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Need Cooper mountain oregon repeater info



Anyone in oregon have any information on a gmrs repeater at cooper mountain? Its on 462.625, Lots of people everyday talking and playing radio on it but i cannot find any information or listing about it at all anywhere..

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38 minutes ago, Groundwire said:

Anyone in oregon have any information on a gmrs repeater at cooper mountain? Lots of people everyday talking and playing radio on it but i cannot find any information or listing about it at all anywhere..

KA7OSM administers the ham radio repeater at Cooper Mtn. I would contact him to see what he knows. 

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18 hours ago, WRXB215 said:

Log into myGMRS.com proper, not the forum. Lots of repeater info there.

Already did. Like i said no info anywhere. And it seems it's not a private repeater either. Its public and open

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This is not the HUY600 repeater. As for the name cooper mountain, not sure how that came about or if it has actually been confirmed the GMRS repeater is on cooper mountain. At one point I heard Portland Heights or Forest Heights. I don't know that anyone knows where this repeater is unless someone can confirm it's location here? I have asked about this and nobody seems to know and sounds more or less like a guess of location.

It's not a registered repeater anywhere that I can find and no auto ID takes place other than ID of stations using the repeater. Who ever set this up did a good job because it is the best repeater in the whole area hands down based on the number of stations who can actually reach and hear this station from far away. I would like to know more about the setup myself...


Also, the cooper mountain I am hearing reference to is on 462.6500 not 462.625. Tone is 107.2

These are the only other repeaters on 625 I have found

462.6250   POR18R 156.7 Hz     Overlook 625 repeater in the Overlook district in Portland
462.6250   ESTC625 67.0 hz     Estacada 625 Repeater
462.6250   WQMB268   D 125   Unknown RPT ID: WQMB268

Riverdale NET 625 is also on this frequency but is private, no tone listed.


And known repeaters on 650:

462.650     MOL19R    100.0 Hz    Molalla repeater
462.650    HOPE650    141.3 Hz    Hopewell RPT North of Salem - Tuesday NET 6:00pm
462.650    KAG0945    203.5 Hz    Unknown RPT ID: KAG0945 -
462.650    COOPMTN    107.2 Hz    Portland, Forest Heights or Cooper Mountain. No ID.

Sellwood NET is also on this frequency but is private, no tone listed.

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Thanks, I can verify this worked for me and I can hit the COOPMTN repeater (462.650 t:107.2) from Forest Grove. Impressive range! I usually monitor 650 on my commute in to Hillsboro, may catch some of you on the air

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On 1/1/2025 at 7:54 PM, WSFY665 said:

Thanks, I can verify this worked for me and I can hit the COOPMTN repeater (462.650 t:107.2) from Forest Grove. Impressive range! I usually monitor 650 on my commute in to Hillsboro, may catch some of you on the air

Cooper mountain is about the only repeater I can hit from Forest Grove.

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