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  1. Last time I checked your Ham Radio license is still active until 2030 and and you are coming dangerously close to Randy's definition of a "sad Ham!"
  2. And yet, you took time from your busy day to repeat your point when nowhere did I say anything about “both services!”
  3. My mistake for using language that was not clear. I would hope that this thread does not get bogged down in the “FCC Rules Police” debate. As noted by some, there are easy ways to open these radios and yet keep them operating within the structures of FCC Rules. That is their power, versatility and abilities for such a bargain price! Let’s get back to programming questions about the RT Software for these versatile radios
  4. Using channels 8 through 14 on a mobile is somewhat controversial as a violation of part 95E rules The reason being that you are transmitting higher power than was intended on these interstitial channels very close to repeater input channels
  5. Yes, it automatically restores the basic 30 channels. You should do a backup of your current library of channels now using the Radioddity/Anytone software and again when you acquire RT’s software. Then you will have the ability to easily restore your library of repeaters/settings, etc Rather than overwrite my code plugs as I modify them, I just save a new file with date and time. This way I can always go back to an earlier code plug, if I screw the new one up for any reason
  6. Actually the Radioddity software, for free, is very versatile; but is very limited in capabilities for: import, export and copy & paste. So the RT Systems addition Is now very welcome! As to your noted point, yes, once you use the Radioddity software to change Tones, it is helpful to change the Squelch setting to match as well.
  7. I reset my Anytone to US-GMRS, and downloaded the radio into RT Systems for you to view and even use the attached RTS code plug, as you desire: AT-779UV GMRS.default 202501191600.AT779UV
  8. RT Systems is referring to how the OEM USB cable, while wired correctly for the purposes of the radio communicating with their CPS software, was not properly wired for the purposes of reverse engineering how their software communicates with the computer.
  9. The GMRS "open" code plug allows more functionality of the microphone buttons while maintaining GMRS Part 95E regulations.
  10. I have converted my GMRS Part 95E code plug to the new RT System software. This code plug allows the user to "open" their DB20-G or AT-779UV and yet restore full Part 95E compatibility and restrictions See this post to open your radio: AT-779UV GMRS 202501191140.AT779UV
  11. At long last... RT Systems has delivered their $25 (download) software for the DB20-G/AT-779UV mini mobile radios (Version 5.00.04). It orders easily from their website and installs easily into Windows (11 in my case) and works with my USB to RJ-45 cable. RT indicates that the delay to engineer this software was due to some "incompatibility" in the OEM USB cable wiring, but indicates that it works with the OEM USB cables. I suggest that they may have been using the original Anytone USB cables, which has Windows 10 and 11 issues. But both Radioddity and newer Anyones now have an updated USB cable (albeit it looks exactly the same as the legacy Anytone cable!). RT does sell its own USB to RJ-45 cable for these radios, either separately or as a bundled combo. It is currently only available for Windows 8 and above. I have imported my current codeplug into their software very easily, saved it and now will begin the process of exploring it capabilities. For years, I have kept a CSV (Comma-Separated-Values) file as a master list of all of those frequencies I want to use in some or all of my various wireless radios. It easily opens in Microsoft Excel and now with the RT Systems CPS software, I can "import" and/or copy/paste these channels at will. This software now plugs the major hole that these wonderful radios had since their release. My other minor concern is that they do not "tone scan" but a $22 Baofeng UV-13Pro Ham Radio took care of that problem for me. If anyone has specific operational questions, shoot them at me, and I will be happy to test them out! NOTE: There is another new thread on this topic that insists on using the "Technical Discussion" - "sort by votes" system of discussion, which I abhor! These posts are all about date relevance and I, for one, do not want to subject other's posts, to be "down-voted" and hence pushed to the bottom of the thread. This is radio technology; not a popularity contest! Enjoy!
  12. Is that before or after you snipped off the cigarette lighter plugs?
  13. I thought this goes without saying...
  14. Rather than throw mud all over your gracious offer, I applaud your offer to those that can gain useful information from it!
  15. At this point I am turning my focus to DMR radios that are currently compatible with OpenGD77 since it appears they are not going to reverse engineer newly released radios. I just acquired a Baofeng DM-1701 for $50 from China and am about to install OpenGD77. I hope it will qualify as the new lowcost option that I can recommend to others interested in getting involved in DMR inexpensively.
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