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Everything posted by CentralFloridaGMRS

  1. OK. Now it's reading higher around 33 watts to 35. I might have had the power levels to medium on my radio. Someone said I should be getting 50 watts at the Antenna. Thought that was wrong
  2. 50 watts out. Checked the reading at the end of the 65 foot cable run. At about 20 feet it reads 48 watts out before the Bulkhead Lightning arrester. At the end, it's reading about half. at around 25 watts. Is this normal? See the order below for my equipment UHF Female SO-239 to UHF Female SO-239 Bulkhead Lightning Arrester (Not Compatible with Helium) arrester-uhf-ff 1 $23.95 Times Microwave LMR-400 Cable build Length 46 FT
  3. That's a good question. I have contacts from around Central Florida on Simplex. If I had to pick one repeater I would pick the Orlando 700 The Ed Fong does a great job getting that repeater but I was expecting to get better coverage with a Tram or Diamond. In my Car near my house I get the Orlando 650 and two other repeaters. Perhaps an option would be a Yagi-Uda
  4. Trees are too tall to go over them. Reading so many negative comments for the Ed Fong Antenna thought I would try another antenna. Surprised at the results for the Diamond. Will try the Tram over the weekend.
  5. I looked at the X30. Perhaps I can get that one as well. Next is the Tram
  6. On the Orlando 700, it happened to both Antennas, yes. Higher can't get the Orlando 700. I guess trees might be the problem. Same Feed yes. LM-400. I will update everyone on the Tram this weekend. The Diamond looks great on the roof but doesn't perform as good as I wanted it to.
  7. No. But I do have trees around my house. My guess is the trees are causing it not to work. When lowered it clears the trees I believe.
  8. Removed the Ed Fong Antenna (GMRS Version) and placed the Diamond Antenna X50 Dual Band in it's place in the same location. It works just a bit better but I expected more. Next will be the Tram 1486 UHF Fiberglass Base Antenna over the weekend. I did this because my 50 watt Radio in my car could hit a base unit over 8 miles away yet the Ed Fong couldn't hit him from my base unit indoors. The Diamond X50 is doing better getting that contact 8 miles away but it's noisy. Just like the Ed Fong Antenna when I moved the Diamond higher I lost the Orlando 700 repeater so I had to lower it again. Also the SWR on the Diamond was over 2 on just about every channel. Ed Fong was under 1.5
  9. Shaw was talking to some of the locals and Dad had it in the back of the Truck. I have is someplace in my storage. One thing my Dad said was Shaw believed every tall tail the Locals told him.
  10. I have a Lobster Bouy signed by Robert Shaw. Signed it for my Dad in 1974
  11. This helped. Thanks. Got it done. Working fine
  12. I don't know. They all fell off at that point. Looks like a new Microphone is the only answer at this point.
  13. Wouxun KG-XS20 Microphone stopped working. Noticed three wires are off so I removed them and want to put them back on. Any idea what wire goes to what connector? The plug is numbered 1 to 8.
  14. The Mouse 650 has been on the air for some time before it went off over a year ago yet it still shows active. When other repeaters go off they show they're off. This one still shows it's active and I can assure you it's off the air.
  15. On another note why are some repeaters listed as active when they're not? The Mouse 650 has been down for over a year yet it's listed as active
  16. Florida Home has one near us listed about 30 miles but I think it goes about 40 miles. When we go to our home in Tennessee they have one that transmits almost 80 miles. I have to say that Tennesse does a great job with GMRS repeaters. Maine has some good ones as well when I visit.
  17. We have the Central Florida GMRS channel. Anyone can talk via Zello. You will hear Radio traffic from our area for about a 10-mile range. We don't require a GMRS License because you're not talking directly to the Radios. Many in our Community now have radios and test them from time to time. Hopefully won't need them during Hurricane Season. Don't expect them to answer if they don't have the Zello Channel on. Channel is "Central Florida GMRS"
  18. Got the Baofeng BF-F8HP for just $15 from someone here. I don't like Baofeng but this one is actually OK. But going forward I will only purchase Wouxon Radios.
  19. So you added the channels and they don't show up when you scan?
  20. I can transmit north to my workplace here in Orlando and transmitted from Disney to my home base station. About 8 to 10 miles. Getting three repeaters but I've learned that I can't move my Antenna much or I can't get the 700 Repeater. Looking at cutting some trees soon as well. New to everything. Using the Ed Fong GMRS Antenna just . I just wanted coverage for our area during storms etc so I'm satisfied for now.
  21. If your in Central Florida give us a call on our Central Florida Channel 462.6750 Tones 100.0 in and out. Also Zello Central Florida GMRS. Where are you going to be? I have a list depending on what area you're in
  22. Over the Summer I will try some of the other Antennas suggested here. Right now I'm burnt out from all of the time I spent on this. Antenna is up and cable is done. My original goal was to get the Orlando 700 repeater for two other locations and not counting on a good Simplex Signal. Now I have both. I can reach both of my locations with the 700 and also on Simplex. Appreciate all of the suggestions from everyone. Going to help a friend in Maine get his GMRS radio up and running so he can talk to his house while he's at the Summer retreat.
  23. Getting excellent SWR reading with mine. It's not mounted on a metal mast. I see comments all over the place about the love or hate for the Ed Fong. All I can tell everyone is that I get three repeaters now that I didn't get before. Also more miles in Simplex. That's all I want.
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