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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/20 in all areas

  1. Guest

    Group of guys interfering

    Has anyone been listening to 462-5750 systems In the Delaware county regional and southern end With people with non-licensed. Talking/singing on the system. I currently use Aston Mills PA GMRS system And every time I use it. We've been getting a lot of . Interfering the guy calls himself Larry on it.. and Ware all getting Upset because . These guys who use the repeater and actually were just on it today need To Get off . I don't know if this is where the FCC comes in. But no one's doing anything about it. And they tend to go on a different system Every few days. And doing Stupid sounds. Almost like People who have (((chew In There mouth)))) anyone came across it.
    1 point
  2. PRadio

    New Part95E Radio

    "Wouxun says the KG-1000G is built using a "classic radio circuit", but what they mean to do is differentiate their products from many lower quality radios being built today. Often radios are built using "radio-on-a-chip" technology that makes them inexpensive to produce, but often inferior in sound quality and receive sensitivity. The KG-1000G is a "real" radio, with a superheterodyne receiver, built in the same way as expensive professional radios made by large manufacturers."
    1 point
  3. gman1971

    New Part95E Radio

    and if it only was the frequency stability issue.... what are people expecting here? an APX8000 level of frequency stability with an APX8000 grade receiver? Lets face it: its just another piece of overpriced CCR garbage. There is plenty of high quality Moto/Icom/Vertex/Kenwood gear available on places like eBay that will be far better than that. But, its your money, waste it accordingly. G.
    1 point
  4. gman1971

    New Part95E Radio

    Meh... a CCR quality with a higher price tag... pass. Also, for that price you can find used XPR5550 radios on eBay. G.
    1 point
  5. On the Motorola CM200/300 & PM400 radios, there is a readily available BNC antenna connector to replace the Mini UHF standard one. It simply screws in. No soldering or special tools available. While this example is from the UK, they’re available from US sources as well. https://www.ebay.com/itm/MOTOROLA-BNC-ANTENNA-SOCKET-FOR-CM200-CM300-PM400-5886751Z01-FREE-SHIPPING/352424840907?epid=22021562587&hash=item520e284ecb:g:dYIAAOSw1zpbT4El
    1 point
  6. axorlov

    Midland Ad

    If every operator of said pilot car company had an individual GMRS license, then why not? Does not have to be a family business. License is not expensive, $60 for 10 years is nothing compared to the cost of a radio. Decent pair of shoes cost more these days, and they do not last 10 years.
    1 point
  7. The Retevis RT76P is on Black Friday discount @ $26.99. These are legal part 95 GMRS radios and they put out the full 5 watts. Can't go wrong with these. https://www.retevis.com/GMRS-Radios/
    1 point
  8. For the acronym dictionary... FPP = Front Panel Programming. The ability to set radio configuration parameters without a computer or programming software.
    1 point
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