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Maryland GMRS Network


About This Club

For establishing and maintaining a GMRS repeater network for the purpose of maintaining radio communications with family and friends.

  1. What's new in this club
  2. Just checked - back online this morning.
  3. Doesn't seem to be working. I've never had trouble reaching it and just now tried a test with no response. Either down or a new tone.
  4. is the repeater online ? and working ?
  5. That poor repeater can’t catch a break!
  6. I saw the pictures on Facebook
  7. I didn't realize it was down - hadn't had much time to listen the last few weeks. Ellicott City and Towson are the only two I can reach reliably (near BWI), although I can occasionally hear a few others. I did sent a contribution to HoCo React on their behalf when I first started using the repeater a couple months ago.
  8. I sent a few dollars to HC REACT towards a new tower. I'm glad nobody was hurt during the collapse.
  9. Repeater is open to use. https://www.howardcountyreact.org/gmrs PL tone looks good on the screenshot.
  10. so i need to wait for owners permission? ie does he have to grant me access? Are my setting s right? esp re tone squelch and DTCS?
  11. No, the owner is very nice. You may use it. I have no trouble reaching it from the Annapolis area.
  12. so programming my new radios with Chirp...not sure i have it right... in particular the Towson 600 one https://mygmrs.com/repeater/4281 Do i need to have permission from the owner? ( i did click on request but unsure if needed) this is what i have....
  13. yes its back online. i did a ping on the repeater using my call sign in cw.
  14. There was a Pasadena repeater testing there, pl-103.5. I haven’t heard that in a few weeks though.
  15. Hi, I'm trying to find and identify area repeaters (Montgomery County/Howard County area). Anyone aware of any repeaters in this area on .675? Thanks for any reply, WSCR525/David
  16. I appreciate the replies! I've identified two repeaters on 462.700 (Tx) that I can hit pretty easily from my location just south of Ashton. One uses a 141.3 tone (thanks radiozip), and another uses 167.9. I am assuming these are two different repeaters and not one repeater with two different tones! I do not have a directional antenna so I have no clue where these are without some driving around to see where they come up (which I'll do over the coming weeks).
  17. 141.3 is a popular tone, worth a try to see if you can bring it up.
  18. I'll try to poke around and figure it out
  19. Hi Again, Seems like this is not an active group?? If it is, does anyone here have experience retuning a duplexer for GMRS who might be able to give me some guidance or assistance? Thanks, David WSCR525
  20. Md GMRS Network, I've been looking into area repeaters. I'm hearing a repeater here in Montgomery County that's on 462.700 but I can't find it listed here on mygmrs. Can anyone tell me about where this repeater is, is it open use, and if so what's the tone? Thanks, David
  21. Hi, I just joined this club and am saying Hello. I am new to GMRS, though I held an advanced class amateur license (KD2RC) for many years and then drifted away from it. Recently got re-bitten by the radio bug and decided to use GMRS as a gentle dip in the pool. I see mention of a weekly evening net. Is this still active? David WSCR525
  22. new myself.. probably wouldn't be able to help much. I was able to access the local repeater!
  23. It looks like the Ellicott City repeater is back on line. Apparently it has been down for a while. I thought I wasn't programming my radio correctly.. but all this time it was the repeater.
  24. Thanks, I was really hoping to find someone to ask a few questions but the search continues.
  25. Hi Wasabi! WSBW475.. This is kind of a quiet club. I just joined myself. Hoping to get some action going.. Welcome aboard!!!!

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