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    WRXB215 reacted to Taz670 in My first contact   
    I got my GMRS license a few weeks ago and received my handheld radios a few days ago & started setting them up (still learning & trying to set them up lol). Well, I reached a local repeater and made my first contact. It was exciting to me so I just thought I’d share that. Thanks everyone for helping me with my newbie questions. 
  2. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Baofen uv82   
    If your UV-82 is locked, which it sounds like it is, it will not transmit on GMRS frequencies (or any non-H.A.M. frequencies), and yes, it can still receive and listen to those frequenices.  If your UV-82 is not locked, then it will also transmit on GMRS and other non-H.A.M. frequencies.
    The DB20G is a mobile GMRS radio so of the box it will transmit on all of the standard GMRS channels EXCEPT for channels 8-14, so because channel 7 is not between 8 and 14, it should also transmit on channel 7. If it does not, then you are either doing it wrong, you screwed up the programming, or its defective - and i doubt it is defective.

    ANY hand-held GMRS radio will talk back and forth with FRS radios.  Any mobile GMRS radio will talk back and forth with FRS radios on channels 1-7 and channels 15-22 .
  3. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Baofen uv82   
    The UV-82 is a ham radio, so it will not transmit on GMRS frequencies.. To fix this, buy a GMRS radio OR buy a radio that can be 'unlocked' to transmit outside of the intended frequency range.

    The DB20G is a GMRS mobile radio and per the FCCs rules, only hand-held GMRS radios my transmit on channels 8-14, however the DB20G should transmit on channel 7, so you may want to re-check that one.
  4. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from RayP in Mobile/ base issues   
    It's weird how some people will whisper on the radio. As if they don't way anyone to hear them. 🤔
  5. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Retevis RT97 GMRS Repeater PowerDivider Dustproof 8CH Base Station+2*GMRS Radio   
    It's all nothing more than opinions and guesses until you try it.  Based on my actual experience, actually using the RT97, I would GUESS it will probably be fine, depending on the terrain as already mentioned.
    One of the great things about the RT97 vs a "real" repeater (based on my experience using and comparing both types) is the very low power-draw, meaning if you are running it on emergency batteries, it will last a lot longer than a bigger, "better", more powerful repeater.
    I would also recommend using a good quality antenna, that is correctly tuned for GMRS, and lightly better quality radios - something simple enough for everyone to use, but at least dust and weatherproof.   I would also recommend making sure everyone has extra batteries and keeps them charged - a monthly/semi-monthly test with everyone would be a good reminder for everyone to charge and rotate the batteries.
    EDIT: I forgot the most important part: good quality coax and connectors.. Not just to reduce loss, but to avoid water intrusion.
  6. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRWE456 in why are there 2 channels shown on grms radios?   
    Bingo! Very well said.
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    WRXB215 got a reaction from SteveShannon in why are there 2 channels shown on grms radios?   
    Bingo! Very well said.
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    WRXB215 reacted to warthog74 in Which antenna design should I go with for 2 repeaters I have?   
    Fair enough. You do you. I'll do me. Just giving the OP another option so that he isn't disappointed when that $600 antenna might not perform as well as he'd expect.
    You can also clear coat a j-pole to minimize corrosion without affecting it's swr/range. I'll take that vs fiberglass that splinters and cracks, or crappy wire antennas encased in PVC. 
    As for the j-pole I linked... Not slapped together. Thousands sold, no bad reviews. I'm not a hired sales person, but his j-poles and n9tax's Slim Jim's are well built and perform very well. I own many of both and they outperform dozens of other antennas I've used over the last 35 years. Even my old steel 102" whip still outperforms Antron 99's and the like on 10/11 meter. Some things just work, and I've never had a "dud". 
  9. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to warthog74 in Which antenna design should I go with for 2 repeaters I have?   
    Just because it has a "brand name" and costs $600 doesn't automatically make it commercial quality, or good. J-poles have been used for decades and are proven to be reliable and good performers. Go ahead, spend $600 on something that probably wont work any better than a "crap" $30 J-pole. Not my money. 
  10. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Tuning a pre-tuned antenna   
    They are, but some people would try to tune them. I think I would not. 
  11. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQW589 in why are there 2 channels shown on grms radios?   
    I find GMRS to really be this, as described above; a tool in support of activities, not the activity itself.
    I use it for camping, hiking, caravanning, skiing (that's a big one), occasionally at outdoor places like amusement parks, and more recently sailing since ship-to-shore communications are so highly regulated over Marine VHF. I can't help but enjoy it as a hobby in and of itself, but recognize most people just buy a couple (or more) radios and go about using them in their activity.
  12. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in A funny thing happened at my ham test today...   
    The new question pool is already available to download for free. 
    But honestly if you learn and understand the concepts in the old test you should be able to pass the new test. The concepts haven’t changed. 
  13. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYZ926 in A funny thing happened at my ham test today...   
    A reminder that the Extra question pool changes either next month or July. Wait to buy any Extra study guides until they have been updated.
    I passed my General test in January and went ahead and took the Extra test. I got 50% on the Extra without even studying for it. I need to start studying again for the Extra.
  14. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Flameout in Which antenna design should I go with for 2 repeaters I have?   
    I bought that Commscope DB404b and wish that I hadn't. I just thought  "it's expensive, so it MUST be good". Was a waste of money. I went with a Comet 712efc instead and it performs much better than that db404 
    Using an Icom IC-FR4000 repeater, TX/RX Systems 28-70-09 duplexer (pretty much the same as the one you listed, but older) and 1/2" hardline
  15. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to warthog74 in Which antenna design should I go with for 2 repeaters I have?   
    You could save a crap-ton of money and get one of these: https://www.jpole-antenna.com/shop/462-mhz-land-mobile-gmrs-j-pole-antenna/
    It's what i use for my small 2 watt repeater attached to LMR-400 coax. At a measly 30 feet at 2 watts with 2-3db gain, it does 5-15 miles in town with tons of crap in the way. I am in a horrible spot honestly. At 60 feet i could probably double my range. Best $30 i ever spent.
  16. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRXP381 in Mobile/ base issues   
    Not in my experience.  I have several boofwang and tyt radios in the trucks. None of them have these issues. The Tyts do especially well on signal reports.  I think 1/2 the time people need to just speak up.  I’ve used radios all my life.  Some very expensive professional radios and some extremely cheap junkers that make uv5s look really nice.   The biggest thing I’ve always had to tell people is speak up. 
  17. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in Welcome!   
    @WRZB774 lots of us here have both a GMRS and amateur license. They both have their purposes and you may find one or both fit your needs. One thing to consider is who you want to communicate with and if they have the same interest as you in being licensed for whatever radio service you are using. You mentioned family and GMRS is ideal for this because they can use your license to communicate with you. It looks like you have a few repeaters around you that you may be able to reach. This can greatly improve the distance you can communicate. Some are open, some are members only. You may want to see if you can reach some of your local repeaters and if your family members can reach them from their locations. As for which radio, well that is a whole different thing but I personally started inexpensive while I got my feet wet and found what I liked and wanted in a radio. Then I started getting more radios. Then I got my amateur license and got even more radios. Beware It can be habit forming. Good luck and welcome to Mygmrs.
  18. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in Invalid call sign when adding to repeaterbook   
    Repeaterbook is primarily for ham repeaters. They added GMRS but isn't very well populated yet and will likely never catch up to myGMRS.com for GMRS repeaters. For GMRS, like @WRQC527 indicated, myGMRS.com is the gold standard.
  19. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRFT961 in New to GMRS   
    I'm not sure about "most" but for a UV-5R I've done several tests in my neighborhood and the stock antenna doesn't cut it from my house to a particular point at the end of a bike ride. Both the 701 and 771 do make the trip with the 771 a little clearer than the 701.
    Mind you there are a lot of trees and houses full of f...furniture in my neighborhood.
  20. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Where to place a repeater   
    It works.
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    WRXB215 reacted to nokones in Invalid call sign when adding to repeaterbook   
    Maybe Repeaterbook hasn't updated their tables/data base yet.  Your licensed was issued a little over a month ago. Just be patient. 
  22. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Davichko5650 in A funny thing happened at my ham test today...   
    The tests really are not that hard if you've got some background in radio. A friend of mine did Tech and General in one sitting and his "Elmer" (mentor) said  that was "precision studying" when he scored perfect on Tech and missed 2 for the General. However you work it to get that ticket, do it. But cue the SadHam caterwauling about a) 13 wpm code and b) traveling to some FCC office and c) how much easier the tests are now...  Many elements of ham radio and GMRS are not mutually exclusive, and it's never a bad thing to have one more tool in that toolbox!
    Dave  WRJG283/N0TXW
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    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in A funny thing happened at my ham test today...   
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    WRXB215 reacted to n2877 in A funny thing happened at my ham test today...   
    Take it all the way to extra. Just passed my extra exam. It feels good to completely finish something. 
  25. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in GMRS 10-Codes   
    No, but I do have strobes for 2 of my vehicles because I do volunteer field communications work for for DHS/FEMA, DoD/USMC, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Loudoun county and Price William county.  However, they are hidden. Not a 'wanna-be' look.
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