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Everything posted by WRQC527

  1. I've been intrigued for some time by the Anysecu/QYT amateur radio version of this style of radio to put in my wife's Kia Soul. And in fact if it's not permanently affixed to the car it would be easy to move from one to another. I may submit a request to my accounting department to see if she'll approve it.
  2. Why would people think spurious emissions from a UHF amplifier are dangerous? Is there some kind of data that would support such a conclusion? A study? Just curious. I don't want to key my Baofeng and bring down an Airbus or something.
  3. Yep and to make it more interesting, for the most part there is zero enforcement of any of them.
  4. Is it just me, or are the GMRS/FRS rules and regulations among the most convoluted, ill-conceived and poorly-written set of rules the FCC has ever come up with? It could be just me. Maybe not. It could be others too. Or just me, I don't know.
  5. I don't think it's an issue of how to prove you wrong. The issue is that there is no desire to. Big difference.
  6. In this ARRL image, we can see what happened when a Baofeng UV-5R was keyed without an antenna. This is dangerous stuff. Not to be taken lightly.
  7. I used to have a stereo system in my room as a teen, and living less than a quarter mile from the freeway, occasionally I would hear CB transmissions come through the speakers when the stereo was turned off. I'm guessing these guys had amplifiers, because most likely a cheap 4-watt CB probably couldn't do that.
  8. Yes. I have seen online and/or been told "If I transmit without an antenna my radio will be damaged." Generally with no qualifiers. Also, I have read a similar warning in the manual for every radio I have bought over the last 30 years, usually with the qualifying "may" instead of "will".
  9. This guy seems to have established proper spacing between antennas for different bands.
  10. Except that most of them have changed since the late 1950s to what we have now... because people made up new ones.
  11. One of my fellow repeater owners regaled us one day with a tale of his oozing wound. I about projectile-vomited in the few seconds between when he said that and the time I was able to find the power button on the radio.
  12. This is one of the few "myths" that is actually mentioned in the user manual for every radio I've ever bought, from 4-watt CBs to handhelds to 100-watt multi-band HF radios. I don't think it's a myth, I think it's rolling the dice.
  13. A lot of gear like this will show in the specifications something like "13.8 volts +/- a few percent".
  14. Thanks for the info. If I end up getting the Jackery, I would be using it with other electrical devices. I also connect a small inverter to my battery so I can run my Verizon 5g gateway when we have power outages.
  15. Jackerys are really neato, but you're paying $400. I use a 35 ah AGM battery with a charge controller and two Harbor Freight solar panels in the field, and it sits on a battery maintainer at home. The whole setup was less than $150. I use it to run a Yaesu FT-891 and an FTM-7250. Something to think about before you drop twice what the radio cost.
  16. I made many AMSAT contacts with this antenna and a UV5R. It cost me about nothing to build. I used scrap house wiring.
  17. Each of these questions can be answered with an internet search using the search engine of your choice. Most of us could answer at least some or all of them, but it would take a pantload of time. Not to sound dismissive, but I would toss one into Google and see what comes up. You may be surprised.
  18. Although I don't like mag mounts as a long-term solution, I have used them, and to prevent scratching I've placed a cheap plastic (not glass) tablet screen protector on the roof.
  19. Yes. There's just enough of a gap. That is something to be wary of.
  20. I've had good luck with my dual band amateur setup with my Comet RS-720 on my Sienna. The only caveat is that I need to run the coax in through the rear door past the weatherstripping. But I've had this setup for several years with no issues. https://www.gigaparts.com/comet-antennas-rs-720.html
  21. I know you're going to say no because most every other suggestion anyone has made you don't like, but for the sake of throwing it out there, I'm going to throw something like this out there. https://www.gigaparts.com/mfj-310s.html?utm_term=sku-zmf-310s&gclid=Cj0KCQjwm66pBhDQARIsALIR2zBGnqEdeM1qaplmLAQzJ0WeocTGDgft9uHiVykAwzqMeQYPwteVTrYaArz2EALw_wcB
  22. This was my McGyver setup. Here in Southern California we got about 70% coverage.
  23. That right there is a red flag. I've heard reams of nonsense about the FCC being discussed by my ham contemporaries.
  24. Define "serious". I don't want to make the mistake of having the wrong conversation on my repeater on my commute, which by the way starts in 7 minutes.
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