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Everything posted by GreggInFL

  1. Just curious: Did the repeaters stay up and running?
  2. Send them a hurricane. That will change their mind.
  3. I recall my drafting professor saying, "If a drawing can be interpreted more than one way, it's wrong."
  4. You're probably 99% there. 20 miles on a handheld is a long way; I'm lucky to get five miles here in the swamp. As others have said, your answer is a slightly better antenna.
  5. Triple the price?
  6. The only license that has value to me is the General (given that I can't get to HF with a Tech license) but I'm not going to take two tests to get there. One yes, two no. I'm a registered PE with a masters degree so testing isn't something I find intimidating. I'll jump through one hoop, but not two. There is a better way to do this. For example, I hold an advanced certification in a specialized field. To get that one does not pass a beginners exam, then an intermediate exam and finally the advanced exam. One enters the program by taking an assessment exam which establishes a level of certification -- beginner, intermediate or advanced. I first tested in at the intermediate level, studied more and then passed the same exam at the advanced level. One exam. The FCC should give all applicants the Extra exam and issue appropriate licenses based on performance. If the applicant wants a higher-level license they can study and take the exam again. One exam.
  7. ^Thanks for that. Great story. Congratulations on your achievements. I'll comment more later, timeline and all...
  8. Excellent point, sir. I stand corrected. Thank you.
  9. ^Not what I wanted to hear, but it is what it is.
  10. I have your radio and plug it into the UT-72G others have recommended. The combination works well. The antenna kit can be had here and has all the components you need. When you move to a full-size mobile unit you can use the same antenna without the SMA adapter. Edited for truthiness. (See below.)
  11. One needs a General license for voice on HF, correct?
  12. ^ Putin loses that scenario. <Cheyenne Mountain/NORAD once upon a time. Keep your sat phone, and your H.A.M. rig.
  13. GreggInFL


    If you have a dual band radio you can set one to 19 and scan the other. There may be an army of operators out there monitoring 19, but no one transmitting. Feel free to push the button.
  14. ^ I still have an HP-12C I got in 1984. Love RPN.
  15. Looks like my old Picket. The HP-35 was $400. Too rich for my blood, so I went for the TI SR-50 for $150.
  16. Ah, great example. I don't have a dog in this fight (couldn't link two repeaters if my life depended on it), but it seems like the FCC could score a lot of points finding a sweet spot.
  17. I..see..what..you..did..there...
  18. Oh, I'm wide awake and completely get that it's potentially illegal. I'm suggesting that perhaps it shouldn't be illegal.
  19. GreggInFL


    Is the repeater open or private? If it's private you will have to wait until they approve you. If it's open you might wait a reasonable period of time, connect to the repeater, transmit your ID and ask for permission. If no one says no, go ahead and use it.
  20. As a poorly qualified noob I have the constant feeling that I'm missing something. According to the obviously qualified posts here, no GMRS users have complained about linking, technical complaints such as tying up frequencies are baseless and everyone who tries it likes it. Yet there remains afoot a movement to terminate all this happiness. What am I missing? This is more of an opportunity for the FCC than it is a problem. The ability to communicate with others over long distances via linked repeaters is very appealing, with little if any apparent downside. If there is a problem with the rules then perhaps the FCC needs to change the rules.
  21. I have those radios and like them. I live in a heavily forested area and usually tell people "Half a mile, maybe two if you're lucky" when asked about range. Try a 771-style antenna, which might help. If you're mobile a mag mount on the roof of your vehicle will make a difference.
  22. It goes both ways. When I key up near my computer's UPS it triggers the alarm on the UPS. Go figure.
  23. I understand the reasoning behind this -- to ensure that the operator doesn't transmit outside the specs -- but it would be preferrable if that were a burden placed on the operator without regard to the equipment. If one can get a toaster to play by the rules they should be good to go. Operator A: "Hey buddy, what radio are you on today?" Operator B: "A GE four slicer." Of course that would require a test which defeats the whole purpose of GMRS.
  24. Congrats. But, in other words, there is no simple way to program this radio.
  25. Quick note: There is no minimum age for family members. Which reminds me, before I got into GMRS I asked a user why he had the radios for his kids when they could just use cell phones. He said, "I don't want Junior dropping a $500 phone over the side of the canoe."
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