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Everything posted by WQWI871

  1. So, after dealing with a few unexpected issues by others' errors, the mast is up; 30'. I had to improvise for the moment with some hardware, such as the pvc sleeves due to errors, but, the hard part is over. I just have to swap stuff out when I'm ready. http://i64.tinypic.com/2utpvm1.jpghttp://i64.tinypic.com/2ntvhva.jpg
  2. How do they handle backorders for out of stock items and if an item stops working after the thirty day refund/exchange period, does that become the manufacture duty? (if still under warranty)
  3. Welcome. Repeater usage is fine. Distance is within town depending on antenna, terrain and other obstructions or interference. I would get about six or seven miles with my terrain and handheld antenna for repeaters. Handheld to handheld is about one - two miles for me. I've not tried handheld to mobile or base. Mount a mobile or base antenna higher and can expect a bit more. There's never "too many" programed. However, if you have a bunch programed that odds are, you're too far to use or odds you would never plan on being within town to use it, I'd remove. However, only you can decide what your prep needs are. If you have any specific questions, I can try to assist.
  4. Does anyone know how or if possible to log out of Echolink? There's always a logged in status menu that I can't seem to do anything about unless I deregister my call sign or uninstall the Android app.
  5. WQWI871


    Oh lol well I can understand that, too.
  6. Okay I checked the manual. Menu number 36 I think is to enable and disable AM mode on receive. No SSB or transmit.
  7. Lol. I just told mother what the call sign is. She says she prefers the change because It's the family initials.
  8. I don't know why, maybe because I knew the examiner and I have poor handwriting. Although I don't want to say that was the problem. But, I was in doubt that it would go well. I thought either it wasn't processed after the fifteen days and would need to do some contacting, or, it was processed but details were wrong. So, in addition to checking my ULS, I actually decided to search by city and state than my name. Just in case name was wrong or FRN wasn't noted. But yeah, all is okay and I'm happy the licensee update application and call sign application was granted quickly. Now I get to play around with echolink.
  9. Would you care to elaborate on the it doesn't transmit well part so I can differentiate opinions with detailed facts to help me decide on what to choose for my wants and needs? Because I'm often expected more from than my general expectations. And, I don't mean to seem blunt, but, although I understand your comment, it doesn't quite answer my initial post.
  10. Having that U their after the W lol and followed by a 62. I will say that I think it sounds better with the dub-ya route than trying to do a you after a double-you. Yeah, sometimes full or even partial phonetics can be easier. By the way, I think I understand how the systematic works. It's the next available in line. Maybe considering I requested a change about an hour after it was in the ULS, there wasn't much of a change.
  11. Okay, both applications to change the systematic call sign and to update the contact details were approved, all is okay now. Although, they only changed one letter of the call sign lol wasn't expecting that, but, I'll stick with for now.
  12. I submitted a request for systematic call sign (I really just couldn't fathom that call sign) with an application to update the call sign with correct contact details. I don't know how long that may take, though. I suspect days or a week.
  13. Thanks. I was unsure how to change the details for the specific call sign / license. Because the contact details on my ULS account are correct, as well as my GMRS license. It's just the amateur license isn't correct. I guess I'm use to phonetic with GMRS because my call sign is kind of catchy, and can stated in phonetic fairly quick and easy to understand, so, I generally do. But, I can predict errors when trying to use phonetic with this new amateur call sign. It's like the suffix is backwards from the prefix lol. I was thinking about requesting a systematic call sign, as I didn't want to wait a long time for vanity. But, I don't understand much about the systematic.
  14. Nice call on that one, I feel better now. It just showed up in the database and already associated with my FRN in the ULS. Thanks. Edit: Doh! I knew me and the examiner has sloppy handwriting. My last name is spelt wrong. And email address and mailing address. Anything I can do about that? I'm not particular fond of the call sign choice. I'm not complaining, but, I'm use to the phonetic alphabet, and, saying this call sign in the phonetic alphabet can be a tongue twister.
  15. Oh okay, that's good to know. Thanks. I see there's also an Off for the backlight, that's nice. I didn't see any option for timed backlight, though. I kind of prefer the backlight to activate while pressing buttons and then remain active for a defined time then go inactive again. It's no big deal, I just don't often need the lights being used in a base station. I'm going to decide on a radio by the end of next month. (Birthday present)
  16. Seriously? Every review and website says It's AM and can listen to the CB. Hmm but, this is generally why I try ask around than to go by reviews or descriptions. I actually found two YouTube video's that were implying it can transmit on those bands as well, but, I only see receive.
  17. WQWI871


    Ahh, okay. And yeah, it sucks climbing sometimes. I've just been trying to make my mast into a tilt over. I still look forward for that repeater being up from them, though. But, I can understand if they simply have no interest or time to do it. There's one in another city that has "some" coverage in my area, but, (if It's up) I just think my equipment and setup isn't enough. I did hear a couple garbled noised transmissions, nothing to make out. So, maybe.
  18. My problem is that when I check FAQs and look at different websites, the descriptions state different frequency ranges for the transmit (I get the receive part). I'm trying to figure out if this antenna transmits 6m and 10m, an addition to the the other frequencies I know it transmits. Some websites say yes, some say no only receive.
  19. Oh, cool.
  20. Sorry. The backlight comment was about the display.
  21. I went with this galvanized swivel clamp on eBay, $19.99 free shipping new.
  22. WQWI871


    That actually may not be you, or, is it? The owner I contacted regarding the repeater responded to me a couple days before your comment and told me it was down for maintenance, so, I assumed it was you. But, the names don't compute.
  23. Okay, thanks.
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