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Everything posted by Radioguy7268

  1. Sending them back to Motorola usually isn't a financially feasible option (Depot repair would cost more than replacing with nearly new old stock). I'm not sure how to get past that powering down problem if it shuts down as soon as you go into self-test. Vertex is about 10% of my world, so I'm not an expert in it. There's probably a service manual online if you search it. Vertex is fairly good about putting in some useful details and troubleshooting info into their manuals. Repeater-builder.com has a service manual online for a VHF version. Part numbers won't be useful, but there might be some basic information there that would still pertain to a UHF model. http://www.repeater-builder.com/yvs/pdfs/vertex-vx-2100-2200v-service-manual-2015.pdf My quick google skills didn't pull up a UHF model -- do you have access to MOL (Motorola Online)?
  2. #1 - Read a radio prior to programming it, if at all possible. #1A - ALWAYS save the original codeplug. After you've saved it (in my world - once to the hard drive, 2nd time to a backup/thumb drive), then you can modify as you please, or write another codeplug (copy/clone) to it. You will always have something you can go back to or refer to. Vertex software is often a little funky. It will sometimes allow you to do things that shouldn't be done - ie: writing a codeplug for a "high side split" 450-512 Mhz radio into a unit that was originally built for the lower side 403-470 split. You can also run into some issues with a radio codeplug that was read from newer firmware not playing nice with a radio that still has older firmware in it - or vice versa. Are both radios the EXACT same model version? What does the sticker say? ie: VX-2200-G725? VX-2200 AG7H-50? There was an LTR trunking version of the VX-2200 if I recall, plus I think there was a hack or update that would allow some models of the VX-2200 to be flashed up to the LTR version. I'd also wonder if the radio that did 6.5 watts out of the box was a lower power version radio - because I don't think the high power units would go down that low. If the PA finals were blown out - you would probably get less than 1 watt from a high power radio. What did the software say the Frequency split and Firmware was on that radio? Can you still read the radio that's now powering down after a self-test?
  3. If your GM300 is your receive radio for the repeater - it should be set up to Receive on the high side frequency - 467.650 Your Receive radio should also be set up with a PL or DPL - and that should match the PL/DPL that your portable radio uses. If your M120 is your transmit radio for the repeater - then it should be set up to Transmit on the low side frequency - 462.650 If it used to work at 20 miles, but stopped doing that before you messed around with the programming, then it is likely that your transmit radio has failed and is not putting out full power. Next time, try to post a new topic, instead of tagging onto a 4 year old post. Good luck with it.
  4. In addition to checking the power supply you're using (make sure it's putting out 13+ volts even under a load) - what's the story behind the radio? Is it new to you? Used to work fine before? Did you update firmware or programming? Ebay refugee?
  5. Since the GMRS License covers everyone in his family - I'd hope that he has a family member who can act as the License Holder of record - and that there's at least 1 of his immediate family members without a Felony. It's that easy.
  6. You'll get yourself all twisted up trying to find "Legal" Part 95a radios with Type Certification. Especially if you want a certain standard of actual (not just advertised) performance. Take a deep breath, and go searching the FCC violations for ANY instance where a user was fined specifically for using Part 90 radios in GMRS. You'll search high & low without finding a single instance. Your options for good (and relatively inexpensive) radios increases dramatically once you take the step over to Part 90 equipment (which meets or exceeds all Part 95 technical spec's.) I am not a lawyer, your mileage may vary. Caveat emptor, etc.
  7. That doesn't make sense. The file itself is the application you're going to install. Perhaps you did not uncompress/extract the downloaded file? There should be a readme txt which will walk you through the setup.
  8. Once you downloaded it - it will ask you for a Serial Number for the software. What number did you enter? Or, are you saying that you cannot even get the Kenwood program to install?
  9. Type N connectors are preferred. I forget where the exact drop-off point is for the SO-239/PL-259 "UHF" connector - but the term is borrowed from WWII era when anything over 50 MHz was considered an "Ultra High" frequency. Even using the PL259 in VHF is a stretch. People assume that since they're usually called "UHF Connectors" - you should be good to go using them for UHF frequencies. Use Type N when you can. That said, if you've already got them, and they're installed, they're probably not killing you. Don't use an adapter just to get to a Type N fitting. You won't gain anything. Your biggest issue is the type of radios that you're using. Get away from those "radio on a chip" CCRs - and pick up something with an engineered front end that is designed to pick a weak signal out of the weeds at a specific frequency. I'll always tell someone to look for used Kenwood, Motorola, or even Vertex over any of the cheap Baofeng or BTech variants.
  10. A UHF Phantom antenna is NOT 3-5 dB gain. At best, it's a zero gain. You'll see them advertised as a 2.5 gain dBi (Gain over an isotropic) - which is Zero dB gain. Some people decide that 2.5 dBi rounds up to 3 dBi for advertising purposes, and since most people don't know or care to figure out what the difference is - it means that dBi ratings sell more antennas. If you want a true Gain antenna in UHF, you're going to need something taller than 1/4 wavelength. That said, the Phantom antennas are decent enough for what they are, but don't expect any miracles.
  11. IMHO - you don't have an antenna problem. You've got a radio problem. 3.5 miles with 40 watts in relatively flat terrain in mid Ohio is not a line of sight problem. Those Midlands are quite honestly garbage. You are going to spend a lot of time (and money) trying to make those units perform like actual radios should. Go buy some used Kenwood/Motorola/Vertex radios programmed to GMRS (which will end up costing half as much and work three times better).
  12. The only company that I know of which still offers a "standalone" GPS for analog emissions is IDA company - www.idaco.com The stuff works, but it's not a 'cheap' solution. I'd also tell you that if you're heading in that direction - why limit yourself to MURS? Get a real part 90 license & go for something with some legs. No sense spending for a self contained GPS solution that's only good for a mile or two, and have to deal with trying to integrate it with MURS limited equipment (your EVX radios are still not MURS legal if you're running something with a detachable external antenna - which you'd pretty much need in order to throttle it down to 2 watts.) There used to be a few companies that made a WiFi based GPS solution, where the vehicle would have a GPS antenna & receiver that would collect tracking information throughout the day, and whenever the vehicle returned within the range of the Home Base/Transport Garage - the WiFi would connect & download that day's info. Not exactly real time, but it did the trick for History Logging. It would also work within a few hundred foot radius if you got the WiFi access point up high enough. Not sure if you could make something like that into a real-time tracking setup, or if there's anyone still making that. I haven't seen anyone trying to re-sell any old turn-key systems via Ebay or anything. There's a few units offered for sale that plug directly into a vehicle's OBD-II port & work through Cellular data at a fairly low monthly cost.
  13. I'll toss in the dissenting opinion. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a DB404 dipole. Proven design with good spec's. It's probably overkill for a home "base antenna". Especially if it's being mounted at the top of a 40 foot unsupported and un-specified "pole". I'd be concerned about ANY 40 ft. pole for a home antenna. I'm also thinking that a base antenna in GMRS is mostly going to be used to control a distant repeater. If so, the repeater's location and antenna situation is more important than the base radio's antenna. Use any decent 5 or 6 dB gain omni fiberglass antenna, and quality coax, and you'll hit 90% of the repeaters that you'd ever get with a DB404. You'll also save yourself a few trips outside during the ice and snow to see if your 40 foot pole is still standing vertical. You will probably save a few hundred dollars also.
  14. Avoid ANY Chinese mobile that you find advertised for GMRS. You can't even call them Cheap Chinese Radios - as most of them approach or exceed the cost of real Commercial/Industrial radios. Action Communications in Arizona has the VX-2200 UHF for under $300 on eBay and their website, and if you call them, they might be able to tell you what they would do for programming. Buying new in this case is good, as you'll get all the power cables, brackets, and accessories that you'll need, but I would not be the least concerned about buying used Commercial equipment from a reputable seller. Mobile units often last 20+ years in daily use conditions, and the few parts that wear out (microphones and cords mainly) are easily replaced.
  15. VX-2200's are nice little radios. Only "weak spot" I've ever noticed was the palm mic (cords would fray). Audio was good at 25 kHz. If you get a "Motorola VX-2200" it's going to be locked to 12.5 Narrowband, and you'll need to go through some steps to "unlock" the Wideband feature. You'll also find that the Motorola version of the Software is a little harder to come by. Vertex Standard previously made/sold the VX-2200, but Vertex got bought up by Motorola, and now in their infinite wisdom, Motorola has cancelled the VX-2200. Some online sellers still have quanties of new units that they're selling. If you can find a seller who is willing to program them at 25 Khz "Wideband" right from the start, I wouldn't hesitate to grab one. If you never programmed a radio before, trying to unlock a new unit for Wideband might be a little daunting, but it's not impossible. Good luck with it.
  16. Better take a look at the FCC Certification. Less than 3/4 of a watt certification for GMRS. That's usually a sign that it was throwing off spurs at higher power levels. There's a reason all those CCR's are showing oddball power & emission certifications for Type Acceptance. It's not because of translation errors IMHO.
  17. Not entirely true. Your transmit coverage will always look better when you model a higher elevation, even at lower power... BUT... at some point, the repeater is just part of a System, and any repeater system that does not receive as well as it transmits, is mostly a one-way paging transmitter. If you want the mobile/portable users to talk back in, then having a clear and clean receive frequency matters, and having a well tuned receiver matters. If I stick your receive antenna high in the sky, the good news is that you might hear transmitters 100 miles away. The bad news is, you're going to hear stuff 100 miles away that wasn't part of your system, and if those transmitters interfere with your ability to receive desired transmissions, then you're back to having a deaf System.
  18. for the OP - I believe that an M208 can be programmed using the generic Radius M100 CPS. I believe "RADMBL" is the keyword to search on & find the program at HamFiles. The GR300 was a nice & simple design, but we called them "hot boxes" due to the heat issues that killed high power applications. Keep it as a 10 watt & under repeater with clean, cool air flowing, and they worked well. I'd be concerned about trying to run it as a 40 watt repeater with anything more than a 5 or 10% duty cycle.
  19. MURS would be VHF and Since the Talkabout Distance should be an SP10/SP21 in disguise, they should work with a standard Motorola NAD-6502 helical antenna - provided the antennas are actually screwed in. Something tells me that the earliest Talkabout Distance models were, but later on, all MURS designated units no longer had a removable antenna. I believe that Spirit was a similar form factor - just a different name. If so, they should also work with the NAD-6502.
  20. I'll just point out that if anyone wants to do UHF DMR, the FCC already allows for that. It's called Part 90 Private Carrier (FB6 designation). Go get a 10-year license - get a Coordinated Frequency pair, and have at it. You no longer need to be concerned about getting Part 95 certified equipment, you don't need to worry about who qualifies as a "Family" member, and you can go ahead and "rent" airtime to anyone you want to, at any price you choose to. There's no requirement to charge a set amount or fee to anyone as a Private Carrier - you get to set your own rates (Zero if you wish), and you get to decide who uses your system. In 10 years' time, DMR will probably be the defacto standard for UHF/VHF conventional systems, but the FCC is slow to recognize trends when it comes to their standards of "interoperability". I think you'll spend a bunch of time herding cats & trying to get everyone to agree on the same type of Digital modulation scheme if you try to get the FCC to make a formal rule change for Part 95 GMRS.
  21. How many elements does your Yagi have? Do you know the dB rating? Most of the time a UHF Yagi would have 3 or 5 elements. More elements would usually equal more gain, but also give a tighter beam or higher directionality to the antenna. Do you know for sure the compass heading to the repeater(s) you are trying to reach? Your feedline is minimal (rated 6.5 dB of loss / 100 ft. at 450 MHz) but a 15 ft. section shouldn't be killing you, provided the connections are proper.
  22. I'd say you're on the right path, but if they are brand new units, you are 99.999% guaranteed that they're going to be locked to Narrowband. If they're just some used units that are Vertex branded with older firmware, the Wideband Recovery tool should be the ticket. Motorola will tell you that you need to buy the FIF-12 tool for updating. No ifs, ands, or buts. I have updated older units using their Wideband Recovery tool and a simple USB cable. I have not had that same success on newer EVX radios that were MSI branded. I've read the same info about a mystery version 1.03 that isn't available through the MOL site, but I haven't bothered to call Motorola to see about getting it directly. Good luck with it.
  23. The only potential GMRS trouble I've seen with the Motorola branded EVX-S24 and EVX-261 is getting them to work in Wideband. The Motorola units I've gotten in are strapped as Narrowband out of the Box, and I've yet to be successful in changing them over to Wideband. I've done that with ease on Vertex labeled units, but there's something that I haven't bothered to figure out when it comes to the MSI branded version. I've heard people say that you NEED to use the FIF-12 cable in order to use the Wideband enablement mode (as well as using the Export version of software) - but I haven't bothered to try that out, as my basic Vertex cable worked for updating (backdating?) previous Vertex units to Wideband enablement. They do seem to be great little units for the price. Be aware that the EVX-S24 is only listed at 2 watts for Analog UHF (3 watts DMR). *Edit - just noticed that you specifically said the VX-261. Same issues may apply, but the analog VX-261 is a screaming steal in the Used market. I've been snatching them up in good condition at less than $40 per unit with accessories.
  24. I'll point out that I've got a customer running M1225's in Concrete Mixers. They've been on the air with this system since 1998, so 21 years & counting. They've had a few failures along the way, but it's mostly been related to some driver dumping a fresh cup of coffee into the radio, rather than a failure of design. Yeah, after 20 years, they don't look all that pretty, but they sure do work. If you want something more "modern" - you can take a look at the CM300/PM400 which also has a pretty good reliability record. If you don't want to invest in the programming software & cables required, you can always just figure on an extra $25 to $35 in "sunk" costs to have them programmed. Many sellers will include basic programming for a few channels in the cost of the radio. Don't expect to get 250 channels programmed for free, but if you're in that mode, you would definitely be better off to roll your own programming. I'd still rather spend $100 to $150 on a used Motorola or Kenwood radio built to last, than a Midland radio brand new. That's just my opinion.
  25. Let me just throw in that even if you're using Part 90 equipment under GMRS, there's nobody making a case that DMR digital operation is legal within the GMRS band. I'm on the side of people who believe that the FCC is aware & acknowledges that people are using Part 90 equipment, and they've done nothing to discourage the use.
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