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Everything posted by Gearhead

  1. Kind of reminds me of the old Browning Golden Eagles. Distinctive doesn't even begin to describe the sound they made.
  2. Twenty years ago I worked Germany and the UK almost every day with a HR2510 in my truck. That was a lot of fun. When conditions are right. you can work the world on 10/11 with 100 watts.
  3. KAF6045, Most of the guys you're talking about are running repurposed ham gear and beam antennas. Yeah, a lot of them are contesting just like the hams. One of my neighbors ran a Yaesu 101 driving a Drake L4B into another amp. He built a 14 element yagi (yes, 14) and mounted it on a homemade 100 foot tower. He was fond of saying "when I key down, EF Hutton listens". It was an audio monster.
  4. Lscott, Several years back I purchased a antique tube type radio...paid extra to have it insured. When the carrier delivered the package the box looked like it had been run over by a bus. She apologized and told me to call her boss, which I did. That woman claimed it wasn't their fault but they would honor the insurance IF I released the radio to them so they could scrap it. After a heated discussion she said "Not my problem" and hung up. I just love government employees and their incompetence.
  5. I've lost count of the things fed ex and the postal service have lost or destroyed. And they don't seem to care...your problem not theirs.
  6. I run simplex the majority of the time. Only use a repeater when necessary.
  7. I obtained a Class D license in 1969. I've witnessed a lot of changes over the years, some good some bad. The majority of the time I worked sideband. Now, when I switch to AM all I hear is crickets...dead as a door nail in my area. All the older cb'ers have passed on and most folks can't get off social media long enough to talk on a radio, cb or otherwise.
  8. Some areas have no repeaters while others are saturated with them. In my part of the state we have numerous repeaters that in many cases were put up by amateurs. Many of these repeaters are on mountain tops and have a very long range. Yet most of these repeaters see only light use. There is no overcrowding or interference. GMRS has evolved since it's inception. In another thread a poster mentioned the old Citizen Radio Service. There were 4 classes and the GMRS/FRS were the original CB. At the present time GMRS is experiencing "growing pains" much like 11 meters did during the 70's when it saw explosive growth. But, there is room for everyone if people use common sense and work together to resolve any issues that arise.
  9. KAF6045 Haven't seen anyone mention the CRS in years. I remember the CRS and the much more restrictive rules for all the classes including 11 meters.
  10. Excellent information. Thanks for the write up. I never got into the DTR's but still have a bunch of the old iden I 355's and a ton of accessories. They still work well.
  11. Another idea. Find a farmer with a high hill. See if he would lease you a spot for a tower and small utility building. If you could get a group together to share the expense it wouldn't be too bad. You might also offer to provide a public service to the community during severe weather etc. Sometimes folks will be willing to donate a little towards something like that. If the local sad hams are a bunch of a-holes I'd get real creative and make something happen.
  12. Exactly right. If they could find a private business who would let them put a tower on top of their building that would make a good start. Or, maybe a volunteer fire dept. Give them a donation and a helping hand with property maintenance. A little good will goes a long way sometimes.
  13. Is there not any private land anywhere that youall might be able to lease for a repeater site.
  14. That's really sad. Sounds like a great group of guys. If someone had the funds and skill to set up a repeater there really isn't much they could do to stop you.
  15. There are quite a few repeaters coming online in East TN. The one nearest me is on a mountain up 4860 feet. It has a very long reach. It can go a little past Knoxville but it won't make it as far west as youall. Would be nice if we could link them up and cover the state like MTEARS.
  16. Radioguy, some days I can't spell for crap.
  17. I'm old enough to remember when the sad hams laughed at all "that cheap Japanese garbage" that began to flood the market back in the early seventies. They all said, that "junk" would never replace their Hammerlunds, Hallicrafters, Drakes and Swans because "merica" was the king. By 1980 they were no longer laughing and all those great American companies had been relegated to the dustbin of history. Today the Chinese are doing the same thing. In a few short years their quality has improved and they actually listen to customers and try to give them the features they want at a price they can afford. It's sad that this country can't seem to make anything nowdays...not even toilet paper.
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