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Multiple Antenna Placement



Hi All

New to both GMRS and HAM so hopefully this question makes sense. I would like to setup base stations at my house for both GMRS and HAM and would like to use a dual band 2M/70cm antenna as well as an Ed Fong GMRS J-pole antenna. Issue is, I only have space for one mast(25'). Would it be feasible to mount both antennas vertically on the mast at different heights? If so, what might be the best configuration. Also, I do not expect to be using both radios simultaneously. Thx in advance for the responses. :)

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Hi All
New to both GMRS and HAM so hopefully this question makes sense. I would like to setup base stations at my house for both GMRS and HAM and would like to use a dual band 2M/70cm antenna as well as an Ed Fong GMRS J-pole antenna. Issue is, I only have space for one mast(25'). Would it be feasible to mount both antennas vertically on the mast at different heights? If so, what might be the best configuration. Also, I do not expect to be using both radios simultaneously. Thx in advance for the responses. :)

Yes you can do this, and it is exactly the way I operate from home.

The ‘best configuration’ is truly relative to your goals.

In my case, GMRS receives top billing on top of a HD fiberglass mast. The dual band amateur antenna is mounted about 16-18 feet lower using a custom side-mount arm fabricated from PVC. The lower antenna is offset 22” from the main mast and the coax that feeds the upper antenna.

I am able to operate well on GMRS, 70cm and 2m (one service at at time of course) at 50w each without any negative issues that affect me. Yes, if I am transmitting on GMRS, 70cm reception suffers a little while I am actively transmitting due to desense (which is to be expected) and the opposite is true as well. But I do not detect any appreciable desense from 2m to GMRS and vice versus while operating.

What this means is I cannot carry on simultaneous conversations on both 70cm and GMRS services at once, nor can my wife be operating GMRS while I operate 70cm. That is perfectly OK, since she only uses GMRS to talk to me while I am out.


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4 hours ago, WRND440 said:

Hi All

New to both GMRS and HAM so hopefully this question makes sense. I would like to setup base stations at my house for both GMRS and HAM and would like to use a dual band 2M/70cm antenna as well as an Ed Fong GMRS J-pole antenna. Issue is, I only have space for one mast(25'). Would it be feasible to mount both antennas vertically on the mast at different heights? If so, what might be the best configuration. Also, I do not expect to be using both radios simultaneously. Thx in advance for the responses. :)

You can have one mast with two antennas, or you can have one antenna to cover 2m, 70cm, GMRS. If you use two radios for that (of course you will be using two radios!) you would need an antenna switch. Mburn's way is more fool-proof: each radio has it's own antenna.

Btw, the universally-loved Ed Fong's J-pole is not always the answer. Both Browning BR-6140 and Diamond X50 give me better results than Fong's on GMRS. If you already have Ed Fong antenna, nothing wrong with using it. But if not, you may look into other options. Browning is the same price, shorter, with RF choke integrated, and better quality overall.

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