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About wqyy664

  • Birthday 03/23/1967

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  • Location
    Central Ky
  • Interests
    Broadcast Radio,2-way Radio,Weather,Skywarn,Heavy Metal,Family,Off Road,Jeep,

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  1. The only unlicensed use we get around here is the Ky Dept of Transportation using bubble pack radio's on GMRS for traffic control and the occasional hunters. I leave the hunters alone, would you want to argue with a guy and his gun? Also, a couple of the schools here use FRS for handling traffic in their parking lots and since I live close to a major highway I hear both frs/gmrs traffic for a few minutes as they pass through my area. Once they get past a large mountain that stands between me and the parkway they are pretty much out of reach. Once in a great while I hear K-DOT using MURS.
  2. Whats on my mind? Getting over this flu...ugh.

  3. Despite having the license free service of MURS VHF where we can use voice and data transmission's, i have always felt that the rules for GMRS could be updated to allow data transmission but on a limited basis. For example, you want to know my exact location, my radio if so equipped could send you my GPS coordinates, or a text. Could be very handy but the problem of unlicensed users sending constant streams of data between stations could be aggravating. If, and we all know the FCC probably wouldn't entertain the idea of adding this capability to gmrs, the data transmission could be limited to only simplex channels, it would be kind of neat but at this point it would be nothing more than a pipe dream.
  4. wqyy664

    Jeep Grand Cherokee

    Our storm spotting off roading grocery getting all around fun to drive 2000 Grand Cherokee.
  5. wqyy664


    Images of my Jeep and the gear that will be added to it for storm spotting.
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