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I didn't want to derail the GMRS Enforcement thread, but after reading it I did a little research on the FCC website. I searched my zip code and found 83 active ham licenses and 13 active GMRS licenses. 7 people on those lists have both active ham and GMRS licenses. I don't know the Sad/Happy ratio on either list, and don't care. I'm not sure I ever cared but am sure I haven't cared in the last 20 years or so. I am amused by the Sadness that has always infected ham radio and is now spreading on GMRS but I don't get involved in the Sadness pandemic. The FCC licensed Sadducees and Pharisees live on via the internet and occasionally the air waves. No Virginia, apparently, we can't all just get along.

William Romeo Hotel Sam 218

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7 hours ago, WRTT642 said:

Why is that? Why are people on these radios this way? What happened?

To be fair, I don't experience the Sad ham behavior that often and I know there are worse things going on especially on busy repeaters in big cities. It just happens enough to discourage some folks that are new to radio. The internet experts are not limited to radio. Any forum or video comment section has them and that is fine. I have even seen "some people" behavior on a couple of cancer forums I am a member of. Air wave anonymity was a thing long before there was an "on-line". Everyone needs a hobby I guess. I don't always play well with others and I can be a lukewarm pile of sarcasm at times. I just try not to be a jack wagon to people that have genuine questions, people that make mistakes in etiquette, or kids playing on FRS radios. We are all Flawed Dogs.

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