The Radioddity DB20-G, also sold as the Anytone AT-779UV, is a great starter radio, I have one both in my Car and in my Shack, and holds up as a long term radio as well.
It comes with its own free to download Code Plug Software on the Radioddity website.
If this is your first time writing an analog code plug and you have a Windows computer, you may not need the additional $25 software from RT Systems, because the biggest investment of time is the first time you build your code plug.
I have various tips in how to write that first DB20-G code plug for future growth, and as I am limited in time this morning, I will be happy to share them with you, if you respond that you went ahead with its purchase; as well as the pros and cons of purchasing the RT software for a beginning user of the DB20-G.
Good luck!