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New to me tower

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1 hour ago, Sshannon said:

Yeah, but once I looked at it I knew I was going to buy it.  The galvanizing and the tower is all in good shape and it was $400.  I probably would never buy a new tower of the same model because they sell for several thousand dollars.

$400 is a steal! I would have implemented a buy it now figure it out later approach at that price! 

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1 minute ago, PA141 said:


I know people that swear by epoxied in anchor bolts (as in installing a different tower on an existing concrete base).  Depending on the quality of the anchor rock, that might be viable.  You might want to sign up to the TowerTalk email reflector, http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/Towertalk and pose your question there.  I know that towers anchored in rock have been discussed before.

Not sure what kind of antenna you are planning, but some of those BX towers also had limitations on boom length (something like 10 feet) due to torque limitations on the tower. 

As a condition of buying this tower the guy insisted that I take a Mosley TA-33 antenna, no extra charge. Unfortunately, it exceeds the boom length that Rohn specifies for this tower, which is 10 feet as you said. 
I haven’t decided on anything else yet. I know I will probably also use it to support a wire antenna and possibly some side arms with VHF and UHF vertical antennas. 

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I would be looking at drilling the rock and then using epoxy anchors to fasten plates to the rock face and then bolting the tower to that.

We aren't talking about 'JB Weld' here either.  THere are high performance epoxy products on the market for doing this sort of thing and they work well.

But closely following the directions for the use of the chemical anchors is very important.  But remember that light poles next to the highway may well be using this method for connecting to the concrete wall they are sitting on.


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On 7/31/2023 at 9:06 AM, Sshannon said:

the guy insisted that I take a Mosley TA-33 antenna, no extra charge. Unfortunately, it exceeds the boom length that Rohn specifies for this tower,

If you want to get on 10/15/20M, you could install just the driven element of that Yagi as a (rotatable) dipole.  You will probably have to adjust the tube lengths to re-tune the element.  If the match is not close enough to 50 ohms, some impedance matching may be needed.  It will likely have a decent match with slight dimensional adjustments if the antenna was functional when removed.  A dipole at 1/2 wavelength or more is a decent performer and a "flat" dipole will typically outperform an inverted V at the same center height.

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On 7/31/2023 at 9:04 AM, WRUU653 said:

$400 is a steal! I would have implemented a buy it now figure it out later approach at that price! 

On 7/31/2023 at 9:08 AM, Sshannon said:

That’s what I did. 👍

That philosophy is responsible for most amazon, FedEx, and UPS visits to my house 🤣

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