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About Tommy2watts

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  1. SorryI don't know that the Caps were on (BOLD). As for the rumor, then it's not true! Thanks for Charming in.
  2. I have been hearing talk about CB Radios having GRMS in them soon. It looks like the CB world is also trying to get in on the GRMS business also. If so, I hope Ranger builds one like the Great 2950 DX Ranger built by Bill Good. Maybe a mod for the 2950 DX with GRMS. Now that would be cool. I could dig out my radio again with all the Mods. Bill Good done on my radio. Best RADIO I ever own. I love to talk on SSB wend I drive over the road. But that's another story. So if anyone knows anything about this topic, please feel to CHIME IN.
  3. Thank you, WRQC527, for the help. Nice clean setup. That is what I'm looking for.
  4. Hello to all of you. I'm new to GRMS. I need to know the best antenna for my Cadillac SRX. I'm NOT going to drill holes in my car. I'm looking for a lip mount that nicely fits the back hatch. The handheld radio is Wouxun KG-935-G PLUS. So the coax must fit the radio also. The antenna can't be tall because of the garage door and car washes. I am looking for HELP. Tommy2watts WRME377 Chicago
  5. I bought the KG-935G Plus also. I love the radio, and Wizard Programming makes things much more manageable. Have fun, and be safe out there.
  6. Thank You, Randy. I just bought one. I watch your info on youtube about the (NEW) UV-5 GRMS—friendly little radio for the money. Again Thank You RANDY.
  7. If you bought the New GRMS UV-5R BAOFENG, please let us know how it works.
  8. Is there any New reporters updates in each State. If so can you please send me them. Thanks, Tom WRME377
  9. Thank you WROM258 I got it now. It's all about AUDIO Thank You. One more thing. My radio (KG(905-G) swings ONE WATT DEAD key. Could I use a TEXAS STAR 667 behind it. LOL Thank You.
  10. Sorry, I mean Narrowband.
  11. Can someone tell if you use the Shortwave. I know the KG905-G has both. And if so what is the differences between them. Thanks WRME377
  12. Again gentlemen, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. For someone that ran a BIG RADIO at one time. This GRMS is all new to an old OUTLAW. Thanks. WRME-377
  13. I forget to ask do you set your RX tone on off all the time. I know that if your going to use a reporter and the RX tone is in the list for that reporter you have to input that RX tone. I have the New KG 905-G. Love it so far. Also how do you use the Auto Scan to fine that anyone is on the RGT channel. Any help would be great. Thanks WRME377
  14. Thank you all for helping me to understand what DCS is and also CTCSS.
  15. What is a PL tone. And how do you fine it.
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