting more entertaining. I feel like I'm playing with one of those Flat Earth folks.
  11. Fool's gold maybe. I've seen a lot of threads hit rock bottom but not this hard.
  12. In my entire life, I have never heard anyone equate questionable FCC type-acceptance rules with racist, discriminatory laws designed to humiliate, degrade and marginalize specific racial groups. Until today. Congratulations, pcradio, for achieving a new low.
  13. Pretty much nothing I've heard over the past 12 years of amateur radio and a couple of years of GMRS would rival a group of falling skydivers!
  14. In 2008, a Metrolink accident happened in Chatsworth, killing 25 people, when the engineer was distracted while texting with a 16-year-old railfan, ran a red signal, and hit a freight train. It's a terrible idea to communicate with railroad personnel while they're operating trains.
  15. I don't think he hates all amateur radio operators, exactly. Just some people. He's actually had at least one amateur radio operator on his YouTube channel. He does enjoy (maybe too much) roasting some amateur radio operators over a fire fueled with old QST magazines and hard copies of FCC regulations.
  16. I would be surprised if after you've read through 3+ pages and well over 60 replies loaded with happy horses#!+ you would still be even remotely interested in our H.A.M. license.
  17. Stick around here long enough and your face will be palmed so often you'll look like you did 12 rounds with Mike Tyson.
  18. Relax. I fixed it before you replied.
  19. Is it at all possible for PCRADIO to have a conversation without insulting people?
  20. Omg you were threatened? Here?
  21. My guess is that the original post was simply to "stir the pot", which it succeeded in doing, but in case it's a serious post, the general public has at its disposal, with some subject to licensing, the following: 40 channels of CB radio frequencies, including AM, FM, USB and LSB. 5 channels of MURS frequencies. 22 channels of FRS / GMRS frequencies. An additional 8 GMRS channels, which also allow for repeater use. A wide spectrum of UHF, VHF, and HF frequencies allotted to amateur radio. With that much of the RF spectrum, and that many options, Is there any reason to "violate Rules & Regulations" by transmitting where you ought not to, other than the notion of getting away with something?
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