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What unique channel groups and scan groups do you find useful?



Getting past the basics of GMRS I have been trying out creating various channel groups with corresponding scan groups.

This is part of my overall project to create a single common configuration across my HTs and mobiles.


Channel & scan groups I've created for my HT's and Mobiles, so far are:


1) Basic - Channels 1-7 and 15-22 with no CSTSS/DCS

Use: General monitoring and communications


2) Repeaters - Channels 15-22 with no CTSS/DCS

Use: General repeater monitoring


3) Usable Repeaters - Channels of repeaters with CTSS/DCS available for my use.

Use: Repeater monitoring and communications


4) Family - Channels 1-7 and 15-22 with family CSTSS/DCS codes

Use: Family simplex communications configured to minimize interference


5) Repeater Simplex - Channel R15-R22  (467.5500 - 467.7250) without CTSS/DCS.

Use: Inspired by the THE QUEEN OF ALL THAT IS GMRS,  I created this group to determine if repeater users might be close enough for simplex communications.

15 answers to this question

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5 hours ago, Socalgmrs said:

I scan 1-22 and repeaters I use every day. I don' t really scan anyway. 


Thanks for the reply!

Q: What am I scanning for?

As for special events, I agree with you. We all get together, choose the channels and we are good to go.  Also, you make a good point about exploiting the dual receive many radios have by setting one channel to a repeater and the other to a local simplex channel.

It's my nature to dig the interworkings and application of technology. Over the decades, it has served me well by keeping a roof over my head and food on my table. So honestly, a big part my GMRS time is pushing buttons, turning knobs, and flipping bits on my radios to see what happens and what might be useful.

About 1.5 years ago when I decided to upgrade from FRS to GMRS that created opportunity for me to explore the additional capabilities in the context of local or regional emergency use-case:

With the emergency use-case I see 3 priorities; situational awareness, comms with family members in less than idea RF environment and possible comms with unspecified others in the community to organize a response.  In my original post use-cases 1-4 are for this purpose. 

What I don't know and perhaps to your point, is just how useful GMRS will be in an emergency.

Thanks again!



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3 hours ago, WSHH887 said:

Why create scan groups?  Well as a departed friend used to say to such comments, "because I can". 

The cougar crouch lives. RHIP Bestlever. 

One of my earliest memories was with my mom at the department store. At my then eye level the escalator had this BIG RED BUTTON that I just had to push despite my mother yelling "no! stop!" as a ran toward it. Good news was my curiosity was satisfied, but the bad news it was the emergency stop button. I don't remember this but my mom said my reasoning was "Why put a big red button on it if they don't want me to push it?"

So why put 200 programmable channels and 10 scan groups on a radio unless they want me to use them?

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I do use scan groups so I can scan specific things at specific times. This can be real handy if for instance (and yes this has happened) if there are fires near your home and you want to only scan fire agencies. I may choose one local repeater frequency on the bottom and let the top scan GMRS and local Ham repeaters and simplex but mostly I don't do a lot of scanning but it's nice to have the control. My scan groups are typically as follows.

Group 1. GMRS. Only

Group 2. GMRS and Ham Local channels/frequencies/repeaters.

^^^(This is what I mostly have the top section preset for).

Group 3. GMRS, Ham local and non local including out of area repeaters and ham simplex as well as the ISS.

Group 4. Local Sheriff, Medical, SAR, Coast Guard, Fire, Park Rangers, Local High School (we've had two lockdowns at the school and they are close so... )

^^^This would be what my lower section would be preset for. Mostly so if I hear sirens close by I'm set to hear what's up, is there a fire or possibly police with an active shooter at the gas station (this also happened).

Group 5. LEO and Medical only.

Group 6. USCG - Coast Guard.

Group 7. Fire this one is key and is all local fire from two counties as I'm near the line. 

Group 8. Air Band almost never listen to this but it's in there on the radios that do it. 

Group 9. Rail Road Local I have about five frequencies in this.

Group 10. Rail Road ALL I have somewhere near 150 in there but I'm quite sure there is more to be had, I thought trains were cool as a kid and I guess I still do. 

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55 minutes ago, WRNU354 said:

"Why put a big red button on it if they don't want me to push it?"

This made me laugh. The child me completely understands that logic. 

Fun fact, here we use red button to stop machines but in Europe red means the machine is running so danger! and green for off therefore it's safe.

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1 hour ago, WRUU653 said:

I do use scan groups so I can scan specific things at specific times. This can be real handy if for instance (and yes this has happened) if there are fires near your home and you want to only scan fire agencies. I may choose one local repeater frequency on the bottom and let the top scan GMRS and local Ham repeaters and simplex but mostly I don't do a lot of scanning but it's nice to have the control. My scan groups are typically as follows.

Group 1. GMRS. Only

Group 2. GMRS and Ham Local channels/frequencies/repeaters.

^^^(This is what I mostly have the top section preset for).

Group 3. GMRS, Ham local and non local including out of area repeaters and ham simplex as well as the ISS.

Group 4. Local Sheriff, Medical, SAR, Coast Guard, Fire, Park Rangers, Local High School (we've had two lockdowns at the school and they are close so... )

^^^This would be what my lower section would be preset for. Mostly so if I hear sirens close by I'm set to hear what's up, is there a fire or possibly police with an active shooter at the gas station (this also happened).

Group 5. LEO and Medical only.

Group 6. USCG - Coast Guard.

Group 7. Fire this one is key and is all local fire from two counties as I'm near the line. 

Group 8. Air Band almost never listen to this but it's in there on the radios that do it. 

Group 9. Rail Road Local I have about five frequencies in this.

Group 10. Rail Road ALL I have somewhere near 150 in there but I'm quite sure there is more to be had, I thought trains were cool as a kid and I guess I still do. 

Thanks for the comprehensive list of scan groups. Perfect!

Part of my GMRS emergency uses is achieving and maintaining situation awareness, so your post made me realize I mostly overlooked the guns, hoses, and boat people comms. I'll investigate what's available in my area.

Completely overlooked by me is local railroad comms. That would be good too since I am close to a major rail line that moves lots of hazardous materials.

I believe most of the local law enforcement comms in my area are encrypted, so I need to check that. Chicago PD does transmit in the clear on 8 channels, but since I'm well out of effective range of Chicago small arms fire it's of little interest.

I'm starting to think of GMRS as my gateway into Ham Radio so you just gave me another reason to get a license!


Question: Are monitoring ISS comms as cool as it sounds?




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7 hours ago, WRNU354 said:

5) Repeater Simplex - Channel R15-R22  (467.5500 - 467.7250) without CTSS/DCS.

Use: Inspired by the THE QUEEN OF ALL THAT IS GMRS,  I created this group to determine if repeater users might be close enough for simplex communications.

Ooo.. I like that idea need to do that one. Great idea.

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4 minutes ago, WRNU354 said:

Question: Are monitoring ISS comms as cool as it sounds?

I have yet to hear them transmit but some people I know have hit the repeater while I was listening and that was cool. I rarely seem to be zeroed in on when it’s passing. 

As for the scan groups I look at it like tools in a tool box. I like to keep it organized so I know where to find the tool I need when I need it.

If you decide to go for your ham license give HamStudy.org a look. The app will help you prepare for the test. 

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4 hours ago, WRNU354 said:

One of my earliest memories was with my mom at the department store. At my then eye level the escalator had this BIG RED BUTTON that I just had to push despite my mother yelling "no! stop!" as a ran toward it. Good news was my curiosity was satisfied, but the bad news it was the emergency stop button. I don't remember this but my mom said my reasoning was "Why put a big red button on it if they don't want me to push it?"

So why put 200 programmable channels and 10 scan groups on a radio unless they want me to use them?

Oh thank heaven I'm not the only one.  First time in an elevator when I was able to reach the panel... Oh well, live and learn they say.

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I have a few scan groups setup, something like this:

All GMRS - all GMRS channels

GMRS Repeaters - My primary group, GMRS repeaters listed at least twice. Labeled and accessible repeaters and again with a 141.3 tone out for when band conditions are ripe and a few others that are on the same frequency but different tone with tone squelch.

GMRS/FRS/MURS - Just what it shows. Haven't used in years but it's there

MISC - Usually runs on the second VFO and scans at the same time as the primary. It has a few ham frequencies, ISS (space station) and (what I use it for most) a few of my local GMRS repeater INPUT frequencies. By monitoring the input the same time as output I can listen to hear if a user is within simplex range of me, if there is interference on the input or if there is someone trying to access the repeater but is out of range or not configured right on their end (happens more often that you would think)

HAM - a few local ham repeaters around me. Hardly ever used

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You're missing the point. Most folks use scan groups "because they can". No more justification is needed. 

life is full of choices, no one forced you to make certain choices. But it's nice to know you can. 

  • -4

I scan 1-22 and repeaters I use every day. I do t really scan anyway.    I don’t do scan groups.  I do however leave the radio on the 2 channels I use all day. 1 simplex and one repeater.    Why any one needs to create multiple scan groups I don’t understand.  
Gmrs scenario, you meet up with people to do an activity, you agree on a simplex with our with out tones and or a repeater. You proceed to do the activity. Thats it.  That is gmrs.  It’s not complicated at all.  What are you scanning for?  Randos on the highway with tones set? Construction sites with tones set?   Or what else is so important that you need to listen to other randos radio traffic.    

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