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About Yugo

  • Birthday December 8

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    Reseda CA

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  1. im not letting some yahoos keep me away from radios anyway Im into radios for emergency coms not to talk to idiots like that so as annoying as it is it doesnt bother me too much. Im working on the HAM license a little more normal people on ham bands at least what it seams like when I listen in on those repeaters.
  2. so I finally got it all to work and jumped on this sylmar repeater and its a total shit show WOW
  3. never mind figured it out
  4. so I got the cable and the manual doesnt tell me anything on how to plug it in or where, nor does it list what software to use. I guess I can use chirp but dont know the process. heres the manual https://www.icomjapan.com/api/download.php?post_id=2781&fl=JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRnN1cHBvcnQlMkZtYW51YWwlMkZJQy0yNzIwSC5wZGY=
  5. thanks just placed the order for the cable $20 not bad amount to pay for ease of use.
  6. no traffic on the UV5 I did make contact yesturday and today on simplex with the icom. yeah I was looking at the cable I think im just gonna buy it cause it will make my life easier and thanks for the CHURP info I did not know that... but i guess Ill still need the program cable even for chirp.
  7. trying to figure it out I think im getting it. its a icom 2720 with mars mod. (yeah yeah I know and I dont want to hear anyone's input on the fact of FCC etc keep it to your self please with all due respect) also a UV5R but I got it all programmed correctly I have not gotten any response from anyone though.
  8. is there a tone? how do I reach it? im kinda new to this. any help is appreciated thanks in advance
  9. I did the website same time I did it here... been MONTHS. no response. People got added AFTER my requests so im sure he has seen it. Maybe the guy has a grudge against me? I dont know the man never met him before. Maybe he knows me from my posts on other website forums and doesnt like my politics pure speculation) I really have no idea. I thought maybe someone here knows the guy personally and could shed some light.
  10. yup funny just found this forum (been on mygmrs.com for a while) Ive been looking for new doods to hit the trails. 93 ZJ full crawler 7" lift lockers more than I can list. I use all channels cause sometimes theres noise. Gorman, rohr flats, kennedy medows, manache medows... Im down to try new places also have rock crawled in BB. Would love to tag along with some people just hit me up.
  11. Whats up with this repeater, I asked for access from verdugo (same owner) now asked for this one and I never get a response its been months.... I see from the comments people are on it so they got access... Whats the deal why cant I get the owner to accept me? Anyone know him, is he just MIA?
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