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GMRS Raleigh area Community, happy 2025!

I need some help, I’m a veteran wanting to learn as much as I can but need guidance as I’m stuck in knowing enough to realize I don’t know anything in this field. All I want is to make sure I’m connected to my local repeaters with the right equipment to make sure I can communicate with others. I’ve read manuals, watched videos…still feel like I’m missing a huge piece.  Any one with time can help? I would appreciate it.




Thank you for connecting! I have a Baofeng UV-5R and a midland MXT575 in my Jeep. I can hear chatter here and there, but seldom can I connect/dislogue with those I can hear. I feel I may not have the radios properly programmed.


Assuming you are hearing the chatter on channels 15 through 22 you are probably hearing repeaters. To talk to the people using the repeaters you will need to configure your radio to use those specific repeaters.

The UV-5R is the absolute worst radio for someone at your skill level, so I won't even bother with that one.

On your Midland you will have to enable repeaters, then identify what repeater you are hearing, acquire the correct 'tone' to use the repeater, then enter that tone into correct repeater channel.

3 minutes ago, WSBC720 said:

if someone can either call or meet we can walk through it to confirm what I have or don’t have.

That's not really how the internet works, but, good luck.

2 hours ago, WSBC720 said:

That’s what I think I did following both manual and videos…if someone can either call or meet we can walk through it to confirm what I have or don’t have.

What you might do is find and contact a local club (maybe one that owns the repeaters you are trying to use?) and see if they can help you locally. Like mentioned above, if someone can't help you get it working over the internet, a long distance phone call probably won't help either.

or, if you want help here...

a few things to help would be to give people on this forum some specific things to answer since we don't know what exactly you did or did not do to follow what you saw in various youtube videos or manuals.

1. Tell use which repeater you are trying to connect too. (can you find it listed here on the mygmrs map/repeater lists.
2. list out the settings you input for teh CTCSS or DTS you set... the frequency
3. are you using a GMRS pre-setup radio (in GMRS mode vs being "unlocked") with channels already programmed into it?
4. are you using the REPEATER channels for the right frequencies vs using the simplex channels which have the same frequencies?

it might take a few steps but if a few specific questions can be answered one at a time instead of tryinng to guess at what might be wrong... we might be able to help give you some info and advice that will get you understanding it and the radio working for you.


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