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  1. I’ve had mine for 3 years so far. I can talk everywhere i want. Swr is still good. I get good reports from the repeater stations and simplex contexts
  2. This was my first high power ht. The only one I like better is the H8.
  3. Oh my. I hope you have more than Gmrs going on with those radios.
  4. It’s the exact radio. Yeah it’s ham. In use some ham equipment for my Gmrs base. I don’t tx on ham though. I just want the gps function for the handhelds. Some have Gmrs locked out. I saw that some have a software update that unlocks it.
  5. Well I gotta get one at a time. Then pro’s ain’t cheap. But yes. I sure will!
  6. Rt99 works with the Gmrs pros gps function. I don’t need my ham. Thanks
  7. Copy. I’ll look elsewhere
  8. I know the rule… just asking if there is a mobile that does it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. So you need a phone to use the gps function on the radio?
  10. Are there mobile units that operate with the GMRS pro gps function?
  11. It was free to me. I don’t have my tech yet, so that’s my question.
  12. Can the 50x2 be configured to transmit out of band? Like the 5r?
  13. I have this one saved. The one I’m hearing has traffic out of Allentown. Something about a node
  14. Nope, I have him. I’m heading traffic out of Allentown. Something about a node
  15. I hear a repeater in my area, but not sure where it’s at. Maybe Allentown area? I hear it clear in the Poconos but my ht don’t have the reach to talk back. Anyone around me know about this repeater?
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