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Everything posted by GreggInFL

  1. Never mind, I think I found the answer. The Chirp Next version that was issued yesterday has a beta for the GM-5RH listed under Baofeng. It seemed to connect and I was able to save the factory settings. Fingers crossed. Is there any way one could import settings from another radio, e.g. my GM-15 Pro into the GM-5RH? Would be convenient. (<This guy is obviously new at this.)
  2. True: " UV-5G Plus (use Baofeng GM-5RH)" However, when searching for Baofeng GM-5RH I get this: "UV-5RH Pro Max (use Baofeng 5RM)" (Emphasis added). There appears to be nothing for the non-Pro Max version. I just opened a box of two new ones and don't want to brick them. Anyone know which one to use? TIA!
  3. My marine VHF radio can take a while to connect. In fact, after about 15 minutes it will issue a warning if it has not connected. This is done for safety reasons as it can automatically send a distress signal with ship name and coordinates if it hits the water.
  4. Great to know! Thanks much. This is an excellent forum, and the above is an example why.
  5. Note to self: Reading is good.
  6. Where are you? No need to disclose your specific address, but if we had the city/intersection we could post the info for the nearest repeater.
  7. I've found dual monitoring useful when I'm not talking to anyone and simply want to monitor. If I scan on one row and set the other to the local repeater the odds are I won't miss anything. Otherwise, yeah, if I'm engaged with a group I'll turn off dual.
  8. Yes, we are. I'm in a similar situation; considering a repeater for neighborhood comms because sometimes the weather here can get nasty.
  9. Welcome!
  10. Alright, let's settle this once and for all. Is it "Fars" or "Farz"?
  11. Go to the top of this page and click the "map" tab. You'll see a couple repeaters in the area. Then find YouTube videos on how to connect to a repeater. Welcome, and good luck!
  12. You can do what you want to do with GMRS, and then get a tech license if so inclined. Do your geocaching friends want to get a tech license? If not, start with GMRS.
  13. I suggest you check some You Tube videos, specifically those related to connecting to a repeater. All repeater-capable HTs, which is most of them, will do the job so "best" is a matter or personal choice.
  14. Same with foliage. One would think that flat Florida would be perfect for radio, but trying to push 5W on a stock antenna through the woods means 1/2 - 2 miles, max.
  15. Good points all, but as I examine any chirp file on hand I only see "Tone", with no distinction between in and out (chuckle). He has a point; I don't have an answer. (Note: Not the latest version of Chirp on my end.)
  16. I have these radios and use this software. You want channel 28, which is repeater 6 (RPT-6). Set the input tone to 141.3 and you are good to go. As Steve mentioned, the manufacturer has apparently locked the channel frequencies to maintain certification, but you can select the tones. The OP (Crash1) can do similar, with whatever channel/freq/tone combination corresponds to the repeater he wants to hit.
  17. GMRS is the sweet spot for many who want to get into radio. I've been surrounded by radio most of my life. Dad and I were both in comms in the military. I have family, friends and neighbors with mega ham licenses and have always enjoyed watching them work the airwaves. I'm a PE with a masters degree, so the tech is not intimidating. Folks who don't know assume I have an amateur license, which I don't. FRS works but is very limited while amateur is fantastic but requires jumping through hoops. GMRS is a good compromise.
  18. That's no big deal. Hell, he replied to one of my posts with something like, "Jeeezus, WTF are you thinking?" Now that's funny.
  19. Thanks everyone. Time for Plan B. BTW, I have the ubiquitous UV-5R and a couple of GM-15Pros.
  20. Did the antenna make much difference compared to stock?
  21. Oh, burner phones are on the buy list. We cruised Rome - Athens - Istanbul last year and the marine VHF came in handy. Had this amusing conversation with a crew member: Me: What frequencies are used in this port? Him: We don't use frequencies, we use channels.
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