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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/16 in all areas

  1. MURS is unlicensed (technically "licensed by rule", so you can still have your privileges revoked), but two of the frequencies are/were formerly assigned as business band so there may potentially be some overlap. According to the FCC: None of the MURS channels are assigned for the exclusive use of any user. You must cooperate in the selection and use of the channels in order to make the most effective use of them and to reduce the possibility of interference. (Source) So... nope. WalMart must play nicely with everyone else on the MURS frequencies. Although the stipulation about making the "most effective use" of them would probably give some weight to a commercial business over someone who wants to monkey around with that business by messing with their communications.
    1 point
  2. Wouldn't it be nice if the FCC put MURS under GMRS and offered licencees those frequencies at GMRS power levels.
    1 point
  3. n4gix

    GMRS Lic

    I printed mine out, framed it, and hung it next to my ham license...
    1 point
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