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About WRQX963

  • Birthday 05/30/1951

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  • Name
    Joel Wilson
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Bayshore Gardens, FL

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  1. The linked discussion was excellent but the KG805 series seems much simpler than the KG935. It has no function to call an individual station and no call groups as the KG905 does. It can only "broadcast" 3 digits to everyone in a group to ID the calling radio and on any channel.
  2. This question probably applies to all the KG805s and other higher end Wouxons but I am asking it specifically about the KG805F. The programming software lists several features but they are not discussed at all in the online manual. I am excited about each of my future units to self ID upon key up. 1. Each channel - Optional Signal: off/DTMF 2. ANI-ID Switch: yes/no 3. Call Ring: yes/no 4. ANI-ID Roger: yes/no 5. PTT-ID: off, 1-10 6. ANI-ID Code: 000-999 7. Ring Time: off, 1-10 8. Mode Switch: 000000-999999
  3. I read over 15.247 and get the idea that the British 100 mw 13cm radios might be legal here for ISM use if they can be made to not go below the bottom of our band.
  4. I just learned that these radios were only authorized for use in the UK, but I could not determine whether their unique frequency hopping pattern would make them unlawful for use on the American 13cm ham band.
  5. Does anyone have experience with how they compare to their one-watt 900MHz HTs? How do they compare in thirty-floor buildings, shopping malls, cruise ships with many decks, and absolute range across the Grand Canyon or rooftop to rooftop? What about fancy operational bells and whistles?
  6. OK, I did nor recognize your sarcasm...de Ai4i
  7. I bring half a century of experience to this table and comments such as yours have no place here.
  8. I believe that the digital PMR allowance across the pond does it well. It is inevitable that eventually, every transmitted RF voice signal will be digital, but as an interim step, make all new GMRS radios with the option of transmitting 20F3 or 11F3 by simple programming, most already do, and announce that in X number of years, everyone will need to narrow their footprints.
  9. 11F3 channels should never have been sandwiched between 20F3 channels. The primary 20F3 GMRS users are protected but the secondary 11F3 FRS users are not. I suggest that whenever possible, you use channels 8-14; I do and never hear QRM.
  10. I would assume that each member must at least ID with the family callsign, then you can call each other anything but late to dinner.
  11. Whenever my wife and I go out shopping, we stay on channels 8-14 because 1. 500mw should last all day 2. Even throughout the local shopping mall, we are both nearly full quieting from one end to the other. 3. Radio school taught me to always use the minimum power necessary and the untrained are forced to do this on 8-14, so there is less chance of bumping into other traffic.
  12. Trunking systems require multiple repeaters and associated hardware with master controllers, not single trunking repeaters. Large hypothetical trunking systems with several hundred clients could only be installed by the Motorolas and GEs of the world, but I think that both GSM and CDMA (or an even newer system) are more efficient..
  13. If I had a good rooftop or tower and $$$ were no option, I personally like D-star on 23cm, 1.2GHz...de Always Itching 4 It.
  14. THANKS...I found the ten-channel expandability in the software too, though I have no radios yet, so I was not aware that it would actually work. I suspect that Motorola will change that "flaw" eventually, either for all existing units, for newer ones, or will update that software with some extra bells and whistles but only six channels. Sounds like FHSS is the way to go, but will we be saying the same thing in a few years about 2.4GHz or 5GHZ compared to 900MHz? Whoever suspected that we would be walking around with phones on those bands with hidden antennæ?
  15. That would turn it into a PoC radio https://www.retevis.com/poc-radios
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