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  1. Can owners of the Windows version download the Mac version for no additional cost?
  2. You do and you remediated the problem!
  3. You are one anecdotal experience and personally I am sorry that you went through it. You even admitted that: "Now I feel like a bit of a heel for posting the rant..." I agree with you. Your title, which is repeated on the list of Unread Messages EVERY time someone posts to this thread is not ameliorated by the fact that you acknowledged that they DID give you satisfactory replacement service. You just don't like the timeline... I have NEVER had ANY problem with Radioddity and their Technical Support responds within 24 hours of my questions. Anecdotally, I think they are just terrific, but I would NEVER title a thread: BUY FROM RADIODDITY IN EVERY INSTANCE! But apparently you do not see my point...
  4. WRYS709


    You can never have too many threads about “Gary”!!!
  5. I think I will start a thread about how @Wayfarerposts misleading and inconsiderate thread titles and then circle back and Edit my initial post and add “[updated]” to the title! YMMV! “Now I feel like a bit of a heel for posting the rant below.” - Your comment, not mine!
  6. You should re-edit the Title of this thread Every new post (including this one) repeats your damning statement!
  7. WRYS709


    More info? radio? computer? Operating System Cable?
  8. I like to Write down the channels I want to add in Excel and group them accordingly (for future export/import and other radios code plugs) Keep space between Categories of Channels for ease of growth later!
  9. The Radioddity DB20-G, also sold as the Anytone AT-779UV, is a great starter radio, I have one both in my Car and in my Shack, and holds up as a long term radio as well. It comes with its own free to download Code Plug Software on the Radioddity website. If this is your first time writing an analog code plug and you have a Windows computer, you may not need the additional $25 software from RT Systems, because the biggest investment of time is the first time you build your code plug. I have various tips in how to write that first DB20-G code plug for future growth, and as I am limited in time this morning, I will be happy to share them with you, if you respond that you went ahead with its purchase; as well as the pros and cons of purchasing the RT software for a beginning user of the DB20-G. Good luck!
  10. I solved the problem of PTT Fatigue on my Baofeng DM-5R DMR HT with an old MAHA PTT mic with K-1 connector that I had from my 1990's Kenwood days.
  11. Nice to know I picked the right model: it was an impulse buy, on Black Friday in 2023!
  12. Can you imagine the reaction if you go on a Ham Radio Forum and brag about getting your GMRS License!?!
  13. Which car? The cigarette lighter plug on a 20 watt radio is a great feature and should only be removed as a last resort. For example, in addition to plugging in to my cigarette lighter port in my car, I can plug into the port on my Jackery Explorer 300 for portable/emergency use. Some cars will turn off the electricity to the cigarette lighter port when the ignition is turned off, but many have an "auxiliary" port that is always powered. My EV's port is turned off, but it is easy to power it back on again, when parked. My advice is don't remove what is a great feature of this radio (cigarette lighter plug) and at the end of the day, if you want to connect directly to your battery, get something like this adapter from Powerwerx
  14. Purchased 3 of them: First the clone Anytone AT-779UV, then the DB20-G, then another DB20-G to replace one stolen, and... Then the DB25-D to get virtually the same mini-mobile with DMR on the 2 Meter and 440 MHz Ham bands.
  15. Radioddity has them open box for $139.99 Look here! If sale is still on…
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