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  1. It's probably right in front of me, but is there a way to know which topics have new posts on them? On another forum I belong to, when you hit "What's New?", it brings up any topics that have been added to since I last looked at them. I'm sure this is going to be a Doh moment.
  2. On another thread I was reading," I can't seem to get two radios to communicate over the same repeater" the poster also couldn't get his two radios to communicate. Ended up he was too close together, I think he said he seperated about a 1/2 mile, and got voice. Give that a try.
  3. Duh, that works! We'll just keep a dedicated radio for my wife, she will remember names MUCH easier than freq's!
  4. Ah, is it as simple as choosing "name" in the A channel? That way my wife only has to look at the A channel and see something like "Erika 1"?
  5. Steve, thank you for confirming this for me! Now, if I can ask one more... Because my wife would have been a natural back in the 1840's, we need to make technology as simple as possible. I saw a youtube video that showed how you could make the "B" freq on the screen show the station name. Using the same spreadsheet, "Settings" tab, and choose "name" in "Display Mode (B)". I've done this, but after I upload it back on the radio, the lower line will show the name of the first row, but as I scroll thru the saved channels, the name still just shows the name for channel 1. Does anyone use this feature, and know what I'm doing wrong? Bill Baker WSAY247
  6. Ok, another new user, just got GMRS license a couple of days ago. Have figured out how to use CHIRP some, on a UV-5R. I understand the freq offset and offset polarity, still not sure about the tones for repeaters. Looking at the column headings on the CHIRP spreadsheet, there is "Tone Mode" (tone, tsql, dtcs, cross); I see if I pick tone, then in the next column, "tone", it starts off with the pre loaded freqs I can pick from, and the couple of open repeaters I have looked at, this is what they are giving, a freq. I assume this is the tone that I would transmit, to open up the repeater, or is this column using the same tone for Tx and Rx? The next choice in the "Tone Mode" column is "TSQL", and if I select this, it automatically opens up freqs in the column called "Tone Squelch", from the discussion above, it seems this would be the tone the repeater would be transmitting? I'm still not getting how to use these columns. Back to the "tone" column, the third choice, DTCS, the next three columns are DTCS, RX DTCS, DTCS Polarity. These seem much easier, if I see a repeater giving a 3 digit number instead of a freq, I would be choosing from the pulldowns in these 3 columns. Do I also have the option of not using the RX DTCS if I want to hear ALL traffic on the repeater's output? Boy, I'm realizing I'm at that age where old dog/new tricks is a problem. Bill Baker WSAY247
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