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Confused as to how the Retevis RT97 is part 95 without station I.D. ?


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I looked into these not long after Retevis first released them. They didn’t have a station I.D. built in and could only do a 10mhz split. I see they now offer a 5mhz version but still don’t find anything listed stating the station I.D. Feature. How can it be part 95 certified/accepted without this ?

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If the repeater is to be used ONLY by members of your family, who are covered by your GMRS license, then the repeater does not have to identify itself, as long as the users follow the normal GMRS RULES.

The RULES say a GMRS user must identify using their (your) callsign every 15 minutes, and/or when concluding a conversation. 

THEREFORE, the repeater is sufficiently identified by your callsign.

If you can wait, rumor has it that a new version of the RT97 will accommodate a third party controller.

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Greetings Gentlemen,


 I misunderstood my interpretation of the FCC rules regarding station identification, thank you for clearing that up.  

Now that I understand correctly, it makes perfect sense lol. As always, thanks for taking the time to reply as it is greatly appreciated.



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