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  1. All amateur HT's can be programmed from the keypad. And you'll never see a Motorola that can be programmed via Chirp. Motorola has a proprietary programming system.
  2. There is, it's an AllStar node with a built in transceiver. We run it through our phones mobile hotspot. Just need one at the repeater as well.
  3. Yes, cute gimmick antenna. Get yourself a 5/8ths wave antenna. A 1/4 wave whip would be just as buried against the body.
  4. So, has the radio been sold?
  5. Though I would refer to the handhelds as "portable".
  6. And a "club" call means nothing to an Amateur repeater. It must still come under the control of an individual, the repeater trustee. And the "club" call is usually that of the trustee.
  7. You will not see freq. hopping on GMRS or Amateur. If GMRS goes digital, it will go just like Amateur Radio did. Proprietary digital, proprietary digital, DMR, APCO P25. And when you hear it, you won't be impressed. At this point in the game, P25 has the best audio and is easiest on the ears (and that's not saying much).
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