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Tidradio TD H8 Gen2 issues



Hello all, I trust everyone is having a blessed week.  I'm really new to the GMRS world, which obviously requires some learning.  I have a BTech GMRS V2 HT that seems to work really well. I just recently purchased a Tidradio TD H8 Gen 2 HT ham radio.  Currently it is set to GMRS. I spent the last week running both radios side by side, with both radios connected to the Warrensberg repeater.  The Btech I haven't really noticed any issues, but the TD H8 on the other hand works for a few hours and then it seems to lose the repeater throughout the day. I can hear folks on the Btech, but not the TD H8.   When this happens I cannot receive or transmit on the TD H8. When it does work it works great..   I used Odmaster to put the tones in for the repeater. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue, if so we're you able to fix it? If anyone has any tips or tricks to get this radio working, I sure would appreciate any help. I have had the TD-H8 for about 2 weeks. I'm really at a loss here. I'm to the point I'm ready to send this radio back, but thought I'd reach out first.  


Thank you to the GMRS community for making this an enjoyable experience so far..

Call sign: wscp981

Repeater connected to: Warrensberg

8 answers to this question

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When you can't transmit what happens? error tones? red light? Message on the screen?

How do you get it to work again? Power-off and back on?

It sounds like the radio is overheating or otherwise "getting tired", and if this is the case, no tips, tricks or programming it differently will help.  Unless i'm way-off base, and unless someone has any better ideas, I think a call to TidRadio Support is in order, asking them to tell you how to fix it or to send you one that works.

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Thanks for the prompt response.  No errors or indications that I can see that it's lost the repeater it just goes silent and I cannot transmit... The only way ive seen so far that I may have lost the repeater is running the two radios side by side..  As far as getting it to work again its touch and go, sometimes turning it off and back on works for a short period and other times I would remove the Rx tone, turn it off and then back on.  Other times reconnecting to the Odmaster may reconnect.

Call sign: wscp981

Repeater connected to: Warrensberg

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Good afternoon folks.  I reset the TD H8 radio to the unlocked version and took out the receive tone Saturday morning.  Saturday and part of the day sunday I was able to receive but not transmit.. I'm wondering if any one has this radio with a file that was programmed using chirp that would be willing to share with me?

Thanks for any assistance.

Call sign: WSCP981

Repeater connected to: Warrensberg

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On 6/24/2024 at 2:27 PM, WSCP981 said:

I reset the TD H8 radio to the unlocked version .... I was able to receive but not transmit.

The reset probably removed the specific tone for the repeater. try adding the proper transmit tone to the the channel.

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Hello folks, I reached out to customer support as stated previously.. I received the new radio last night and everything appears to be working fine.  I guess I just got a bad radio..  thank you everyone for your input..


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Always good to get the problem solved.  I had a bad TD-H3 radio.  I could get about 1/6th mile out of it and it wouldn't reach the other radio but I could hear it perfectly.  When I finally got a power/SWR meter the power output from that radio was zero.  Didn't even register a couple of mW's.  I don't understand how it transmitted in the first place but I tried and tried to get it to register an output and never got it to do it.  Swapped out to good radios and they always showed power out.  Got the company to replace it without issue.

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It was from Amazon but I ended up talking directly to the company via Amazon message.  I'm betting they came from chyna because it took nearly 2 weeks for them to get here after they said they were sent.

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