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Everything posted by Davichko5650

  1. Just gotta watch his Salton Sea video and some of his old In4Lo stuff to see what he's like in "real life".
  2. Anyone who watches him on YouTube should get that he has nothing against the amateur radio service - He hangs with Josh from HRCC after all, it's the knowitalli'vebeenahamfor30yearsandyou'reanidiotanditwon'twork crowd he likes to send up with the Sad Ham moniker. And they need it! And I have been a ham for 30+ years, believe me I do NOT know it all, hihi.... And I also get that thing from my wife and son when we watch movies! The hand comes up to block the
  3. There's more gravy than the grave about him? Naw, Randy's ok (not that he needs me to defend him). He doesn't suffer fools much, he's not afraid to look foolish. He understands moreso than most, I think, that GMRS is not a hobby in the vein that amateur radio is but a communications service designed for local, point to point contacts. His rails against the sad hams of the world is more a fight against pedantic and priggish responses to his YouTube videos; and he has a point there as the SH behavior is rampant on many FB pages and other social media platforms and is doing more to harm that hobby/service than most any other thing. And he does know his GMRS radios! Tests them, calls them as he sees them...
  4. Sad because the network died, or sad because they didn't think of it first?
  5. I actually have a cupholder mount already cooking in the Exploder - has my FT-891 on it (the shole radio, not just the head unit. So going to pop the two front top screws off the 891 and affix the bracket for the db20 there. Just need the time to do it! Will keep looking at Odmaster to see if they update beyond a Beta for the GM-30. Will also be looking at comparing the db-20 to my Kenwood 281a
  6. I'll have to ask John Kruk about that one, hihi...
  7. They still have ARRL (say it without saying double R, more like a pirate) guys at hamfests actually checking QSL Cards - might be more work for them if this keeps up. And after getting WAS and DXCC I kinda soured on paying $$$ for wall hangings. Don't need any endorsements, thanks!
  8. Works for me. I don't use them often, but I don't care if others do. Heard a brand new Tech ham, sounded pretty young, on a local repeater making a call. When he unkeyed, his radio sent the RB. The old guy who replied to him, before even saying anything like "welcome to the hobby, congrats on making your first contact" went straight into "TURN OFF THE ROGER BEEP ON YER BOOFWANG!!!" A: a DH move by a sadham (don't deserve upper case or periods!) and 2: How would he know what radio the kid had? Way to welcome folks aboard....
  9. Interesting to read the thread here. I just got the GM-30 as part of a DB-20G bundle from Radioddity via Amazon. With their coupon, got the DB-20G and the GM-30 for $118 delivered in less than 24 hours. Haven't had a chance to do a lot with it yet, programming cable also coming today, but I was able to program a couple repeaters into it on the radio, basic stuff. It's going to be an additional radio to have on hand when off-roading or around the spread getting ahold of the wife, so not sure the amount of use it'll get. but for $15.70 I figured I might as well grab onto it.
  10. Has a lot to do how we westerners handle chinese pronunciation. Much like how you get "Ocean" from Wouxun.
  11. I got it from https://pofungradios.com. Thanks for the prompt reply - only fitting for me, your favorite viewer!
  12. Understood, but was waiting for Xenu's favorite to give us the "official" version....
  13. Now that they're no longer Baofeng, just how does one pronounce this?
  14. It did dawn on me while reading your reply! It's hell gettin' old.....
  15. Just got the Radioddity db20 version of this radio, so far liking it. A/B tested it against the ancient MXT275 I have and seems, subjectively, to have a much better receiver the the MIdland. Possibly the transmitter as well, able to hit a couple of repeaters farther out that I could never hear before due to the MXT275 no doing split tones (I did say ancient - pre usb-c model). It was very easy, albeit time consuming, to program right on the radio itself, but will be looking into doing it with the CPS software from Radioddity. Came in a bundle with the GM-30 HT, which also wasn't too bad programming on the radio. Tried Odmaster as it shows a Beta version for the GM-30, but no go. Seemed to have misplaced my Baofeng cable, so ordered a new one. Will see how it goes long term and still looking at mounting options besides jamming in in the space between the center console and the passenger seat.
  16. Don't know that abbreviation or acronym, please elucidate!
  17. ASA/INSCOM vet? - Former 98G2L/05H2L here (98G is now in the 35N and 35W MOS') We now return you to your regularly scheduled Topic... Yes, Let us know ORX what you find out!
  18. The NTIA ( National Telecommunications and Information Administration) administers most Fed Govt radio allocations, but not all. Way back when I was keeping the world safe for democracy we routinely used the upper parts of the 6m Ham band in the Army, of course we yelled at the SH's that tried to tell us the freq. was in use, as well as portions of the VHF TV audio freqs. within one mile of our location as we practiced using ECM (jamming) platforms. So if it's coming from a source the NTIA has control over, or other military (DoD, etc) user, not much you can do about it. They tend to not play so nice!
  19. In the guitar world, we know it as GAS, "Gear Aquisition Syndrome"... Or the Pawn Shop in Eau Claire called the Menominee - their billboard tag line - Me No Money? come on down!
  20. I don't have any selective fire models however. Now just need some LSA and a hotdog for the old barracks trick on sleeping dude.
  21. I like to push it to the truck's limit, but I also know it's my Daily Driver so cannot be stupid either. Easy to Moderate trails here in MN with excursions down logging an State/National Forest and "Minimum Maintenance" roads - some very minimum and marked "4 wheel driver recommended, road may be impassible. Keep Channels 7 and 16 monitored, as well as 146.520 and a couple repeaters near s few of the trails on the hamside
  22. I do - solo or with friends (quasi club) 2001 Ford Explorer - 31" tires, no lift, skid plates and winch Channels 7 and 16 on GMRS Iron Range OHV Park, Gilbert, MN - Easy to "Dumb and Dumber" trails, open year round Previously had a 78 Bronco 400 ci - tore it up out in E MT Antelope hunting!!! (figuratively - no way to break a 78 Bronco) Prior to that, blasted around Ft. Campbell in an M561 Gama Goat, with a DF or Intercept/ECM (Jamming) Pod on back!
  23. Always fun to yell out the old "Mr. Microphone" tagline - "Hey good lookin', we'll be back to pick up up later!" or the Elwood Blues line "You, on the motorcycle"
  24. Never built an AR-15, but could take apart and reassemble my M16A1 with bare hands. Seems to work with my AR's here in the Civilian world as well.
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