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  1. I'd also be interested in possibly purchasing it.
  2. I just added it to the screen text on my Radio. In the programming software you can modify just about everything displayed on the screen. Radio: Wouxun KG-935G
  3. That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
  4. I was able to figure it out with the help of another user. It seems CHIRP was pulling in the settings from my radio wrong and populating all the fields. We were able to reformat it to only include the necessary fields. Thank you everyone for your replies.
  5. New user here and I am trying to jump on a local repeater. I don't seem to be getting any response from the repeater so it's either down or I don't have my programming correct. Can someone take a look at my settings and let me know if I made a mistake? I have attached a screenshot of my settings in CHIRP. Any help is greatly appreciated! Radio: BTECH GMRSv2 Repeter: https://mygmrs.com/repeater/5364
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