Having a heckuva time tracking down the cause of electrical whine when transmitting on my Midland 575. My final attempt will be a noise filter and it should arrive in a couple days. If it does not work, is it possible to use an isolated power source like another battery or a Jackery Portable Power Supply to power the radio? Something that can be charged when radio is not in use. The idea of pulling over every time I want to transmit just doesn't seem too appealing.
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Having a heckuva time tracking down the cause of electrical whine when transmitting on my Midland 575. My final attempt will be a noise filter and it should arrive in a couple days. If it does not work, is it possible to use an isolated power source like another battery or a Jackery Portable Power Supply to power the radio? Something that can be charged when radio is not in use. The idea of pulling over every time I want to transmit just doesn't seem too appealing.
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