A whole lot of GMRS radios are *extremely* lazily programmed, and heavy-handed in how they allow you to customize them.
Other than a couple Wouxun KG-905Gs (which allowed me to program them however I wanted, but enforce the rules on what frequencies can get what power / bandwidth), all my other stuff is unlocked, and I manually program them to the rules so that all my stuff matches and is, technically, more or less, compliant. Even my mobile (DB20-G)...
It shouldn't care what frequency you put in a particular memory slot (IE: If you want to program a repeater on memory slot 8, then you should be able to). But plenty of radios really don't like those first 22 (or 30) slots being messed with.
The RT95 (Anytone 778) and DB20G (Anytone 779) can, but a quick google unfortunately doesn't come up with much for unlocking or jailbreaking the RA87. And those are 'only' 25 and 20 watt radios, respectively.