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Everything posted by WQAI363

  1. My very first HT was a YAESU FTH 7008, I bought this radio to have for Town Watch. The Town Watch that I was member of had purchased 12 YAESU FTH 7008 radios and a repeater. I wish that I sill had this radio.
  2. It's not difficult! You have a radio with 400 or whatever numbers of channels, which means that you're able add and groups channels together with different PL tones. With some older Kenwoods or Motorolas, you can group 16 or 32 Channels to a zone Each of those channels you can add names to channels
  3. I know my 50 cents don't mean squout, but I haven't really heard anything about the FCC not allowing any more repeaters to be errected. However I do think if you're gone to have more then two repeaters on the frequency with a 5 to 20 mile range from another, they should be on different repeaters pairs. After all we only have 8 repeater pairs. I've notice that some repeater owners can act like children fighting over who had their repeater on the first when using the repeater pair and tone.
  4. Let's face it, no matter what radio service that is available to the general public, licensed or unlicensed. There will always be pros and cons to each radio service. Sure, everyone who checks into this forum has heard someone making a fool of themselves over the radio, either the Amateur Radio Bands CB or GMRS. Ignoring is not always easy and reporting is next impossible, unless they threaten harm or loss of life. They are meaning the bananas or little children as I call them.
  5. Your Post made it sound as if I said that NARCOA was the Only licensed user of (151.625). I sicerely apologize if I sounded like a person that write posts with out knowing some about the subject or topic. Maybe you have a point, I probably should do research before posting anything regardless of topic.
  6. Yep, anyone that want the ability to Rag Chew with the Drama BS of 11m CB, GMRS isn't the solution. Amateur Radio is the solution, because GMRS is intended for semi privite communications between family members or organizations, such CERT or Neighborhood Watch Programs. Of course, there are GMRS systems that are design to be what Amateur Radio Systems are.
  7. That repeater is apart of LEARN System, which is closed System. I don't know how many repeaters on that system with the same pair. Each repeater has a different tone that's all I know. This past spring, I was able talk with another station using a repeater in Long Island NY Of course, not the same repeater, but both repeaters were on 462.575 67.0. Man, what a Band Opening. I did have difficulties hearing the stations in NY, but the one station came in like we we were 10 miles on simplex. DFQ or Blowing my Windows Out
  8. Why did MIDLAND introduce the XT 511, when that's simplex only? If you were to asks me, I think Midland should retroduce XT511 and add repeater channels with spit tone. This way consumers would really have a portable base station for camping or outtings.
  9. Beside commercial esblishments, I'm really not sure of how many individuals that use MURS other than for occupational use. Than again, NARCOA [ North America Rail Car Operators Association ) alreay 3 VHF frequencies near the MURS portion. Yes they licensed to use : WPHT745 151.625 151.505 158.400 Who knows maybe some members may have programmed MURS as extra channels to use, since they aren't allowed to use AAR Channels.
  10. This comment maybe late, but if the FCC were to add VHF channels to GMRS. The FCC would need find five more frequencies to pair up with the original five in order to allow repeater use. Of course, the VHF Hi 150-174 is pretty much used up, so seriousy dought that FCC will ever add VHF frequencies or combine GMRS and MURS. Especially for VHF Reapeater use.
  11. WQAI363

    Michigan GMRS

    Mr. Ed If you're looking for a mobile radio, but want the ability to add channel with same repeater pair, different channel guard or PL. You may want to look at BTEC or WOUXUN, these radios have the ability to store same repeater pairs with different tones or same or split tones. Midland well known in radios and excellend quality, but I would lean tward BTECH or WOUXUN KG 1000, because they offer Wide Range Recieve, especially if you like monitor AAR channel or Aircraft. Than again, the AAR channels are slowly migrating to IDAS/NXDN, but put shortline RR and VHF MARINE BAND 73
  12. I don't know anything about the Midland MXT275. However, I guess it was wrong to assume that radio couldn't do split tones or leave receive off. I still waiting for ICOM, KENWOOD, MOTOROLA AND VERTEX STANDARD to unvail their GMRS Radios. Don't get me wrong, Midland has a great history with two way radios, but I like using Motorolas.
  13. This reply maybe long overdue, but according FCC Rules and Regulations Channels 16, 18 and 20 are technically shared with Part 90 users. White Dot, Black Dot and Orange Dot. I would assume businesses who are licensed and occupy those channels have priority. Same goes for those businesses that were or currently using the MURS channels, such as WAL MART or Home Depot. Althugh, I dault the FCC renews licenses for those users, since the FCC created MURS back in 2000. I'm not too about those three GMRS channels, but I don't mind as long as both user of those channels respect one another.
  14. The FCC has a better chance of increasing the power output on MURS, before they approve digital mods on GMRS. DMRS sounds like a good idea on GMRS. It would certanintly would allow users to make good use of repeaters as far as adding talk goups. Unfortunately, GMRS was intended for Short Distance as 11m CB radio was. Of course, the FCC had dropped the indivdual licensing requirment back mid 1980's for Class D Citizen Band Radio. The Short Distance isn't observed, because when I think of Short Distance, I'm thinking of less than 5 square miles or less than that. With the use of a repeater or a network of repeaters on same pair, it goes beyond Short Distance.
  15. The debate over using PART 90 equipment for PART 95 use, I'll assume that debate will still be around long after I'm gone. My opinion on using Part 90 equipment shouldn't really matter if the equipment was manufacture prior to the January 2013 NARROW BANDING mandates, because those maybe be used on Amateur Radio Bands, but no real reason that they could be used for GMRS.
  16. I sincerely apologize for drifting off topic in my original post. I wanted to say as far as ARES / RACES, for individuals who want to be useful during times of Emergencies or just working a normal PSEs. Indiviuals that aren' interested in Amateur Radio as a hobby. They could always obtain their GMRS license and get the necessary training for tasks not directly passing traffic, but a link in for other non HAM volunteers. If I have failed to be clear. Please Forgive Me!
  17. I can't really say that I understand the FCC rules and regulations about GMRS whether to use or not use, because I have used and I modified radios not authorized for Part 95 use. Right now, I wished I had not made the modification on my YAESU FT-60R, but it's done. However, getting back to using used or new old stock part 90 radios for GMRS shouldn't be a big deal, for three reasons. One, the majarity of those radios pulled from service due to the narrow banding requirements, should be able to be recertified Part 95A / 95E for GMRS. Two, I know even used or new old stock unopened can be pricy, but there are some great deals, especially if you are able obtain the programming equipment. Three, the quality of ICOM KENWOOD MOTOROLA and VERTEX can't be found in other price friendly brand, except MIDLAND.
  18. This individual has to be stupid, didn't he realize he may have put lives in jepardy. Now, I can't say that I haven't tread on to other bands that I have no business on, but I have never and will never mess around where I'm not authorized, Especially regards to Public Safety Systems.
  19. I maybe rambling on and not staying on the Topic, but seems as a little simularity here. Connection VoiP on GMRS, sort a like back in the day, when CBers would add extra channels on their radios. Known as Free Banding, which remains illegal. Howerer, we're not talking about adding extra channels. What we're talking about using VoiP on FRS or GMRS, which was bond to happen at some point. I really don't see the harm with connecting FRS or GMRS to the internet via VoiP and extend coverage a little. Beside until GMRS regained it's popularity with recent Part 95 A & 95 E radios out there on the market, GMRS Iicensees were breaking rules & regulations anyway. Only there wasn't really a stink from the FCC, at least not from my prospective. I'm refering to the use of Part 90 radios rather than Part 95. Feel Free to shut me up and put me out of my misury, because it probably sounds as if I'm not too intelligant. I apologize & 73s
  20. According to my knowlege traditionally ARES as well as RACES uses the Amateur Radio Service their primary group comms, but I assume GMRS could benefit in times of crisis. As far as the expense of HAM Radio as hobby, whelther it's Amateur Radio or GMRS equipment you will find isn't going to be much difference in expense. All the major manufactures, starting with Alinco, ICOM, Kenwood, Midland, Motorola and Vertex / Yaesu, prices will vary. Especially when you add in the cost of antenna coax and power supply. Some of these manufactures produce good quality radios, might not be FCC 95 Typed Accepted, but the new old stock or use UHF radios will do just as well the new.
  21. I did forget to mention the organization that requesting radio operator volunteers. The organization is Multiple Sclerosis Society Delaware Valley Chapter is still in need of volunteers. It would also help if you had Amateur Radio License too.
  23. I know that there's NO such thing as a FREE LUNCH or RIDE, which I totally agree with. I also fully comprehend, that it requiers money to maintain a repeater or repeater systems. I just had the feelling when spoke with Ed aka 820 or 822, he seemed like an arrogant person. I will admit that I was out of line for ignoring for Ed's request for me to stay off the repeater. However, I wouldn't mind paying atlease $30.00 a month , because unlike bills that must be paid in or to live, something such as supporting the system's up keep , dues should be negotiable. I mean dues still need to paid, but keep it to minimum at $30.00 a month.
  24. I sicerely appologize for classifying LEERN as an Organization. Maybe I did wasted everyone's time for what I have posted, when I really don't have any knowledge of LEERN. I do know that LEERN has some non Law Enforcement individuals who are members. That's the only thing that I'm sure of. Then again I maybe 100% wrong on rules and regulations. My first expierence using was back 1993, where the Town Watch that was a member of switch from CB to GMRS. Only two members held licenses and the membership Piggy Backed. Of course, I know now that's a technical violation, at lease in today's standards. But I do know that repeater that LEERN has should ID even if members are not required.
  25. The frequency is (462.575 + 5MHZ ), but from what I understand about the FCC's grandfather rules,each employee is covered under the business license. Only the Business has to ID. However, LEERN is an Organization and not a Business, each member is require to identify themselves with their FCC assign Call Sign. I'm not fill a complaint, because it may or maynot be a violation which the FCC has more serious issues to tackle. Then again who really follows rules all the not just with Radio Communication, but in General ?
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