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Everything posted by haneysa

  1. Thanks to all the replies. If the issue persists, I will find a shop to check out my repeater.
  2. Will it "wideband" 20kHz?
  3. Recently I had an issue with another repeater using the same pair as mine. This repeater was unknown to anyone in our area (not listed here or on Repeaterbook). Another operator was located between my site and the other site, and he could communicate clearly with me and the other repeater owner. I could only catch part of the distant repeater output. The distant machine was using 136.5 and I use 141.3. Is the fact that these PL Tones are so close to each other explain why each repeater was receiving the other's output (at low levels)?
  4. Perhaps this is already widely known by those that own & operate GMRS Repeaters, but I did not see a previous post when I used the forum search function. RepeaterBook.com has a section for GMRS Repeaters. This section is fairly new. I figure that since we do not have a Frequency Coordinator, the more places that we list our machines, the less chance that a conflict will arise.
  5. Do not use a CCR no matter what band you end up using. As others have said, the front-end of those CCRs are crap! It will be very difficult to receive the signal that you want using low$ radios in that environment. Whether you use MURS, GMRS, or amateur radio, you and your buddy need to use YAGI antennas, pointed at each other. When you decide on a band, try using PL Tones that are somewhat obscure (especially if you go with GMRS).
  6. Where did you find the Firmware download? The only thing I see at Reteivs is the programming software, or is the firmware part of that?
  7. I now have the Retevis RA25and the Anytone At-779UV. As far as I can tell, they are pretty much the exact same radio. I have a programming cable that works for both, although I could not open the download for programming the Anytone. As has been said, without using a PC, you cannot change the factory settings, not even the PL tones, because you cannot get to those menu items. I assume that they locked the radio to narrowband on all channels because it was easier than tweaking the hardware to set the "new" GMRS "wide" setting of 20khz, vs the standard wideband of 25khz. I have let both companies know about these problems that make these radios useless. The engineers certainly dropped the ball on this radio. Perhaps they should consider reaching out to the largest GMRS users site in the USA for input:)
  8. I went through the same thing, and had several email exchanges with "Nancy" at Retevis. I have still not been able to change the factory PL tones or bandwidth from the front panel. After these instructions from Nancy, I was able to program it via my PC and a UV-5r cable-Please connect the cable and opened the software program. The frequency page will appear or you may have to click on open. Make the changes on the page and save it. Do not click on “read from the radio”. Click on “write to radio.” A prompt comes up and asking for the old password and new password which needs to be ignored. There is no need to enter anything. Click “Start.” The program will transfer the frequency page to the radio. Here’s the important part- turn off the radio and turn it back on. The voice prompt will say “frequency mode.” You need to switch to “channel mode” by pressing and holding the “menu” button. That will take you to the main channels where other radio changes can be made. I asked Retevis to connect me with their engineers, because no combination of button presses allowed me to change those parameters from the front panel. Even with the fixed antenna, this thing works well, and looks like it is fairly rugged. If anyone solves the FPP mystery, please update here.
  9. I bought one of these for the Christmas Special price. It has a FCC ID sticker on it 2ASNSRA25. So far, that does not return as valid in the FCC database. I have not been able to access all of the menu options required to change the PL Tones, and a few other items. I have tried reading the Chinglish manual from every angle, but sill no luck. I contacted Retevis, and they sent me the programming software. Unfortunately, no programming cable came with the radio, and none were offered as options. I am waiting for their reply about ordering a compatible cable. The radio appears to have an adequate heat sink. The VFO allows XMIT from 400-481.615, and RX only on VHF frequencies. I will ask Retevis about the apparently bogus FCC ID that they are claiming for this radio. If they can get a legitimate 95E grant, and make the UI work AND work in a user-friendly manner, they will have what looks like a good competitor for Midland. I do not have a service monitor so I do not know how sloppy this radio is. If I can get it programmed, I will test the XMIT power.
  10. My KG-805G was great until it wasn't. The display screen went blank. The backlight still worked, but no characters appear. The audio annunciator works, and the radio TX/RX perfectly. I contacted BTWR, and they sent me a return authorization w/in 24 hrs. I am patiently waiting for the replacement.
  11. My RigExpert shows that this antenna is center-tuned (as close to 1:1 as possible) at 468mhz. 1.2:1 or less from 463-473. Build quality-the fiberglass radome feels thicker than that of my Laird FG03, and thinner than the Super StationMasters that I have. The one concern I have is the pigtail...not quality-wise; but I wonder what type of coaxial cable was used. Is it made with "dissimilar metals", and if so, will the RF grunge effect occur and cause problems in such a short run? So far, I think the antenna is a bargain. I may buy another to use for my base station. With the bottom of the antenna at 55' AGL, I can reach as far as 30 miles in some directions, even with terrain that should make this impossible. I would put the average range of the repeater at 15 miles. within 10 miles, stations using low power HTs can get into it. I am still going my informal footprint survey.
  12. I have and use the factory midland 1/4w magmount (that comes with the lower power MXTs), Laird NMO mount 1/4w, TRAM 1181 NMO, and a DPD Productions (looks like a Browning/Midland) 5/8 over 5/8 NMO. I live in NE Washington, where we have mountains and forests. Field-test results lead me to believe that the mono-band antennas perform better than the Tram 1181. I get better range with the taller (as in the 5/8 over 5/8w) antennas. This may not be a function of gain, but of height AGL. The 1/4w NMO certainly is less visible and less likely to strike over head obstacles than the taller antennas...and you can get them for $10 on the internet.
  13. I have had my radio for about 6 months. I believe that it is a better radio than the BTECH GMRS V-1, but a few days ago, the display screen quit displaying characters. The screen is illuminated, and the radio works...the female voice lets me know what channel I am on. I contacted BuyTwoWayRadios via email, and within 24 hours, I got the return authorization code. I am sending it off tomorrow for replacement. I hope this is just a fluke, as the radio was never dropped or exposed to water.
  14. I have one. I just mounted mine about 55' AGL for use with my repeater. Before that, I have only tested it at about 20', so the jury is out on it. I don't have an antenna analyzer to verify what frequency it is resonant at, but the SWR was low on GMRS. I should get my analyzer in the next 30 days, and I will update this post after i sweep the antenna.
  15. I live north of Spokane. This area is mixed woodland and farmland. The terrain varies from "flat" valley floor to rolling hills, and mountains. I have my base station antenna (a 5/8 wavelength ground plane from RW antennas?) mounted 30 feet AGL. I can reach as far as 30 miles in some directions. Unless you have extreme changes in elevation on the farm, you may not need a repeater. If you mount antennas on vehicles and tractors, and put an elevated antenna at the house, you should be good to go.
  16. FCC ID T4K-779UV, Part 95E, 20W GMRS mobile. Link to owner's manual https://fccid.io/T4K-779UV/User-Manual/User-Manual-4955987.pdf. The name of the radio makes it sound like it is VHF/UHF capable. Looking at the manual, it is limited to GMRS for Xmit, but can receive VHF, and UHF outside of GMRS frequencies. I have an Anytone AT-778UV for Amateur use that I am pleased with 9for the $$). I hope that this radio is similar in quality and price. I have not seen this being marketed yet, but the grant is only a week old.
  17. The Luiton LT-590 is also available from TYT as the TYT TH-9000d, a Part 90 UHF radio. The TH-9000d has a DTMF mic. Like many chicom radios, they are apparently made by the same factory,and branded under multiple names.My TH-9000d works well.
  18. I have clear LOS between my house and the near mountain top where I hope to install a tower. The near mountain is only a few miles away. I will do research on the microwave link. I was wondering if wifi with two yagis would work. This project is a year or more out, if it ever even comes to pass.
  19. I have a mountain that is 3.28 miles away, and 1444 feet above my home elevation (2145 ft) that is a possible location for a GMRS repeater. If I can work that out for local coverage (family & community EMCOMMS), I would also like to use the tower to mount a remote station in order to hit a GMRS repeater that is 138 miles from "my" mountain. The reason for wanting this capability is because the distant repeater covers my brother's house (165 miles from my house). My idea is to have a high-gain Yagi pointed at the distant repeater connected to a base station radio at the tower, and somehow RF link using two additional Yagis to my home station. I have hit the distant repeater from a state park near me on my mobile (160 miles, 4500' ASL)....the distant repeater is about 5500' ASL. I can think of several ways to do this that are most likely not within the letter of the Part 95 rules, but I am wondering if anyone can suggest a way to do so within part 95 limitations. Yes, I am lobbying my brother to get his Technician license, and if he does so,the GMRS link would be rendered unnecessary. Thank you for any advice.
  20. Hello from Spokanistan!
  21. Ken, I believe that GMRS could be a valuable and useful asset at the scout camp. 1500 acres is not a very large area for UHF HTs to reach across, even with thick vegetation. Since you said the camp is in Florida, that rules out mountainous terrain,which could pose a problem. Maybe a site survey could let you know what to expect from HTs. Have you ever used RadioMobile Online? It may help you predict coverage for the camp. Having a base station at the HQ with a 30' tall antenna would most likely allow HQ to have clear comms with everyone on site. 20 years ago, I was a scoutmaster and we had a jamboree at Camp Farragut, Idaho. We used bubble pack Motorolas and could communicate for at least two miles (one end of the camp to the other). I live near Spokane, and we have mountains and trees. I get 3-8 miles HT to my house (30' tall antenna), and 10-30 miles mobile to house.
  22. Many/most repeaters send out periodic ID broadcasts,either CW or voice. If you monitor the repeater frequency for 30 minutes or so,you will probably hear the ID. You can also key up,and give your callsign, and that should be a long enough transmission to trigger the repeater. You may get the ID as a reply, or just the "tail" (static-like noise) and some bars on your S-meter. You can also try to email the operator of the repeater to make sure that it is up and running, and maybe even set up a radio check.
  23. I am sorry if this has been covered previously, but I searched the forums (and the InterWebs) an could not find any information as to interference between GMRS (or even 70cm) and cell tower/WIFI signals. My reason for asking is this-a mountain that is a few miles from my house has been one of the sites that I was dreaming of putting a repeater on. I have done to rough coverage mapping using the radiomobile app, and this peak looks like it would give excellent coverage in my target area (and about 50 miles to the south and west). I am trying to find out what the likelihood of intermod is between the bands before I reach out to the tower owner (it is a line of sight wifi internet company). The tower has not gone up yet, they got the AOK from the county last summer. The "cell tower" will be a monopole style one,so I do not know if any other antennas could be attached to it. The site is what I am really interested in, more than the tower itself. Thanks in advance for any advice. WQXU640
  24. I missed this thread, but just found it after searching for 95E mobile radio grants, and seeing the TYT-GMRS25 or TYT TH-8600 V1.4 GMRS. I saw a post on "Amateur Radio News" by Xiao low-cost dated 1 Dec 2018 about the radio. That post lists the bandwidth at 25Khz, wideband 16K0F3E. I do not believe that could be correct for all the frequencies that it can xmit on because the interstitial channels with 5w limit are narrow 12.5Khz, and the 50w limit GMRS channels are 20Khz (medium??) under the recent changes. I sure like the idea of a currently-produced competitor for the Midland MXTs, especially if it is IP67 rated! I wish TYT would take similar action with one of their IP67 HTs (like one of their "rugged" DMR HTs, with the digital portion "disabled" for Part 95E.
  25. What is the purpose/intent of the FCC Part 95 rules? It appears that the FCC aims to create a uniform standard for transmitter emissions. Following the "spirit" of the rules regarding frequencies, power output, bandwith, deviations, etc. seems to be the important aspect that allows GMRS users to have a reasonably functional band. Why does it matter how you configure or construct your transmitter if it comports with the emission standards? To a reasonable person, the "letter" of the rule would seem less important than the "spirit". Obviously, the FCC missed the common sense boat during their last rule-making session. Since I am new to GMRS, does anyone know how often they consider making changes?
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