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Everything posted by CoffeeTime

  1. Investigate this for Mac?? He also builds/sells ID equipment for certain models.
  2. Hello Gregg, I would ask myself : What height do I have available to mount an elevated Repeater antenna? Would the height available to me (totally) clear all obstructions for each user of my system? Antenna elevation is the #1 issue for a GMRS Repeater antenna. I learned this fact after spending the $$$. If you can't get a Repeater antenna above the line of sight obstructions-- between it and the desired contact points, then the return on investment $$$ is not very satisfying. However, with the short distance/ and Flat Ground as you have described above, you do have much going for you. However, UHF signal absorption (from woodland tree foliage) will still be a consideration. The distant ground-level radios transmitting back to/into the Repeater (using 5-watt HT radios) will need those maybe 5 watts to penetrate this foliage to reach the Repeater antenna. If you have not yet performed range/ground testing, I would get a helper and do some tests at ground level. Start testing with fully charged 5-watt radios. Test signals between each desired home location back to the future repeater location area. Perform all testing at ground level both inside and outside of those locations/houses. I would also look for any close walking distance clearings (for each of those houses) and test there too. If a lack of contact arises for a specific location --then leave that house and close the distance to the Repeater location until contact is made. This will provide a lot of good info about the problems between the houses back to a repeater site under the conditions of that day. Afterward, or at the same time with another HT radio, I would also adapt an HT to a borrowed GMRS frequency base antenna to test any improved reception at Ground Level-- Big antenna -vs- little HT rubber duck antenna. You might not need a huge elevation. I use a Comet CA-712EFC and the reception is nice. However, a simple test with any brand GMRS base style antenna (connected by adapters to your HT) located at the future Repeater site will also give you good info before spending the big $$$ buying your own. Best Regards!
  3. Hello, I also do not see Channel Only mode in my Odmaster App-- or any advanced tab. I also need a Network connection to use the Odmaster App. Maybe the advanced tab comment was referring to the Tid Programming software?... This Channel Only mode appears in the Tid Programming Software. Select the Edit Tab > Optional Features to see it. A saved file is available offline for use with your programming cable. Best Regards! https://walkietalkiesoftware.com/portal/index/software.html
  4. Waving a hand.
  5. I had the same repeater connection issue. I discovered that the duck antenna diameter is rubbing/tight in the molded opening causing the antenna to feel seated when it is not fully seated. My antenna needed another almost full revolution to open Repeaters. I also turned Option 34 to OFF. The radio has worked well since. Best Regards!
  6. For using a Repeater with H3--turn off option 34 (frequency Hopping)
  7. RA87 Repeater Setup Issue Solved: Both Radios set to Channel 23 in this example. Hx: Once your channel frequencies and CTCSS tones match, the next part is setting up the two RA87s for Repeater Operations and connecting each radio with the Data Cable via the Data Port, and then activating the Relay Mode on both units. On the Receiving/Listening Radio only --the Reverse mode also must be activated. This Reverse mode can be activated from the radio face with the Fun button and then the Low Button. Issue: However, the Reverse mode "R" will disappear from the display (when programmed manually using the Fun and then the Low button) if power is interrupted --e.g. like during a storm where the power flickers or simply shutting off the unit(s) and then restarting them. This disappearing "R" ends repeater relay operations until you can avail yourself to reset the "listening/receive" radio manually. Yes, a rock-solid battery backup might help prevent this in perfect conditions. Found Solution: The Retevis Programming Software has the Relay choice field (like Chirp Next) and has a Reverse option tick-box located on the individual channel memory line. This allows programming of the Reverse Mode only on the channel you desire, while the other channels remain normal/unaffected. Since using the Retevis Programming Software the Reverse mode "R" remains/ is now present after numerous power outage simulations. I contacted Chirp and they explained that the Reverse function is also present in Chirp. However, you find it by using the upper Edit Tab and expanding the Chirp choice fields. Reverse works in Chirp. See 7/8/24 Update below regarding a Split. Update: 7/2/24 I have attached a screenshot of a corrected Codeplug that Retevis sent me this morning. I have enjoyed impressive/responsive service from Retevis on numerous questions and help requests! Retevis corrected my mistake on the Channel 23 line and they initiated the "Split Channel" option with the Frequencies in the proper arrangement. My Reverse option remains ON, and the Relay option remains ON in another area not visible on the screenshot. 07/08/2024 Update regarding Chirp: After receiving a suggestion from Jim Unroe@Chirp, I tested his suggestion: Jim suggested programming the RX/listening unit to 467.550 with a negative offset of 5.00000MHz. The Repeater worked. Note: Leave the Reverse option OFF and have the Relay Mode ON using the Settings tab> Relay tick box. I also tried my idea of a Frequency Split -- to mimic what Retevis software is doing in the screenshot. So using Chirp, Channel 23 remains programmed to 462.550. On the Ch.23 line>Duplex column> choose Split. In the additional box that will appear > I entered 467.550. Relay option is ON and the Reverse option is ON. The Repeater worked. Both methods worked and were fully active upon powering back up after a simulated power outage. The Retevis solution also worked and the Reverse remains ON. So I am choosing Jim's method to further test the Repeater. Jim's method allows the Reverse Option to be OFF. This choice then allows me to use Chirp for all future programming changes. I especially like that the Reverse option is OFF and no longer a concern -- as this was the must-be-on-always option that started this entire power loss and reboot related concern in the first place. Progress! Hope this helps others. Best Regards!
  8. Try setting Option 34 to OFF and try to reaccess the repeater.
  9. I used the bluetooth feature and ODMaster App to program H3. Worked great. FYI, If you have, or plan to have, different radio brands consider a look at the Mirkit Universal Programming cable set --as it works for multiple radio brands and is plug-and-play. I used it on Baofeng and Retevis = very nice and easy. https://www.amazon.com/MIRKIT-Baofeng-Programming-Compatible-Radios/dp/B09LD2HCZV/ref=sr_1_5?s=electronics&sr=1-5
  10. I just went out and checked truck radio. The laptop saved Chirp file from this morning shows CO radio was sent to the radio. Radio shows TO/Option 12. Verified CO in file and wrote file to radio. Radio reset and Radio again shows TO. Manually set to CO as desired. Seems there is an issue.
  11. A big Thank you for the great tips/info everyone. Okay, the radio is now programmed with channels 1-40 and 98 and 99. Errors that I realized today programming again with Chirp Next: The Simplex frequencies I had been inserting into channel slots past 30 (31,32,33,34,35) using Chirp were being ignored and not writing to the radio. I failed because I was copying and pasting "good" lines of other working channels into these (Ch.31-35) slots... but I failed to delete the + symbol in the duplex column. Once I corrected the + symbol mistake, I then copied and pasted the A and B bank's frequencies exactly alike. The radio accepted it. All the channels past 30 (except 2 lines on B bank) took. I then tracked those issues down and found that the + symbol was still absent -- but the bandwidth had changed (to a 5) during copying and pasting = easy fix. Resaved and written to the radio. All are now appearing past channel 30. Thanks again!! After sleep, and thinking more clearly.... Update: I now know that the + symbol issue was not completely the total fix to my programming problems. While it is still relevant to have the duplex + off for Simplex channels, I recall now that I had been trying duplicate lines of working repeater channels (installed/working above Ch.30) and that they would not write to the radio for Channels 31-35 either. Hx: I had been having reset issues with the radio and had contacted Retevis for help as my manual reset operations from the radio face were never fully resetting the radio. I now think that the Reset Help (a code plug/dat file) that Retevis sent to me (and I used it several times) also played a part in the success I am now having. I know it helped my Left Bank regain the lost features I was seeing there. It was locking up/ no mode options. I won't post the file attachment here, but I have saved it, and I can forward it to any RA87 user using their personal email if desired, or you can request it directly from kam@retevis.com You run the dat.file inside the RA87 software. You open the file (just like you would open a saved channels list file) and then write it to the radio. The radio then resets and power cycles. I ran it three times to be sure and no brick. Another site that helped me with reset concerns is: https://twowayradiocommunity.com/how-to-do-retevis-radio-factory-resetting/ FYI, attachment of an earlier test example on the Retevis software with random tones for the Writing to radio test-- and not to TX with.
  12. Thanks SvenMarbles on the 37 report! I'll play around with it some again today. Thanks!
  13. I pulled up the Retevis program and I already deleted the lines past 30 in the Retevis software before saving it this evening-- since they didn't upload. I can't put them back for a picture unless connected to the radio. I'll add the frequencies to 31,32,33 in the morning and upload a picture.
  14. I used both Chirp and Retevis. There are lines in both programs for 99 channels. I have tried Simplex and duplex frequencies past line 30 in both-- but they do not write to the radio past line 30. Do you have working memory channels past channel 30 in your radio on either bank? The Chirp pictures I just uploaded are horrible. I'll retry in the morning.
  15. After reading the very detailed post from WRQW589 I was quite eager to get back into the truck and try to get the power options working like on his RA87. I was wrong! I was able to find the power settings in the software today. I reprogrammed new power levels into several channels. All uploaded fine and the display showed the new levels. I then decided to test what would happen if I tried (like on-the-go) to change the power levels manually from the radio face. Using Channel 22 as a subject (which was at power level L2), I did a manual power change (the FUN>MHZ>6 option process) and rotated the knob to change power levels. The display went from L2 to L3 with a higher-pitched tone. I saved and exited. I then tried to change the power level back to (software set) L2. The radio reverted to Low with a normal tone. Channel 22 power options are now back to only low or high power. That is okay by me. I just wanted to test what would happen. The other issue, that I am working on, is that My radio has 2 banks of 30 channels. I know what the manual states -- but that claim is not reflected in my radio so far. When using the software, to program this radio, the channels written to the software beyond channel 30 are ignored/ and don't install/write to the radio. My RA87 channel selector knob goes from channel 30 back to channel 1 in either bank. I admit that I don't need 200 memory channels (like the manual states) but I am wondering if I am missing some hidden option to activate those other 140 Memory and Call channels and Memory Channel management like the book states. Making slow progress. Thanks all!
  16. I ordered a RA87 GMRS directly from Retevis. I have been learning it for a week. Exploring enough to learn that a Full Reset doesn't fully reset. My GMRS version only has 2 power settings available --Low and High-- accessed from the front buttons, the latest version of Chirp Next, or the Retevis software. Just Two. I too have seen the older videos and write-ups about multiple power settings on the RA87. However, I am guessing that the GMRS Model's firmware might have changed a lot during the FCC GMRS Certification process. FYI, the Retevis website (as of yesterday) only shows a GMRS version in model RA87. A multilevel power version is nowhere to be found. The two dislikes I have so far on the RA87 GMRS : 1) The included paper manual desperately needs to be re-written. It requires much guesswork and head-scratching about what the author is trying to convey! In the additional WTH category: the included manual has references to mode option page numbers that do not exist in this included manual. 2) I would have much preferred that the (revised??) RA87 GMRS software just excluded the 0.5 watt FRS Frequencies TOTALLY from a Mobile Radio. Would the US FCC mandate that all GMRS radios must have 0.5 Watt FRS Channels included-- even a mobile???????????????????? I understand "shared frequencies" but 0.5 watt FRS freqs. on a Mobile radio? So, what is currently set up is that the installed firmware restricts/locks these 7 Channel Slots as no TX. I can't delete the 0.5 watt FRS Frequencies --and then program in Regular GRMS TX and RX Repeater Frequencies with TX and RX capabilities. So, I skip over them all in scan mode. I am hopeful that future firmware updates might fix these issues (and the power options) depending on consumer feedback to Retevis. I can't see why the RA87s (that are included in the repeater bundle) couldn't use the same updated firmware= no 0.5 FRS, all the past power level options, etc. I would like those power options back -- even if running through a duplexer/ and for heating and duty cycle considerations, etc.
  17. I solved my UV-9G not being able to use a repeater. It was the antenna not making contact properly. Please make sure your antenna is fully engaged. Today, using a smaller diameter UV5R antenna (during more troubleshooting) gave illumination. Both supplied antennas seem larger in diameter and needed more (snug) turns than expected. They are now fully seated and radio working TX/RX. Hoping you get lucky too!
  18. Issue solved and original post updated above.
  19. ISSUE SOLVED. OPERATOR ERROR. Solution is at the bottom. Past issue: Unboxed a pair of Baofeng UV9G GMRS HTs last night and have discovered that I have a repeater connection problem on Both of these UV-9Gs. I have contacted Baofeng for help. I hope they respond with an answer/ solution since I can't solve this. Findings: Simplex normal. No issues. Repeater channels= failure after programming in tone. I press the PTT -- both radios show channel change to the repeater offset channel, and the CTCSS indicator is present. Proper CTCSS code is installed. No RX CTCSS is needed or installed. However, there is zero connection/and the repeater does not open properly. The Repeater is active and opening as usual with my other HT radios here. After programming the UV9G several times in channel mode, VFO mode, and when using Chirp software = there is no improvement or clues found in Chirp or manually checking options on the radio. Every setting has been checked and compared to the manual, and also compared to my other working Baofengs. No clue. I also tried another antenna. I am starting to think there is a bug in the Baofeng (FCC compliant) GMRS radios connecting on repeater channels?? Another user on the forum is having like repeater connection problem with a BAofeng UV5G GMRS (FCC compliant) radio. I hope Baofeng answers with positive advice/tips..... SOLUTION: I decided to try a UV5R antenna on the UV9Gs... and now it works as expected on Repeaters! Findings: The smaller diameter UV5R SMA antenna threaded on fully --and made a solid connection. Radio then tested out great on hitting local Repeaters. Now back to our original antenna as shipped with. Further examination of the UV-9G/ Radioddity supplied antenna shows that installing this antenna finger-tight is simply not enough! Itappears to be a larger diameter (at the base) and fits much tighter than I expected. The base provides AMPLE drag while spinning on/i.e. rubbing the case opening much. It also warranted another revolution to be fully seated from where I wanted to stop yesterday. This was not expected-- but now I know. Thanks all!
  20. I downloaded and read the UV5G manual and searched forums/online and videos. So far I cannot find a tip/ solution to help you. FYI, After reading your post, I unboxed a pair of UV-9Gs that I purchased recently but delayed unboxing / testing as I have been busy. I just now discovered that I have the same repeater connection problem on Both of these UV-9Gs like you are having with the UV5G. Findings: I press the PTT -- both radios show channel change to the repeater offset channel, and the CTCSS indicator is present. Proper CTCSS code is installed. No RX CTCSS is needed or installed. However, there is zero connection/and the repeater does not open properly. Repeater is opening as usual with other HT radios here. After programming the radio several times in channel mode, VFO mode, and using Chirp software = there is no improvement or clues. Two Full Resets and repeated programming attempts = no improvement. Every setting has been checked/compared to the manual and compared to my other working Baofengs. No clue. I also tried another antenna. I am starting to think there is a bug in the Baofeng (FCC compliant) GMRS radios connecting on repeater channels?? I have contacted Baofeng for help. I hope they respond with an answer/ solution.
  21. Just in case. The NotaRubicon method to manually set up repeater channels in Baofeng UV5R works where other suggested methods failed me. I hope this is helpful to you.
  22. Hi, I suggest manually programming a reliable past repeater frequency and tone into the uv5r --to see if it connects properly with that repeater with positive results. If it doesn't, I would factory reset the UV5R and manually repeat the prior steps. Afterward, If it connects fully, like before this issue started, that will indicate that it is a computer/programming software-related issue.
  23. Reasons: e.g., temporarily silencing a noisy channel(s) during scanning --on the go--without a need for additional software or App, What I know so far: My Wouxun KG-905G: Yes, from the keypad. Individual channels can be added or removed from scanning on the go. It also allows scanning all channels or choosing a specific channel group to be scanned. My Baofeng UV5R-8W : No, not from the keypad. *Using Chirp, I can program any channel to be skipped over/remain silent during the scan but I cannot "skip" or block a channel from being scanned Directly from the Keypad. I often find myself just deleting channels to be able to use the scan mode due to suddenly noisy channel(s). My Tidradio H3: Yes, from the keypad. Individual channels can be added or removed from being scanned on the go. * Workarounds: In the field, if I need to scan the same channel frequency that has already been skipped over from using the Chirp programming, a workaround is to install that same frequency again (directly using the keypad) into an open channel slot. This 2nd entry allows it to be scanned along with the other channels that have not been set to skip-over in Chirp.
  24. I installed a RA87 in the 4x4 this week -- but I am waiting for a Midland antenna to arrive. Purchased directly from Retevis. Unboxing: the RA87 unit, mic, power lead, and misc. supplies all look okay so far. **Note: My Retevis GMRS Mobile Package "deal, deal" arrived with a 2-piece metal whip, with an NMO style base. It is a Dual-band antenna and is below the GMRS range-MA07 model 144.430MHz. I must have missed that fact when ordering this package. Their site shows a fiberglass GMRS antenna (MR300) with restricted mounting locations. I will save/use the dual-band MA-07 elsewhere and pass on the MR300. I am ordering a Midland MXTA26 GMRS antenna equipped with a spring base for better forgiveness during off-road forest tree limb whacking.
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