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Everything posted by WQWI871

  1. Yeah, thanks. I think I may go with one of those double pipe clamps you mentioned was plumbing or the one I linked. It's in my budget and seems it will work.
  2. The entire concept including antenna is roughly 10lb-15lb. It really is a simple light setup, so, I feel paying more for an actual tilt hinge is unnecessary. I was just looking for a small cheap clamp. Something from a hardware shop, or, alter something to use.
  3. I think the plumbing clamps might be fine if I can find the right size. One of those quick release levers that's on modern bicycles would be nice or wingnuts. The antenna and mast are pretty light, I can lift the entire concept up to put it up without a clamp, so, strength isn't too important. The mast will be secured as well. The idea of the clamp is just for quick convenient deployment up and down if I need to make changes. I can't find my old picture of the area, but, I can get another picture if It'll help. My budget is about $10. Edit: I actually found one with quick levers. http://www.pssl.com/2-In-Wrap-Around-Clamp-With-Dual-Quick-Release-1 Are they called Scaffolding Clamps?
  4. After a quick search of the tilt over pole hinge you mentioned, I came across these aluminum flag pole brackets about $6. I'm still looking.
  5. I'm not familiar with any local cb or ham shops. The local flea and farmers market doesn't have any supplies, either. Usually I would need to fabricate something or find parts at a hardware shop or fleabay. If I can figure out how to upload images, I'll give some examples of what I'm looking for. Again, these are just examples. The mast is cylinder. Sometimes my biggest issue is simply knowing what the part is called. I didn't find out until some months ago that screw eyes / eye screws were called that. I knew what they were, but, had trouble finding them because I didn't technically know what they were called. Edit: Giving more details, the antenna and mast is pretty light and the mast will be secured against the wall. But, 35' is still a bit annoying to push up. I wanted a clamp to attach to something, such as a pipe that will be cemented, and could simply push / walk the mast up into place while the clamp is basically holding the bottom of the mast down. It's a little difficult exploring options here with the hardware shop employees. A lot of them don't like giving individual help. The guy a couple days ago was rude and didn't seem interested, but, I think he only stuck around because another employee pulled him from his lunch break.
  6. Oh, yeah. That's happened to me a few times, too.
  7. Does anyone have any ideas of a tilt / fold or swivel kind of clamp or bracket so I can easier push up (and down) a galvanized pole mast?
  8. Okay. I thought that, but, wasn't sure. Because the circles seem to change from red to green and back multiple times a day as if it were an error. Edit: Just noticed a circle being green again. It was red an hour ago when I made the first comment. Edit: Huh. Yeah, red again fifty minutes later. Ah well.
  9. I notice that sometimes the "coverage circle" is shaded a different color. Sometimes It's shaded green, sometimes red. The same repeater.
  10. I ditto that.
  11. Thank you, PastorGary. Sorry again, but, maybe it will help some of the guests trying to register. And, hopefully they will see it.
  12. I'm not assuming anything here, but, in case this is the reason for the "few" people having trouble registering in the forum, is it possible that could be pinned somewhere? Of course, I would think those users would have created a myGMRS account before trying the forum, but, I never know. I know the New Guest Forum topic that is pinned mentions it, but, maybe if It's not too much to ask, highlight the requirements of creating the forum account, or, rewording? Apologies, just trying to help. I try to take in consideration that some may not understand things clearly or have trouble finding it.
  13. It looks okay to me. I generally use Tone and make sure both TX and RX tones are the same if necessary, but, I use TSQL sometimes.
  14. Yeah, that's it. And I apologize if my last response was blunt. I was just trying to say that just because we all have "boundaries" of what we should do, that doesn't mean we have to exceed those boundaries. If the post creator has questions for the repeater owner, I'd advise to either make sure they check if the owner has any contact information provided, perhaps try to post the repeater (as I have seen a couple posts here, actually) and someone may reach out to them, or, if someone licensed is in the area of that repeater, perhaps they can try to reach the owner on the post creators' behalf. Those are a few ideas to help without exceeding our privacy boundaries.
  15. I listen in on some local 2m and 70cm repeaters (no TX) and noticed a couple are programed for various announcements such as if the PL is incorrect, frequency or other statements. I think that's a nice idea if word can't get out otherwise. Well, not saying word can't get out.
  16. I understand that. But, keep in mind this thread isn't only used for those having trouble registering, It can also be used for the unlicensed. (Unless an admin wants to change that) Many unlicensed have specific questions that cannot be answered via self research. Here's an example. What if someone were to dish out the money for a GMRS license, GMRS equipment, and, plan to use it with a local repeater. Then to find, that repeater is down and the owner has no interest in getting it back up, has relocated, or, changed access specifications such as frequency or PL. Not all users keep the logs up to date with this information. And, some people may only intend to use GMRS with a repeater if simplex is out of range. That would've been a waste. Again, though. I don't know the intentions of the post creator, but, I believe in understanding what is being asked than to assume. The question is not confidential until It's confidential. So, the answers don't have to confidential, either.
  17. I'm not implying anything, and, perhaps I'm incorrect as I don't know the intentions. But, they simply stated that they want to contact the owner of the repeater. They didn't state they were trying to use GMRS frequencies (repeater or otherwise) unlicensed.
  18. I had a similar issue recently. I kept hearing transmissions that appeared business related. I assume a hotel, as they were mentioning different "floors". There's no where near (although perhaps not near) with floors except hotels. I tried politely questioning about using it for business, because it seems simplex is just fine. But, I never got a response. I don't know if it was the PL or just ignoring.
  19. I can wire two handhelds with those cheap repeater boxes, but, I didn't think that would do much, even with good antennas mounted 20'. But yeah, drafting prices, I can't do $300+. I couldn't afford that for a radio, either.
  20. I agree. I think GMRS is a great service and generally suits my needs as well. Some users such as myself just need general communication and most cases, GMRS covers that range. When simplex on GMRS is out of range, a GMRS repeater could be enough within town, even a bit further based on some aspects. Also with the rules allowing a callsign to cover family members, something amateur licensing doesn't do. And there's many elderly or disabled family that has no will or interest into studying for an amateur license to be legal even if the other party did they're part. I feel that the GMRS could become a more used service or progress if some users contributed. A service can't expand if no one contributes to allow it to. I may have to plan on a repeater for my town.
  21. I have trouble with GMRS repeaters that are listed within coverage, too, being certain to enter RX, TX, offset and PL correctly. But, sometimes I feel It's my equipment, other times, I've noticed that myGMRS.com doesn't always show accurate information regarding the repeaters. I'm not implying It's myGMRS, but, some users don't update the log when information has been changed or the repeater is offline. Although I would love to see more working repeaters for the GMRS users that especially want to stay in touch with they're family, elderly or otherwise, GMRS doesn't have as much interest as amateur frequencies unfortunately. Except for simplex as comms.
  22. I'm not sure specifically of what reference material you're looking for, and, this may not be much, but, hamcrazy sells custom reference materials such as wallet cards. I like to keep bands and frequencies (with common channel numbers if GMRS or FRS) and other references such as phonetic alphabet, and codes printed on a small wallet card or larger if kept at a station. As PastorGary stated, even though GMRS and FRS is still technically popular among some, especially those that use the bubble pack radios for close range communication, there's usually limited audience to desire reference material. Sometimes I think the best is to find references online and compose your own materials from it.
  23. I'm kind of one of those lonely friendless guys with no life outside the worldwide web, and, I want to say that receiving the email notifications of new posts in this thread oddly keeps me company.
  24. I see good. But, there's bad, too. (And yay for the citizen band? It's not too useful for me, but, I still like my little CB base)
  25. WQWI871


    Hey. I think I contacted you about it a couple days ago? I got the response. Yeah, I can wait. In the meantime, I'm still studying for amateur exams while I can get a ride to the exams. I may use Uber. It's kind of out of my ways as I don't drive. And, no friends/family to transport me. (I don't know how I was logged out during that initial post by the way)
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