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Everything posted by WQWI871

  1. Okay, thank you.
  2. WQWI871


    I messaged that.
  3. I'm not technically worried about getting a defective item, but, does anyone know how well they stand by they're policy to handle defective items or items that stop within a time period? I generally only purchase from eBay or Amazon excluding a few Baofeng products that I purchased directly.
  4. Thank you, G. Me still being unemployed, that would hit me kind of hard if FCC decides to increase the fees, though. I kind of depend on GMRS a bit more than amateur because although radio communication is useful in my family, I'm the only one that handles everything. My family has no interest in the exams and FRS is just not enough sometimes.
  5. That's nice. I often have lots of time on my hands. No friends to hang with and forever job seeking. I'd like to do something with my life, but, something that I can do that doesn't technically require luck of getting hired - one of those just do it kind of things. Job or not, it would be great especially to turn a hobby into even just a volunteer act such as a neighborhood or weather watch.
  6. Base or mobile for base. Or handheld.
  7. I'm just curious. I've seen a few random tests around from boredom of using dual band 70cm/2m antennas for GMRS. Either everyone's meters are inaccurate, or, It's a hoax. But, seems resonant to me, considering the range isn't too off. I'm just curious what everyone thinks about it and has anyone here actually tested from curiosity?
  8. I'm curious, too. Sometimes the five years seems to pass to quick for the price. I think ten is more reasonable.
  9. Oh, okay. I suppose that can make sense if an fcc account is found during the process?
  10. I think I got my answer for that. (Apparently the 9800 does, 7800 doesn't) I don't really like the microphone, though. Although I try to not be picky, that's just an odd mic. And being able to adjust the brightness or toggle the backlight would be nice. I'm so use to the baofeng radios having purple standby backlight, blue receive backlight and orange transmit backlight, swapable, and, toggling off and timer.
  11. Okay. Yeah I handed them my GMRS with the FRN on it when they asked for my state ID and any amateur license I may have. They looked both over and said they meant amateur license and not GMRS, which I understood, but, only provided it for the FRN that's on it. I provided my social security number which was taken note of, so, I'd assume one of those were noted. I'll keep checking the ULS search and my ULS license(s). I think I still have about another week and half to see anything, though. Thank you for your response.
  12. Is it a difficult or delayed process? Although I presented my GMRS license during the exam which has my already existing FRN on it, I think my FRN was over looked being GMRS and not amateur and I may have to associate it when ever the call sign is available in the database. I can wait, but, I just worry about other issues. The examiner and I both don't have neat (putting it lightly) handwriting, so, if they're doing the filing by mail, I hope my information will be legible to understand and I won't have to do any contacting. I know it can take some time, though.
  13. Yeah something is off about that block range, I'm stumped. But, hope it goes okay for you.
  14. Yeah, that's odd. If you can measure out about 40w, but, getting little difference at about 24', I would say either obstructions or cable or antenna. But, you mentioned you tried different cable, antenna, and no obstructions. What was the range like before and mounting point? Sorry that I probably won't be any help.
  15. Odd. So, after adjusting the power to 40w, fine tuning and raising the antenna higher, there's little difference? You're field testing the results or meter?
  16. I don't have much experience with that repeater, maybe someone else can give they're thoughts if you can't get anything more. But, my only ideas are, have you tried different heights just to check and you tried adjusting the power? I believe each channel can be set to different powers. You're getting 25w on each channel?
  17. In addition to Steve's comment, I also want to point out that you're also welcome to use the FRS channels (Channel's 8-14) and Channel's 1-7 are FRS and GMRS shared. If you're not very far, FRS is still nice. Sometimes when I walk to a local shop that is about a six minute walk away from home, I use FRS with my family back home for shopping lists (just a few items that I don't feel the need for a vehicle) and FRS has clear transmit and receive for me handheld to handheld. I understand in case of an emergency when communication is dependent, you may not want to use FRS if you doubt your distance. I'm just answering the question about which channels you can use with no GMRS repeaters. So, technically any and all.
  18. I know the two btech mobile radios you mentioned are programed similar to the other baofeng radios. I can try to help, but, unfortunately, I may need more details of what the problem is. I understand you're not too familiar with programing, but, without specific questions, I could only advise checking some YouTube videos or the operators manual. I have seen some programing YouTube videos and I think the baofeng website has manuals.
  19. I thought the 7800 had wide receive support out of the transmit bands? Although I have seen a couple reviews stating they had locked units.
  20. Does the 7800 RX 11m band like the 9800?
  21. Yes. The minimum power necessary to carry out the communication.
  22. Okay, thank you. I'll keep that in mind for the list.
  23. For the TYT-7800, have you personally checked the power on UHF to see how accurate the advertised 35w is? The TYT-9800 is also in my budget. Quad band.
  24. I wanted opinions in case I'm missing some benefits of one radio over the other to help me decide. Sometimes It's not as simple as reading through specifications and making decisions by that. And although I know some enthusiasts would choose the more popular, what I'm looking for is simply benefits over the other (and other options) to make my decision. My budget is +/- a little $ around the specified radios. My wants and needs are the basic's of each specified radio (50w, dual band) Any other wants or needs or how it will be rigged is either not relevant to me, or, I already have it taken care of. So, does anyone have any thoughts of these radios having benefits over each other aside from them all being duel band and 50w? (UV-50x3 is Tri Band, 9800 and 8900 Quad) Btech UV-5001 Btech UV-50x2 (Newer Model of the UV-5001) Btech UV-50x3 (Tri Band) TYT TH-7800 TYT TH-9800 (Quad Band) Yaesu FT-8900 (Quad Band) Kenwood TM-V71A Icom IC-2730A
  25. You had me going for a moment.
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