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12 minutes ago, WSGL352 said:

Hi folks - another newbie here based in North Texas.  Just got my license and have two Wouxum KG-905G. I do not have a windows cpu but instead a Mac. So a few general questions: 

  1. my local repeater (13 miles away on a 100 ft tower) just gave me access to their system and sent a welcome email with a single tone frequency for me to use after joining. Is this tone for my TX CTCSS only or for both transmit and receive tones? 
  2. How do I know if my access to the repeater is working? 
  3. I presume when I choose the repeater channel and input the tone  - then I am limited to only use that repeater until I can figure out how to program additional channels as the KG-905G has only one tone to enter from the menu. 

Many thanks for any help as I try to get access to the repeater.  


1. It's needed for transmit.  You can always leave the tone for receive blank.

2. You might hear a courtesy beep from the repeater right after you cease transmitting, or even an occasional ID.  The best way is to ask someone for a radio check.  Or give your second radio to someone and have them go a little ways away and listen.

3. Your presumption is correct.

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