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Hello! First post on any forum and recently got my GMRS license too, So needless to say I'm excited to get out there! 


I have gotten a Kenwood radio for myself to adventure in GMRS thanks to this forum and it's been a good little unit. Now just a few days ago I was out at my states surplus sale where they sell old desktop pcs, furniture, cars ect. Well they had a Motorola APX7000 on the shelf with no battery, antenna or anything, and I bought it on its circulation sale for $500. Before I go crazy and get a battery, charger,  antenna and have programmed by someone, I would like to ask if it would be a radio I can use on GMRS and repeaters. I know this kind of question gets asked a lot and I'd hate to add to that annoyance but I've done the better part of my do diligence in research but I'm still left asking. It doesn't have a front display or keypad for FPP, just the top screen like my Kenwood. I've tried to find any forum posts relating to APX on GMRS here and on other websites but I've come up short. It operates on UHF in the lower band, 380-470mhz. I mainly got it because of the price and if I can use it, then great! If not, then I can try to sell it for a profit. Win win for me. If I need to give more details then I can try my best to, otherwise let me know! 


I do not believe that radio is FCC Part 95 approved, so technically, it is not permitted..

However, the FCC has stated publicly that people using that type of older radios on GMRS, as long as they are remaining within the spirit of the rules (power limits, , etc), will not be singled out..or bothered.

Based on the FCC's track-record (all public in the FCC enforcement database) they have N E V E R  issued a warning, citation, fine, jail-term, or death-sentence for anyone simply using this type (or any type) of radio on GMRS frequenices.


Oh okay, I get what your saying. Basically as long as "I know what im doing and following the rules as best as I can with the best intentions", the FCC isn't going to bother me unless im just being blatantly stupid and ignorant lol! So APX isnt technically legal, but they wont mind as long as the programming is to a T. Good to know ;) thank you!


Better than 90% of the Chinese junk flooding GMRS, much of it not certified for anything. You will need the wideband entitlement ID along with the software. As long as you stay away from digital modes on GMRS you will be unnoticed.

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk


That radio is P25 computable. Will not work on GMRS. Many states are now using P25vII witch is digital ,encrypted, trunking system's. Legally the encryption section is removed from that radio when it was taken out of service. I think it is a all digital and analog system so it is possible to work with a authorized service people. But not with GMRS in my humble option.  I'm guessing of a nice looking paper weight. 

  On 12/8/2021 at 6:47 AM, dhardin53 said:
That radio is P25 computable. Will not work on GMRS. Many states are now using P25vII witch is digital ,encrypted, trunking system's. Legally the encryption section is removed from that radio when it was taken out of service. I think it is a all digital and analog system so it is possible to work with a authorized service people. But not with GMRS in my humble option.  I'm guessing of a nice looking paper weight. 
I have not heard this. I woukd think there would be a ton of disgruntled APX users on these boards trying to get GMRS to work. They are a popular personal radio. The wide band entitlement key is required , but is free.

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk


OK. Many opinions on this but here is the info on the APX line. 

You first need to know the model number of the APX7000. That radio came in multiple flavors of dual band and single band. UHF/VHF and 700/800. The flashcode can give you some info. I use my APX on GMRS and it works great. (APX7000, 8000, 7500, 8500).

CPS is going to be expensive as it needs purchased from MSI directly. There is no wideband entitlement as some claim as the software allows wideband on the frequencies and bands approved for wideband. 

Yes the radio can do P25 if so flashed for that option. Our first APX7000 for SAR wave VHF Analog only. The best option is to get the flash code looked at. Start with whats listed on the radio. IF you have no battery you are not 100% knowing whats in the radio but the label can help. If its 800/VHF it wont do much on GMRS.


Feel free to PM me if you have more questions on the APX.


  On 12/8/2021 at 6:47 AM, dhardin53 said:

That radio is P25 computable. Will not work on GMRS. Many states are now using P25vII witch is digital ,encrypted, trunking system's. Legally the encryption section is removed from that radio when it was taken out of service. I think it is a all digital and analog system so it is possible to work with a authorized service people. But not with GMRS in my humble option.  I'm guessing of a nice looking paper weight. 


The APX is the top of the line radio from Motorola and many use it on GMRS and Amateur as well as public safety. It can be flashed many ways. 


Hello! Thank you to everyone for there input! I have the flashcode here 104270-001000-1 and it's a model 1.5. If I'm not mistaken, it's a UHF/VHF unit so it should be able to work right? Plus I can have some frequencies for scanning like weather and railroad. I only have intentions and desires for analog at the moment until I can work my way up to an Amateur Radio license. :)


Very nice. Some people give me a little bit of flak for using a Harris XG-100P, a radio I used in the oil industry and emergency management comms, with one "Mission Plan" loaded for GMRS as well. Enjoy that APX radio, any way you decide to use it. Some may consider it overkill, but that may also be jealousy talking too.

  On 12/8/2021 at 8:02 PM, Stripes said:

Hello! Thank you to everyone for there input! I have the flashcode here 104270-001000-1 and it's a model 1.5. If I'm not mistaken, it's a UHF/VHF unit so it should be able to work right? Plus I can have some frequencies for scanning like weather and railroad. I only have intentions and desires for analog at the moment until I can work my way up to an Amateur Radio license. :)


Correct per the flash UHF/VHF. Both Analog and Digital P25 is supported. Appears to be a great starter radio. Get the MSI battery and antenna and you wont be disappointed. Biggest issue will be the software. You need to open an account with Motorola and then purchase. Cables can be had in aftermarket although the MSI cable isn't expensive.

806: ASTRO IMBE Digital Operation
QA00571: Primary Band: UHF Range 1
QA00574: Secondary Band: VHF
QA00579: Enable Dual Band Operation
QA00583: Enable Bluetooth Operation
QA01749: Legacy SW System Key Enable
Q947: APCO Packet Data Interface


I'm glad I found this APX then, and for the price it was at too. Thanks to everyone, I went ahead and ordered a battery, antenna and a charger. All in all, I'm looking at a total of $712 total spent for this, which seems like a good savings than going on eBay. I'm going to leave the programming to a local radio shop and hopefully they can help me out. I don't mind paying the fee for the service if that's what it takes to get situated :)

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