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Everything posted by GreggInFL

  1. Question (which may have been addressed in the previous pages, but I'm too lazy to check): Must one take the tech exam first? What if one wants to go straight to the general? Is that a no-can-do, or a sure-why-not? Okay, three questions total.
  2. Trees are a big issue around here. I use that same repeater but come at it from the east, so there is little development and, being Florida, no mountains – just trees, trees, trees. If you can get past them you're golden. Any height is worth finding. I recently hung a UV-5R (rubber ducky antenna) out the car window from five miles east and was able to hit Orlando 700 while on a slight rise.
  3. What size tower do you have? Curious because our group is deciding whether to rent or build.
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