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  • Reklaw changed the title to GM-21 Custom Camo Paint Job
1 hour ago, Reklaw said:

This was my handy work at a custom camo paint job on  GM-21.....be kind



Good attention to detail and in my opinion nicer than Baofeng's camo pattern


Could a course nylon mesh of grid over the screen serve as an anti-reflection device for added stealth?

The antenna, being a dark straight line, could also benefit some attention to break up its form.

I don't know what types of paint are recommended for antennas.



Hi thanks,

I used some paint I had laying around from old project. Its Rustoleoum camo paint.

The key is sparing no expense on the applicator, I used a Q-tip lol


Here is another photo of a radio I did a few years ago in slghtly different camo color, but the same Rustolem camo paint and Q-tip method.

The approach is to use 3 (or more) colors. Considering the case is black, that counts as one color. Then add in the darkest paint first, leaving plenty of black spots showing. Then add in the lighter color. Repeat back to the dark, then light again until you get a mix you like, keeping some of black showing. At first you will be saying to yourself "What the heck am I doing?". But push on. It dries to the touch in just an hour or two, but give it a good day before handling too much. Be careful not to get paint in the mic hole or speaker, and around the buttons.



In all my years of hunting I have only worn camo a very few times. On the other hand my kids go full on camo. They figured out that either a good blind or proper stalk and spot techniques far outweighs hiding in plain sight. 

Both had been to Marine sniper school. So for the most part if they can see it they can shoot it in the areas we hunt. 

what I get a kick out of is folks who go full on camo, then put on an orange vest. Now you'll hear experts say some critters don't see color. But they sure as heck see shades of grey. And is you grew up watching black & white TV you learned to assign colors to grey scale images. Pretty sure critters can do something similar. Or at least learn that shade of grey is dangerous. 


Nice paint job! After loosing too many camo things in the woods or just around the yard, through my own fault, I came full circle. My newest radio is blaze orange and when needed I can always slip it into a camo pouch. Talk about lazy, lol

Keep up the good work.

7 hours ago, TDM827 said:

Nice paint job! After loosing too many camo things in the woods or just around the yard, through my own fault, I came full circle. My newest radio is blaze orange and when needed I can always slip it into a camo pouch. Talk about lazy, lol

Keep up the good work.

Not lazy, you are just a thinker who solves problems. But, what if you drop the cover in the grass while slipping the radio in?😉

1 minute ago, WSHH887 said:

Not lazy, you are just a thinker who solves problems. But, what if you drop the cover in the grass while slipping the radio in?😉

Then once again I would be screwed, lol. At least I could buy a new radio. Seriously, I really don't do any activities outdoors anymore where camo really makes any difference. I think paintballers and hunters who are allowed to go full camo really benefit from a camo paint job.


Ahh, paintball. Or as I like to call it spray painting ball. 
I did it in the beginning in the 80's?  All guns were single shot. Then we added small magazines above the barrel. Next came the wonders of pump action. I added a buttstock by modifying one from a pellet pistol shaped like a S&W model 41. 
My lust for getting smacked in the face with paint balls satisfied I retired when the full auto mega magazine rifles arrived. Skill was no longer a requirement. 


One of my BF-f8hps has a camo silicone sleeve over it, but that's just because it came in a 5-pack with red, yellow, blue, and orange sleeves and I thought the camo looked kinda cool. I have a black sleeve on an AR-5RM and I like the protection, but it's kinda bland. 😆


looks nice..  I actually experimented with the dip process couple years ago and it was a big flop..  Just recently i painted an anteena radom with your method and it came out pretty good.  Although i didn't go into the fine detail with Que-Tips..    Good Job


Thanks, it only takes a tablespoon of paint and half a dozen Qtips. 

I had the spray paint left over from an old project. I just spray the paint into a paper cup until there is a tablespoon or so.

Its quick and easy.

If I were really brave I would do my Glock, but I think I will pass :)

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