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Everything posted by WRUQ357

  1. I have the ghost antenna on a lip mount on the cowl of the TJR. It's perfect for the trails. I also have one on the driver's side rear door on my truck using a Nagoya lip mount and the ghost antenna works well there as also.
  2. And a good bourbon
  3. I haven't been on the forum for a few, and this topic is interesting, to say the least.
  4. I have a Mossberg 88, and in my opinion, you can't go wrong. I think I paid $120 for mine. I have it set up for 1 3/4" shot shells.
  5. It kinda was, I'd much rather they bring back tar and fearthering.
  6. I didn't witness it, but I read a story that our towns BLM march was down the sidewalk next to our mall.
  7. Wow, my mom moved us to Sylvan corners around '69. I attended Sylvan Jr high and graduated from San Juan High school in '75. I actually lived right across the street behind some business's by the walk light if it's still there. That area of Roseville and Citrus Heights was a great place to grow up.
  8. I mentioned to my wife the other day that I was glad that we moved to a small town. How ever it turns out, we get to watch from afar.
  9. I did a charity ride today put on by our local Sheriff's. First time and I was really interested to see who showed up and if there was any radio traffic. It was a mix of on road only and off-road. There was a lot of UTV'S and Jeeps, with Broncos and Tacos, and other rigs thrown in. I was surprised that there was no radio traffic, other than I heard some people with the event. No gmrs or cb traffic amongst the attendees that I could tell. I wish I would have thought to put my radio on scan. I did hand my friend on of my uv5r's, and we stayed on channel 16.
  10. If you're good with computers, then you can program most any of these radios to fit your needs. I'm not. Some of them are easier than others from what read on here. The MXT275 is a good radio, I just don't like how you have to go into the menu to get to the repeater channels. And also you have to follow midlands codes to install the repeater tones. I have it in my truck now because I don't think I will be using repeaters while in my truck, just mobile to mobile simplex.
  11. I prefer the Radioddity for simplicity. The midland comes with a little antenna and it worked quite well out on trails. I installed a nmo mount on the cowl of my jeep and run a midland ghost antenna now. If I wanted distance I'd would go with the midland mxt26 db gain antenna, and still might pick one up for driving to and from the trails, though there's really no one to talk to where I live. It's pretty quiet on gmrs and cb around here.
  12. When tar and feathering becomes a thing again, maybe I'll get interested.
  13. I've had a Midland MXT275 in my jeep for awhile. Pretty good radio for what it is. Put it on a simplex channel and talk. I didn't like having to go into the menu to go to repeater channels. I finally bought a Radioddity db20-g and all you have to do is scroll up to the repeater channel with the tone dialed in. Probably not explaining it right, but it works for me.
  14. Living 16 miles from the Mexican border probably puts way out of range.
  15. I'm not a specialist in any stretch of the imagination. But yeah, height is might as in gmrs. I heard a lot of people from around the states and Canada. Not sure why, I just wasn't able to make a contact. I think my radio was running about 45 watts or so
  16. I just drove our little mountain and parked at about 5,600ft elevation trying to make a contact on LSB,USB, and AM. No luck today. I was in my truck using the QT80. Saturday I'm doing a charity ride event in my jeep and I hope I will have the opportunity to test the QT40 while driving the route the coordinators picked out.
  17. Big as in spent money
  18. I've just jumped back in myself after 20 years. I was a part time truck driver back then and always had a radio when I drove. I've never been a real technical person. I went big and installed a Radioddity Qt80 in my Ram and a Radioddity QT40 in my TJR. Learning as I go.
  19. It's on a spring and quick disconnect, helping it look taller
  20. I've done a lot of googling and boobtubing. Both of my new radios are capable of 10,12, and 15 meter. If I ever figure out how , I may try and listen in and see if it peaks my interest. I'm more afraid of changing the radios and not being able to fix them. A big part of it is my mind doesn't retain the information I try to feed it.
  21. Update on my radio and surgery progress. The surgery went well, I'm walking better than I have in years. I lost interest in the ham stuff. Couldn't rap my mind around what band is what. I finally got my QT-80 installed in my truck and after having some issues with the placement of the antenna, I finally figured it out and have the swr's at 1.3 to 1.5:1. I also picked up a used QT40 from Scott's radios and replaced and installed a new 4' Firestik and cable in my TJR with the QT40. The swr's are running 1.1:1 on the jeep install. Now I have gmrs and cb in both rigs.
  22. I'm waiting on a delivery of a mount that will let me mount my new QT-80 next to my right leg on my center console. I will post pictures when everything gets installed.
  23. I've watched a lot of notarubicon's videos, @OffRoaderX, I'm just not able to retain what I learn like I used to. All of the searching that I did the last couple of days brought back some oh yeahs. All I need is a simple radio that just works out of the box. I think I've got my DB20 right for me finally. Thanks everyone.
  24. Thanks for your help. Appreciate it!!
  25. Well I got the repeater set up and made a contact about 60 miles or so in Tucson from the Sierra Vista repeater. I think I have most of it set where I want it. There will definitely still be a learning curve for sure. Thanks for all the help.
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