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How to connect to an area repeater


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Alright so I have noticed, myself being one of them, newer people at first not completely sure how to set up their radio to access local repeaters. I'm going to (try my best to) explain every specific setting in a relatively simple way, that'll hopefully allow anyone to be able to program their radios.

First thing: Choosing the repeater you want to Tx(Transmit)/Rx(Receive) on. (I won't be using any real repeaters in my examples) for this guide we'll use: Example 675 (Ex675).



 CTCSS.png.91917655932a11a445b01c5e79017dd6.png DCS.png.8d24997c27c0db4c59480c3e890aa4bc.png

Repeaters will (most likely) be using either CTCSS or DCS tones.

CTCSS - In this example there's both an input and output tone so we have to adjust the Rx/Tx CTCSS settings on our radios accordingly. (Make sure to set both if there are two separate Rx/Tx options.)
DCS - This one is going to be the same as setting the CTCSS, but instead of CTCSS the setting will be called DCS (There also may be two separate settings for Tx/Rx.) And the numbering is a bit different (Don't worry about the difference between CTCSS and DCS at the moment, right now we're focused on getting you connected to a repeater.)

Ex675 is going to be using what is usually known as 20RP or Repeater 6 channel(Freq: 462.675 - 467.675)

(You can also use a custom channel, but make sure the offset is on.)


Repeaters are (usually) on an offset of +5mhz so adjust this in your settings!

Once you are done putting your settings in, don't just hit the transmit button to see if you hit the repeater. Call out your callsign and ask for a repeater check. ("This is WSAH999 repeater check, over.") If you were not able to hit the repeater: double check your settings. More than enough times radio settings can accidentally be backed out of without saving. Make sure you saved your settings by going back in after saving them to see that the settings have reflected the changes. If all else fails: you may need a better antenna(or your current antenna just needs to be in a better place. If you're inside, try going outside then testing it. If you can get on top of your house, even better.) or you may need more radio power.


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Quick question, do you need to have the output tone programed. Within CHIRP, under "tone mode", do I choose TSQL with the squelch tone of say 141.3 (TX), or do I choose "Tone" with both TX and RX set to say 141.3? The Moline repeater seems to work fine set to TSQL but under repeater details it shows input 141.3 and output at 141.3 which means I should be set to "tone vs TSQL"?

Thoughts?,  Jeff - WASAD407


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this is generally how I had it setup for my radios, using the tone mode. I tried the TSQL before and I don't know, it didn't seem to work as well.
However this is how myGMRS.com's chirp configuration is setup specifically for in this example Moline

Only thing I'd change is NFM to FM. It most likely will work better (don't ask me why, I'm not quite sure myself at the current time being, but I heard from someone on these repeaters that WFM is better to use.)


From what I've looked up, this is what I've found:


It is actually the same thing. Tone transmits a sub-audible tone of the selected frequency so it can open the squelch of radios set only to open the squelch if it detects that frequency. This tone is commonly called a CTCSS tone. The receive circuit of the radio still opens on ANY transmission. (In other words, Tone mode uses a CTCSS tone such as 88.5 to transmit and no tone to receive.)



My radio configuration you see there, are channels that I created on the radio itself, So I went in the settings and set the RxCTCSS and TxCTCSS and when uploaded to chirp that's what it put, and when redownloaded to the radio they still work fine.

TSQL though is for setting both IN and OUT tones.


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