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  • Location
    Saint Paul, MN
  • Interests
    Road Cycling, Archery, Photograhy

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  1. yes thats what i have is Norton and it flagged the new version from being installed and removed it, didnt even give me the option that it normally does to mark it as safe. Still running the old version
  2. Hey there, just wondering if anyone is getting a issue that when trying to update Chirp Next its coming up as being unsafe and removed by anti virus as soon as i try to download the latest version
  3. Hello, as title says i need a new one because mine detached from the one end and i dont think its working correctly anymore, wondering if anyone has any input to if this one will work (SMA Female to UHF Female (SO239) 18 inch Pigtail Cable (RG58)) for connecting it to my UT-72G to my Wouxun KG-935g. Thxs for any replies in advance! Link provided as well to the one i am talking about... https://www.buytwowayradios.com/btwr-essentials-pt18-smaf-uhff.html Chris -WRTB501
  4. Ty! that actually looks like a really good one, i too have a short stem, i run a Specialized Roubaix Sport and it has a short stem as well with a spring in it to absorb impact of the bumps so that looks like it will work as well, again ty!
  5. Thxs for the reply! I recently bought a pouch for the bicycle and its working but couldnt find to many that seemed to fit my need, do you happen to have the name of it so i can look into the one you have and see if it may be better than what im currently using? Right now i have a heavy duty radio pouch on mine, sounds similiar with the 2 straps, but instead mine wraps around the handlebars and then i help keep it propped up by using the top of the strap to lock in behind the break line which prevents it from rocking back and fourth
  6. thxs for the replys, i will look into that as well!
  7. Hello all! I am thinking of getting the KG-1000G to be used as a Desktop GMRS radio since im really getting into it all. wondering if anyone would recommend a specific power supply for it and possibly a antenna if you have thoughts on that as well, basiclly trying to get a price estimate on everything, so far i was thinking the entire setup could be like 500-700? depending on what i choose to go with? I did see some power supplies i have my eye on like the Wouxun DWC30WIN 30A Switching Power Supply with LCD Display that goes for like $110.00. But as im still learning it all i always like to hear the feed back of you guys/gals! ty! -Chris/WRTB501
  8. oh great to know, i prefer USPS over UPS lol, thxs alot for the info!
  9. do you know if they offer package tracking through our GMRS accounts by chance?
  10. oh thats not bad at all
  11. oh i see oh i see what your saying now lol, do you know what the delivery speed is from this site by chance?
  12. I was thinking of getting it from BuyTwoWayRadios, i figured that would be the best bet to make sure i get what i know i should get lol
  13. ok awesome! thxs so much for the feed back and info! sounds like im sold on getting it and trying it out. much appreciated
  14. oh fantastic to know! thxs alot, so much to learn lol...so basiclly its just any piece of metal that it can stick to for the waves and what not? does it matter the size of the ground plane or ideal size anyways?
  15. Hello all! I seen alot of good reviews on people using this on there HT for setting it up as a base station for them, i have the Wouxun KG-935G and i did see some people using it on that radio as well, has anyone had experience with this antenna personally or have any thoughts on it if its worth getting or atleast trying to use it at home? thxs -Chris/WRTB501
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